Freestone County, Texas Estate Inventory and Appraisal [Estate Inventory and Appraisal of Eli H. Russell, who owned land in Freestone Co., TX., but dies in Nacogdoches Co., TX. The "property" listing includes slaves. Source: Probate Book B of Nacogdoches Co., TX. pg 361-362] Community estate of Eli H. Russell, deceased, and Susannah Russell. Petition for appointment of appraisers. The State of Texas, County of Nacogdoches } County Court. To the Honorable Charles S. Taylor, Chief Justice of said County. Your petitioner Susannah Russell, a resident of said county and state, respectfully represents that she is the surviving wife of Eli H. Russell, deceased, who departed this life in said county on the 5th day of January, A. D. 1861, intestate, leaving community property. That your petitioner, as such survivor, deserves to manage such community estate, arguably to the Supplementary Act, entitled "An Act Better Defining the Marital Rights of Parties," approved August 26 A. D. 1861. Wherefore, she prays that your Honor appoint three suitable persons to appraise the aforesaid community property in order that she may be enabled to file in your Honorable Court an inventory, as prescribed in said act, and as in duty bound she will every pray, etc. Her mark, Susannah Russell. Filed January 12, 1861. James F. Hunter, Clerk, County Court, Nacogdoches County. Order appointing appraisers. And on said January 12, 1861, an entry was made in the minutes of said Court in terms following, to wit. Number 273 on application docket. On the petition of Susannah Russell, it is ordered by the court that John Brewer, James Burke and John L. Murphy do appraise at cash valuation the community estate of said Susannah Russell and her deceased husband, Eli H. Russell, and make due return of their appraisement, on oath to the clerk's office of our court, according to the law. And on March 4, 1861, an inventory and appraisement was filed in said office in terms following, to wit. Inventory and appraisement. An inventory of the community property belonging to the estate of Eli H. Russel, deceased, to wit. 1 negro man, Dick, 30 years old: $1,200.00. 1 negro woman, Lenah, 38 years old: $850.00. 1 negro girl, Mitilda, 10 years old: $1,000.00. 1 negro boy, Randall, 10 years old: $700.00. 1 negro girl, Jane, 7 years old: $700.00. 1 negro boy, Quince, 6 years old: $500.00. 1 negro boy, Henry, 5 years old: $500.00. 1 negro boy, Calvin, 3 years old: $300.00. 1 negro girl, Evilina, 3 months old: $150.00. 951 acres of land, homestead: $3,804.00. 2,888 acres of land, Freestone County: $5,776.00. 426 (2/3) acres of land, Tarrant County: $426.66 (2/3). 213 (1/3) acres of land, Angelina County: $213.33 (1/3). 6 mules: $475.00. 6 horses: $335.00. 4 yokes of oxen and wagon: $275.00. 200 head of cattle in Freestone County: $1,000.00. (Thirty) 30 head of cattle in Nacogdoches County: $120.00. 187 head of sheep in Nacogdoches County: $467.00. 60 head of stock hogs in Nacogdoches County: $90.00. Lot of farming tools, gin stand and thrasher: $100.00. 9 bales cotton: $292.00. Note on J. G. Box, due December 1860: $35.00. Note on John L. Murphy, due April 1860: $262.20. Note on John L. Murphy, due May 1858: 102.50. Note on John L. Murphy, due April 1860: $143.35. (over $19,817.05). Note on C. Weaver, due August 1860: $21.50. Note on James R. Arnold, due March 1860: $691.79. Bad and doubtful. Note J. C. Nash, due December 1859: $65.00. Note on James Smith, due March 1856: $30.30. Note on James Smith, due March 1856: $20.00. Note on J. A. Bowers, due December 1858: $40.00. Note on J. A. Bowers, due December 1858: $210.00. Note on J. A. Bowers, due December 1858: $156.00. Note on S. R. Castors, due November 1850: $20.00. Note on S. R. Castors, due March 1855: $78.25. [Subtotal]: $619.55. A mortgage note on a negro boy, Joe, aged 14 years, the property of Elizabeth Bullock, Stephen N. Bullock, James F. Bullock, David E. Bates, and Elizabeth J. Bates, due September 5, 1860 with 12 percent interest from September 5, 1859: $1,000.00. Dollars: $22,149.89. [Total]: $21,149.89. The State of Texas, County of Nacogdoches } We, John L. Murphy, James W. Burk and John Brewer, appraisers appointed to inventory the community property belonging to the estate [of] Eli H. Russell, deceased, certify the above and within list is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. And it is also all the property pointed by Susannah Russell, wife of the Eli H. Russell, deceased. Nacogdoches, February 15, 1861. John L. Murphy. James W. Burk. John Brewer. The State of Texas, County of Nacogdoches } Sworn and subscribed before me the day and date above written. (LS) John R. Clute, Notary Public, Nacogdoches County, Texas. The State of Texas, County of Nacogdoches } Personally came before me, the undersigned authority, Susannah Russell, wife of Eli H. Russell, deceased, and after being duly sworn by me, deposeth and saith that the foregoing inventory is all the community belonging the said estate, to the best of her knowledge and belief, so help me God! Her mark, Susannah Russell. Sworn and subscribed before me the 15th day of February A. D. 1861. Witness my hand and official seal. (LS) John R. Clute, Notary Public, Nacogdoches County, Texas. Filed March 4, 1861. James F. Hunter, Clerk, County Court, Nacogdoches County.