Fisher County Texas Archives Church Records.....Bethel Baptist Church: A Historical Overview ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorman Holub February 4, 2025, 11:22 am Bethel Baptist Church in Fisher County, Texas, holds the distinction of being the county’s inaugural church. Established in 1889, it was founded in the residence of Reverend Robert Martin, who welcomed thirteen charter members. Following the church’s establishment, a modest church was constructed. The charter members included Reverend Robert Martin and his wife, Reverend N.J. Ethridge and his wife, Reverend L.B. Allen and his wife, S.R. Bryan and his wife, C.C. Hawkins and his wife, Mrs. Eugenia Kiefer, Mrs. J.M. Hilbun, and Mrs. Warren Haynes. Rev. Martin’s lineage is as follows: his grandfather, Robert Martin, was born in Dublin, Ireland. He emigrated to South Carolina at a young age and served as a sergeant during the Revolutionary War. Rev. Martin’s father, James Martin, was born in Charleston, South Carolina, on November 15, 1788. He married Hester Bogan on December 31, 1811, in Union, South Carolina. The family relocated to Randolph County, Georgia, in 1831, where they established their residence. They raised their family of nine children, comprising two daughters and seven sons. Rev. Martin’s mother, Mrs. Hester Martin, played a pivotal role in the organization of the Bethel Baptist Church in Randolph County. She instilled in her children a strong religious faith, and all of them eventually became members of the church. Two of her sons served as Baptist deacons, while five others became Baptist preachers. In 1852, Rev. Martin and his family relocated to Bossier Parish, Louisiana, where they settled in a secluded location. He promptly initiated the establishment of a Baptist church and requested that it be named New Bethel in honor of the original Bethel church in Georgia. In 1886, William C. Martin relocated to Fisher County. When it was time to name the new church, he proposed the name Bethel in honor of the two Bethels he had been a member of for so long. After six years in Fisher County, he returned to Louisiana and rejoined the New Bethel Church. Upon his passing on December 25, 1899, in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, he was laid to rest in the cemetery of the New Bethel Baptist Church, where he had dedicated his life to preaching the gospel for 56 years. The Bethel Church in Georgia continues to operate, as does the Bethel in Fisher County. However, the Bethel in Louisiana remains standing but is not currently in use. William C. Martin and Asher Booth Martin of Fisher County, Texas, were descendants of the Revolutionary War hero, and were the fourth and fifth generations from the Martin family. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb