Freestone County, Texas Paupers or Render Service to Paupers of 1900s Paupers or Render Service to Paupers Overall, a pauper is a poor person and usually considered not able to work. In this case, the Commissioners' Court of Freestone County paid paupers an allowance. A Texas statutes say 1) "Each commissioners court may provide for the support of paupers, residents of their county, who are unable to support themselves.", and 2) "The commissioners court of each county shall provide for the disposition of the body of a deceased pauper." I assume the static amount was different based on the number of dependents they took care of. The amount is usually static but might differ because the pauper did not collect the prior period's and be double the amount. The payments are irregular because the paupers would have had to travel to the clerk of the Commissioners' Court in Fairfield and requested a payment. They did not send out payments through the mail or for delivery. There is some understandable inconsistency on spelling names such as "Sally" and "Sallie" or "T.Y." and "T. Z.". This listing runs through the 1900s (1900-1909). Unusual abbreviations used: mdse. = merchandise I have capitalized people's names. Also, all single letter first and last names are done with period, such as "T.Y.". Spacing and number of periods may not match original since I am focused on genealogy, not making a perfect replica. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, June 29, 1900 Page: 4 Will Freeman, burying pauper $7.50 ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, February 22, 1901 Page: 4 Jas Oliver, burying pauper 10.00 ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, March 1, 1901 Page: 4 T. A. Bounds was allowed tbe sum of $4.00 per month for tbe support of Caroline Carter, a pauper. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, November 22, 1901 Page: 4 Notice for Bids. Notice ia hereby given that the Commissionera’ Court of Freeetone county will meet in special session on Friday, November 29tb, for tbe purpose of considering bids for the management and control of tbe County Pauper Farm for tbe year beginning on January let, A. D. 1902, and ending on December 31st, 1902. Parties desiring to bid will file bids with County Clerk, before said date, giving the price per capita at which the bidder will maintain all paupers, per month, the bidder to have the use and occupancy of said Poor Farm during the continuance of said contract. The Court will require that bond be given for the faithful performance of the contract; and reserves the right to reject all bids. H. B. DAVISS, Co. Judge, Freestone Co. Tex. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, February 13, 1903 Page: 4 COMMISSIONERS' COURT ACCOUNTS J. N. Scott, $21.75, board for pauper, allowed. Lizzie Thomas, petition for aid for pauper; ordered that Gibson Graham be allowed aid as a pauper, and placed in the care of Lizzie Thomas, and she is allowed $5.00 per day for taking care of him. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, August 19, 1904 Page: 1 COMMISSIONERS' COURT ACCOUNTS ALLOWED ... J. B. Simmons, expenses burying pauper, [$]10.00. ... J. N. Scott, keeping paupers, [$]21.75. ... ORDERS That the sum of $2 per month issued to J. A. Barnett, for Sam Stevens, pauper, be hereafter issued to J. A. Allison for said Stevens. ... N. A. Willard allowed 3.00 per month for care of Henry Gunnells, pauper. ... ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, November 18, 1904 Page: 1 COMMISSIONERS' COURT Transacted R. L. Pierce, application for aid as pauper, granted, and placed in care of E. H. Williams; $7 per month to be paid Williams. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED J. N Scott, board of pauper and wood for court house.......... 24 00 ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, February 24, 1905 Page: 3 COMMISSIONERS' COURT Ordered that G. R. Baldree be admitted as a pauper, and allowed to remain with his family and to receive $5.00 per month. Ordered that Sam Stevens, pauper, be allowed $3.50 per month. Charley Scott admitted a pauper and placed in care of J. P. Ham. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, August 17, 1906 Page: 4 COMMISSIONERS' COURT PROCEEDINGS ... Pauper, Mollie Huckaby, placed in care pf P. D. Daniel. Pauper, Cinda Grayson placed in care of T. B. Fain. ... Mariah Castleman received as pauper and placed in care of R. N. Compton. Martha Scott received as pauper. ACCOUNTS ALLOWED J. N. Scott, care of pauper, $24.30. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, January 24, 1908 Page: 4 COMMISSIONERS' COURT J. M. Weaver et als, work on poor house, $47.83. Sam Randall, petition as pauper, rejected. J. M. Lott boarding paupers, $13. ================================================================ The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, February 21, 1908 Page: 1 COMMISSIONERS' COURT Proceedings Lucindy Mobley, received as a pauper. Martha Scott and grandson received as a paupers. Joe Graham continued as pauper. ================================================================