Freestone County, Texas Court Summons [NOTE - "vrs" is "varas" (a unit of land measurement in early Spanish Texas)] The Fairfield Recorder (Fairfield, Tex.) - May 27, 1927 Page: 4 Citation. The State of Texas. To the Sheriff or any Constable of Freestone County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon John H. Wallace, if living and if dead his unknown heirs and legal representatives, and J. F. Dulaney if living; and if dead his unknown heirs and legal representatives, by making publication of this citation once in each week for four consecutive weeks previous to the return day hereof, in some newspaper published in your county, to appear at the next regular term of the District Court of Freestone county, to be holden, at the court house thereof, in Fairfield, Texas, on the first Monday in July, A. D. 1927, the same being the 4th day of July, A. D. l927, then and there to answer a petition filed in said court on the 9th day of May, A. D. 1927, in a suit numbered on the docket of said Court as No. 8583-B, wherein J. H. Shields, Campbell Shields, Warren Shields, Della Jordan and Husband, J. M. Jordan, Ida Brooks and husband. Arthur Brooks, Nina Keeling, and husband, W. V. Keeling, Izorah English and husband, Mike English, Willie Voting and husband, R. N. Young, Mary Fields and husband, Jim Fields are Plaintiffs, and J. H. Wallace if living and if dead his unknown heirs and legal representatives, and J. F. Dulaney if living and if dead, his unknown heirs and legal representatives, and the heirs of Richard Harding and his wife, Devilla Harding, both deceased, to-wit: W. W. Harding, J. H. Harding, N. R. Harding, R. S. Harding, J. T. Harding, Mrs. Lizzie Lake and husband, John Lake, Mrs. Mary Howeth and husband, Albert Howeth, are defendants. Said petition alleging: That on or about January 1st, 1927, Plaintiffs were lawfully seized and possessed of the following described two tracts of land, situated in Freestone county, Texas, to-wit: 40 acres of land, part of the J. H. Wallace survey, and beginning at the S. W. corner of Z. W. Bizzill tract from which a hickory 24 in. dia. brs. S. 59 degress W. 2 vrs.; thence N. 30 degrees W. 282 1-4 vrs. with Bizzills’ west line a rock for corner, from which a 15 in. dia. marked X brs. S. 23 W. 7 vrs.; thence N. 60 E. 800 vrs. a stake in field, rock for corner.; thence S. 30 degrees E. 282 1-4 vrs. a rock for corner.; thence S. 30 degrees E. 282 1-4 vrs. a rock for corner in south line of Bizzill land; thence S. 60 degrees W. 800 vrs. to the place of beginning, containing 40 acres of land. One acre of land, part of the J. H. Wallace survey, beginning at a point in W. B. Waldrom’s east line N. 59 E. 363 vrs. from the S. E. corner of said Waldrom’s tract; thence N. 31 W. 37 1-2 vrs. a stake thence N. 59 £. 150 vrs. to center of Oakwood road; thence with said road S. 31 E. 37 1-2 vrs. a stake therein; thence S. 59 W. 150 vrs. to the place of beginning, containing 1 acre of land. Plaintiffs plead that on the day and year aforesaid defendants dispossed [sic] them and unlawfully withhold from them said land; they ask for title and possession of said land, plead the five and ten years statutes of limitation, and that the mineral lease given to J. F. Dulaney on January 13, 1922, be cancelled [sic], and for legal and equitable relief, etc. Herein fail not, but have before said court at its aforesaid next regular term, this writ with your return thereon [sic] showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and seal of said court at office in Fairfield, Texas, this the 9th day of May, A. D. 1927. J. H. Harding, District Court, Freestone County, Texas. m 13