Fannin Co. TX Pettigrew Cemetery N. of Windom ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Susan Hawkins, Fannin Co. TxGenWeb Coordinator ***************************************************************** Pettigrew Cemetery is located seven miles north of Window, Texas on the land Survey given to Elizabeth Pettigrew by the Republic of Texas Abstract 876 Book B Page 139 Pettigrew, Jason H. 03 Nov.1818-16 Jul. 1887 Pettigrew, Prudence E. (Smith) 10 Oct.1824-19 May. 1889 wife of Jason Pettigrew, Mary Lou 25.Feb.1863-18 Jul.1887 dau. Of J.H. & P.E. Pettigrew, Henry M. 10 Sep.1810-15 Aug.1841 *see note below Pettigrew, James 1851-1863 Pettigrew, Elisabeth (McComb) Dec.1777-26 Jan.1854 Pettigrew, Infant b & d 01 Nov.1855 son of J.H. & P.E.** Pettigrew, J.Tucker 17 Mar.1852-10 Mar.1859 child of J.H. & P.E. Darossett, James A. Sep.1861-25 Jan.1940 Darossett, Sallie P.(*Polk) 31 Dec.1860 - 27 Nov.1958 Wife of James A. Darossett, E.M. 10 Dec.1883 -16 Feb.1884 son of J.A. & S.P Darossett, Prudence 1884 -1885 dau of J.A. & S.P. Moad, KITY B & D 16 Aug. 1878 dau of J.S.& E.A. Moad, Mrs. E.A. 16 Feb. 1851 -16 Aug. 1878 WIFE OF J.S. (*this was Elizabeth Ann Pettigrew Moad) * H.M. Pettiegrew Died from a Rattlesnake bite while he cleared land on the homestead on the Pettiegrew Branch. Notes with * are by Susan Hawkins ** Note the Pettigrew Infant b & d 01 Nov. 1855 is doubtful since they had another girl 3 months earlier see Jane Bales in the Smyrna 17 Apr. 1855 they would have been brother and sister. (*this stone was recorded and probably one of the stones is wrong further research is needed before entering either into genealogical records.)