Freestone County, Texas Biographies Biography of Dr. Kenneth Wren Sneed (Apr. 22, 1870-Jun. 26, 1938, buried at Wortham Cemetery) Submitted by Billie Bournias source - THE SOUTHLAND Dr. K. W. Sneed is a native of Freestone county Texas having been born near Fairfield in the year 1870. His father was A. W. Sneed and was a planter, having been an extensive slave holded before the war. After the negroes were freed he made a great success in employing the freedmen in the various ways common in that day. Kenneth was born on the farm under these circumstances and was principally reared in the country, early, becoming a strong roboust boy. He plowed, hunted, fished, ran cattle and grew into strong manhood early. He had two older brothers, W. N. Sneed and J. A. Sneed who had chosen medicine as a profession and were very successful, so that [text faded] a[n]d strong inducements to that profession constantly thrown about him and there with the natural bent of his mind and adaptabilities caused him to decide on this profession even in childhood. Long before he even entered Medical College he practiced on the plantation and greatly inspired the confidence of the negroes in his skill. The doctor avers[?] that these experiences have been greatly beneficial to him in his study and practice of medicine in all the years of later life. He received all the benefits afforded by the schools of this section and began the active study of medicine as a profession at the age of 18, attending Tulane University, New Orleans, La. At the age of 21, he received the degree of M. D. from that old and honored institution and returned to his native county and entered the practice, among the people who had known him from his infancy. In 1895 he sought the hand of Miss Mary Stubbs and there were married on the 8th day of May of that year and they have lived happily in the prosperous little city of Wortham ever since then. One bright boy blesses their home. He came March 15, 1898, is strong and healthy and is the supreme joy of his parents. The doctor is well intrenched in a large and lucrative practice and enjoys in a most excellenet degree the confidence of the public. He has also purchased a goodly amount of farming land, much of which he has cultivated. Altogether he is universally regarded as a good and useful citizen in his town and community. He prides in keeping abreast of the times and took a post-graduate course in the New Orleans Polyclinic as late as 1896.