Freestone County, Texas Censuses 1846 PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT LIST AND POLL TAX LIMESTONE COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS (Limestone County is progenitor to Freestone County) [ 1846 Property Tax Assessment and Poll Tax for Limestone Co., State of Texas Background: The Republic of Texas existed from March 2, 1836 to February 19, 1846. Document Information: This document is the tax assessment and poll tax for Limestone County in 1846. This document is dated at end as February 16, 1847. It is signed at bottom by James W. Moore, J. A. B. Cain, M. Bateman, and F. W. Capps. Poll taxes are basically paying a dollar ($1) in order to later vote. This tax assessment has an estimated 200 heads-of-households. The original list is not alphabetical. For example, the first entry is P.C. Whitaker. Sources: 1) The Texas Archives holds the actual documents. 2) FamilySearch has photos of the actual documents, but lacks a searchable index for 1846 so you will have to browse. 3) Marion Day Mullins has a book "Republic Of Texas Poll Lists for 1846" which is his transcription. Marion fails to fully transcribe longer entries and makes known mistakes, but generally does a good job of transcribing. 4) The Ancestry website displays Marion's transcription, but Ancestry has a number of bugs with their search such as inability to search by county and incomplete showing surnames with lots of entries. Abbreviations: *LC50* = Limestone County, Texas Census guardian = guardian is the representative usually for the children that are minors. heirs of = the inheritors of the estate after someone dies Marion = Marion Day Mullins. See #3 above. brackets [] = my notes Exr. = executor Do. = ditto = which means repeat of above. Agt = agent = representative Document Title: ] "Assessment of Property within the County of Limestone given by Residents there of made by P. C. Whitaker assessor + collector for 1846" "By Whom" Alsabrook, William H. Anderson, Hugh Anglin, Abram [*LC50* 209/209; 2 parcels] Anglin, Elisha [*LC50* 175/175] Anglin, John [*LC50* 174/174] Anglin, John Jr. [*LC50* 179/179] Anglin, M. [Moses Anglin *LC50* 286/286] Anglin, Orpha guardian heirs of [*LC50* 175/175; Elisha's wife] Anglin, William [*LC50* 217/217] Baker, John [*LC50* 4/4] Baker, Walter E. [Walter Emerson Baker; *LC50* 5/5] Barclay, David Barnes, William A. [I believe this is William A. Burns; *LC50* 205/205] Barton, Albert Barton, David Sr. Barton, Robert "Samuel, John + David Barton" Barziza, Francis L. Bateman, Micajah [Marion mistranscribes as "Baleman"; *LC50* 132/132] Bates, Seth H. [Seth Hurin Bates; *LC50* 207/207] Bates, Silas H. [Silas Bates; *LC50* 207/207; he owns 3 parcels] Beasley, Charles Biggs, William J. [William Jackson Biggs; *LC50* 202/202] Blain, S. A. [Marion mistranscribes as "B. A. Blain". Samuel A. Blain; *LC50* 370/370; 3 parcels] Bloodworth, William J. Bolton, William Boyd, John [*LC50* 232/232] Bruton, Joab Burns, Daniel Campbell, H. E. Capps, Dimon Capps, F. W. Capps, Henry Carr, B. M. Cartwright, James M. Caruthers, John Castleman, M. D. Cavens, Thomas Chambers, James S. Claypool, J. S. Claypool, John H. Claypool, S. J. Clements, E. Cobb, Pickney Cook, C. T. C. Cook, J. H. W. Cook, James B. Cooke, Mrs. Mary Cooke, Wildes, K. Corbet, John Coursey, G. M. Covington, John Cox, Anne [shows 2 parcels of G. W. Heard and then shows "Do. Exr. Estate Ann Cox" on 3rd line] Cox, George W. [3 parcels] Culp, Josiah Curry, Mrs. Ellifair Curry, T. T. Daniel, William Davis, Brinkley Davis, E. B. Davis, Eli Davis, J. M. Dickens, Lewis Dickson, William W. Dowdy, H. B. Downs, Absalom Durrett, S. M. Eaton, Richard, Jr. Eaton, Richard, Sr. Edwards, Benjamin Epps, Robert C. Elkins, A. Epps, Robert C. Faulkenburg, J. T. Faulkenburg, Nancy Follett, Robert [not sure about the surname; could be Lallett] Fox, John Franklin, G. W. [Marion mistranscribes as G.F. Franklin] Franks, Elijah Furguson, Joseph Gentry, George George, J. W. Gholson, A. G. Griffin, Jackson Griffin, L. Guyton, J. B. Hardin, J. B. Hardin, Robert E. Harwell, Thomas Heard, G. W. [2 parcels; shows "Do. Exr. Estate Ann Cox" on 3rd line] Heard, J. A. Hill, Allen Howard, William R. Jackson, E. T. James, William H. Jones, William C. Kirkwood, Thomas L. Kolb, William G. Kuykendall, Matthew Lawson, Ruffin Lott, Arthur Lott, Celia guardian Lott, Jesse Lott, John Jr. Lott, John Sr. Lott, Miller Mackey, Elias Manes, Shadrick [Marion transcribes as Manis] "Do. gar. or Heirs S. Manes" [I believe this notation is Ditto Guardian for Heirs of S. Manes. Marion only transcribes as "S. Manis". ] Manning, Levi Martin, James Martin, S. W. Martin, William N. P. Mathews, E. W. Mathews, Robert Matthews, Jefferson McDonald, Green McKinsey, Richard McKinsey, Rowland McLean, James B. Menefee, Jarat Menefee, Thomas S. Menefee, William Miller, Lucretia + M. Miller, Robert Moore, James W. Moore, Joseph H. Moore, Richard Moore, Samuel Morgan, G. W. "William J. Morgan agt. do. Joseph Morgan do. Barba Morgan" [so 1 parcel + 1 parcel as Agent + 1 parcel as agent for Joseph + 1 parcel as agent for Barba] Nanny, Charles Nelson, James Nix, Isaac [Marion transcribes as "Isaac Hix". I believe the last name is Nix] Oaks, Charles Oliver, John E. Owens, Augustin [2 parcels] Owens, C. C. Owens, Mrs. Mary Phifer, Bradley Phifer, Forest Philpott, H. Philpott, J. P. Pierce, H. E. Pleasants, L. C. Plummer, L. T. M. Polk, Thomas A. Potter, Daniel Powers, Elijah Jr. Powers, Elijah Sr. Powers, Francis Powers, L. B. Powers, William C. Puckett, Jackson Reed, Elijah Ridgeway, Garat M. Roberts, W. W. Rowland, Riley H. Scarborough, D. B. "D. agt. Mary R. Scarborough" [Ditto agent Mary R. Scarborough. Marion incorrectly only transcribes as "M. R. Scarborough"] Seeley, David [he owns 7 parcels] Shannon, J. K. Simmons, James Simpson, G. W. Smith, Charles Smith, Elizabeth executrix estate Smith, Green L. Smith, John D. Sparks, Levi Springfield, James M. Steel, Alfonzo "B. LA. NB. + the estate of Ethan Stroud" [10 parcels] Stroud, Mandred + Memory [3 parcels] Townsend, Jeshua Townsend, William Vary, D. W. C. Vaughn, D. D. Walker, Gideon Walker, Landon Walker, Thomas Ward, John Ward, Stephen Watkins, William Welch, Charles Welch, William West, Mrs. Jane West, John West, Michael Whitaker, P. C. Williams, Josephus Wilson, William C. Winkler, David T. Winkler, Thomas L. Wolverton, T. L.