Freestone County, Texas History - 1850s THE LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER newspaper Louisville, Kentucky Monday Morning, April 18, 1853 "Texas Items J. W. Simmons, the clerk in the post office at Galveston, concerned in the mail robbery alleged to have been committed in that office, has been examined before the United States Commissioner, and admitted to bail in the sum of $2500. The explosion of the "Farmer" is to undergo a further investigation in the courts of justice. The citizens of Victoria have voted to subscribe $20,000 to the stock of the San Antonio and Mexican Guld Railroad. The proposals to contractors to build this road, were to be opened on the 1st inst. We clip from the San Antonio "Advocate" of the 2d inst., the following paragraphs: "We are informed that late discoveries have gone far to prove that the old story of a gold mine near Austin is not the humbug as it was believed to be. Four hundred United States troops passed through our town on Monday last, on their way to the frontier posts. We were informed that only four Americans were in the ranks of the whole number - most of the soldiers being Irish, with a few Germans and Poles. Mr. Robert Lott, of Golland county, lately had two valuable negro fellows decoyed off by some Mexicans. Mr. L. pursued them to the Rio Grande, where, having obtained aid from the ranging companies, he attempted to retake them. Their Mexican companions and themselves resisting to death, the Rangers were compelled to kill the whole party, including a negro woman whose owner is unknown."