Freestone County, Texas Churches Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church Kirvin, Freestone County, Texas based on research by Linda Carter Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church began in 1853-1854 with the help of Elder Jeremiah Terry Seely (from Aberdeen, Mississippi who was a Primitive Baptist preacher who traveled throughout Texas establishing churches, especially for African Americans). Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church was one of the Jeremiah established three churches in Freestone County. The first ordained minister was Elder Boney Moffett. He came from Virginia and became the first and only Bishop of the church. Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church started in 1853, when African Americans near Kirvin were given permission to prepare a place of worship. Present building built in 1922. Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church became known as the "Mother Church" of the Zion Rest Primitive Baptist District Association organized in 1874. Minyard Harriss deeded the land for the church in 1891. The early church did not allow musical instruments. The famous Blind Lemon Jefferson frequently attended Shiloh Church and performed numerous times there. He even returned there in new cars given by the motor companies. The first Sunday was "White Sunday" where all the women wore their best white Sunday dress. There would be a large gathering on the grounds with singing, preaching, and foot washings. Another big day was Junteenth. There is a cornerstone in the church yard that tells other information about the church. Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church is currently still active and has a 156 year old history (as of 2009).