Freestone County, Texas Churches Ward Prairie Baptist Church Located about 3.5 mi. north of Fairfield on FM 488 (west side of road). The church's address is 341 FM 488 and currently served by the Fairfield post office. At the time of this writing, Bro. Louis Simpson is the pastor. Billy Chappell was a deacon there until his death in 2001. In 1878, Ward's Prairie Baptist Church was part of the Trinity River Association. Their messenger was D.J. Welch. J.D. William was the pastor with D.J. Welch as clerk. In 1883, Ward's Prairie Baptist Church sent J.M. Chappell and S.S. Orand to the Prairie Grove Baptist Association. Peter E. Kirvin was the pastor and B.F. Griffin was the clerk at the time. The church had 47 members. The next year, 1884, Ward's Prairie Baptist Church sent J.W. Horton and J.C. Griffin to the Prairie Grove Baptist Association. Peter E. Kirvin was the pastor and J.C. Griffin was the clerk at the time. The church grew to 86 members. 1886 was a rocky year for Ward's Prairie Baptist Church. 20 were dismissed by letter reducing the congregation down to 58 members. John D. Sellers and Benjamin Robert Speed represented the church at the Prairie Grove Baptist Association. E. J. Brown of Fairfield became the pastor and James F. Hubbard was his clerk. 1887 was a stable year with the only change being sending C.R. McCormack as the messenger. 1889 was a good year bringing the membership up to 80. E.J. Brown was still the pastor with J.S. Seal as clerk; I.W. Horton, James Lafayette Childs, and E.F. Griffin were the messengers. 1890 was a stable year with no changes of note. On Decemeber 18, 1894, James Aaron Willard sold half of an acre of land for $25.00 to the deacons and trustees of the Ward Prarie Baptist Church and School Commissioners. By 1895, membership had slowly grown to 90. One hundred years later (1995), Ward Prairie was raising money for a new fellowship hall. Historical Marker says: "Ward Prairie, named for an early pioneer family, was the site of Lake Chapel Methodist Church as early as the 1860s. The chapel, on land donated by another pioneer family, was used as a meeting place for other denominations, as well. Ward Prairie Baptist Church, officially organized in 1869 under the direction of the Rev. J. C. Averitt, met in the Methodist Chapel until 1893, when land two miles south was given to the church by the J. W. Orand family. The Lake Chapel Methodist congregation had been consolidated with another area church in the mid-1880s, and, according to local tradition, the chapel building was moved here and became the Ward Prairie Baptist Church. Membership in the church has varied over the years. Originally meeting only once a month, the congregation held services twice monthly beginning in 1952, and soon began to worship together each Sunday. Various events have combined to change the structure of the Ward Prairie community, but this church has continued to survive despite economic difficulties and area population shifts. A good example of a rural Texas church, Ward Prairie Baptist Church has been an integral part of the community's heritage for over a century. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986" ================================= Clippings from the Fairfield Recorder June 21, 1895 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We the members of Ward Prairie Baptist Church, on your confession of faith, and as honest and faithful citizens of this county, hereby subscribe our names to the following endorsement. "That our beloved brother, D.A. Gaddy is a true man, as well as a faithful servant of Jesus Christ our Lord, and furthermore, that certain reports which have been circulated concerning him we believe to be false, and moreover we agree to uphold him in all that is right, believing him to be as humble as sincere a minister as anyone who bears that responsible appellation. Signed: W[illiam] H[ood] Orand, J.Q. Robertson, I[ra] G. Cobb, E[praphroditus "Epps"] W. Odom, J[ohn] M[arion] Chappell, C[alvin] T[homas] Orand, T.J. Lott, W[illiam] T[homas] Minchew, H[enry] F. Minchew, W[illiam] T. Keaton, Daniel Grant, F[ranklin] B[artholomew] Odom, N[elson] A[lexander] Willard, J[oseph] F[ranklin] Willard, Ben Willard, AB.B. Young, J.S. Seale. =================================