Freestone County, Texas Newspaper Articles from the 1880s Researched by Paula Snider Editor: Eric Bonner Wood [These are articles are from a local column called "Post Oak Runners" about the Post Oak community that ran in the Fairfield Recorder newspaper. The column was authored by "Jerry" who was concerned about Sabbath School. 1889] =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - October 4, 1889 edition October 1, 1889 News scarce but plenty of work. Farmers have been taking advantage of the past few weeks of sun shiny weather in picking their cotton. Corn is fine in this locality, and cotton is turning out much better than expected. Mr. J.A. Chavers is the happiest man we know of over the advent of a "Mr. J. A. Chavers, Jr." that arrived at that house recently. There is a good deal of building and repairing going on in our midst, which speaks well of a community. Uncle Ephriam is having third day chills and fevers. Several of the girls and one of the lads of Post Oak will attend Prof. Coleman's school at Fairfield. This is the first time we can say that there is no sickness in our vicinity. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - October 11, 1889 Post Oak Runners October 7, 1889 The sugar cane crop is fine. Times dull and news scarce cotton picking is in full headway now. Elder Chavers filled his appointment at the Church on Sunday. Mr. W. L. Glazener has his machinery in good condition now and asks the patronage of the public. Mr. J.C. David of Brewer was in our vicinity this week. Uncle Ephriam is up this week, but looks very feeble. Next Sunday is our regular preaching day. We are looking for another wedding, now, as soon as somebody comes back from Buffalo. Mr. C.B. Dulaney has a fine boy at his house. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - October 28, 1889 Post Oak Runners October 29, 1889 Mr. Joe Chavers is attending school at Fairfield. Success to you, Joseph. There has been much sickness in this vicinity for sometime, but all are getting better. Mr. James Walker and wife of Falls County are visiting Mrs. W.'s father, Mr. W. L. Glazener. Cane grinding has commenced with us, and the crop will average better than that of last year. Mr. J.A. Chavers is having a neat residence erected on his new place which he will occupy as soon as finished. From all indications we believe the wedding we spoke of sometime ago will come off at Buffalo and not here as expected. B.O. Cain and J.F. Chavers left last Sunday, some say they went to Cade and some say Lampassas, so we have not learned the particulars of their trip. What has got the matter with our Sunday School, it seems like it is going into winter quarters. We should be more punctual as there are plenty here to compose a good Sabbath School and let us not let the cause die out in our midst. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - November 22, 1889 Post Oak Runner The cotton crops is about all gathered. Since our last, Mr. R. H. Curry has been wearing a smile on both sides of his face, on the account of a fine girl at his house. Several of the boys from Post Oak went to see the big elephant at Mexia last week. Mr. R. F. Hatter left this week for Waco, where he will make his future home, Mr. Hatter is one of our best farmers' and a good citizen, and his removal will be a loss to our. community. His family will leave about Christmas. Married at the residence of Mr. J.C. McCartney, on the evening of November 10th, Mr. W.R. Boyd and Miss Fannie Castleberry. Only a few friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony. Our best wishes will ever follow them along the path of life. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - December 20, 1889 edition Post Oak Runners December 16, 1889 We have had the prettiest weather for winding up crops that we ever saw. Mr. W.W. Riley has been sick for sometime but is up again. Mr. R.F. Hatter returned this week where he has been for sometime erecting a residence. The young people enjoyed a pleasant party at Mr. T. M. Holloway last Friday night. Mr. J. C. Rayford of Regan, Falls County has decided to locate in our community. ===========================================================================