Freestone County, Texas Newspaper Articles from the 1880s Researched by Paula Snider Editor: Eric Bonner Wood [These are articles are from a local column called "Post Oak Runners" about the Post Oak community that ran in the Fairfield Recorder newspaper. The column was authored by "Jerry" who was concerned about Sabbath School. 1890] =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - January 3, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners January 1st, 1890 We wish The Recorder and all of its readers a Happy New Year. The recent cold spell caused many hogs to breathe their last. Mr. D.P. McCoy, of Reagan, has been spending Christmas with the Post Oak boys. Since our last Mr. R.F. Hatter and family have moved to their future home at Waco. Our best wishes follow them. The young people enjoyed a fine dance at Mr. Ben Robert son's Tuesday night. Mr. Wm. Cain has been gone the past week on a business trip to Bryan. Uncle Ephriam, after taking a short trip, The Lord only knows where, has decided to settle again in our midst. Success to him. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - January 24, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners January 19, 1890 Rev. W.B. Childs filled his appointment here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W.C. Campbell has been on the sick list for sometime, but at this writing, he is thought to be improving. There was a little hop given by Mr. Ben Robertson last Saturday night. Your correspondent was not in attendance, but can vouch they had a good time. Mr. Wm. Hicks and family of Alabama arrived in our vicinity Thursday to make Freestone their future home. We are glad to welcome them in our midst. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - January 31, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners January 28, 1890 The people are making preparations for another crop. Some few have started to plowing. Mr. W. L. Glazener has been running his saw mill steadily since Christmas and still has lots of work. Mr. S. C. Raiford has been very dangerously ill the past week with black jaundice, but is now improving and is thought to be out of danger. Mr. T. M. Holloway has been dancing a dog dance over the arrival of a fine boy at his house. Mother and baby are doing well. The Sunday School here has almost gone into winter quarters. Can't we all be here more punctual and build it up again? Mr. Editor, hurry up the Railroad, we would be glad to hear the whistle. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - March 7, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners March 3, 1890 Elder Chavers filled his appointment here Sunday. The grippe has struck full blast, and no one seems to appreciate it. Now and then a yearling buyer and a stray candidate passed through our vicinity. Mr. Johnnie Riley, who has been attending school at Fairfield, has come home and is now following the plowboys trade. Rev. W.B. Childs has been absent most of the week attending the bedside of his sick brother, Mr. M.J. Childs of Avant Prairie. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - March 14, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners March 10, 1890 Corn planting has begun. The grippe is still prevailing with us. Hurrah! For R. E. Steele for State Senator. Mad dogs are raging in this vicinity. We hear that one our boys is trying to talk up a wedding in the near future. Mr. L. L. Stone has been very dangerously ill, but is thought to be improving. Mrs. Boatner of Georgetown, is here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cain and will probably stay until summer. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - March 28, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners March 25, 1890 Oats are looking well. Corn planting is about over. Mrs. Chavers and Mrs. Lindsey have both been very sick for sometime, but are now convalescent. Issue dated March 28, 1890 (Cont.) Post Oak Runners (Cont.) Farmers are taking advantage of the last few days pretty weather and are driving their plow teams to perfection. Keep the railroad racket booming, Mr. Editor, some say that when the railroad comes Freestone will rush boldly to the front and it is time for a change, we think. Miss Powell of Butler, who has been visiting her cousin here, Mrs. Ben Robertson, returned home last Sunday and a certain young man has been looking very lonesome ever since. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - May 2, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners April 28, 1890 Elder Chavers preached at the church last Saturday night, Mr. W.W. Riley has been confined to has room some days with fever. Some are talking of having a picnic soon, We say let the have it. Mrs. Jesse Hicks returned last week from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Blount at Jewett. Farming has entirely suspended on account of the late rains. The creek lands have been overflowed. Mr. W.B. Newell and wife of Cotton Gin are visiting Mrs. N's father here this week, Rev. W.B. Childs. We see and hear a great deal said about changing the present road law, but we are of the impression that we need good roads and have more time to work said roads than we have money to pay for it being done. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - May 23, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners May 19, 1890 Farmers are badly in the grass. Our Sabbath School is progressing nicely. Mr. J.A. Chavers little son, Elbert got his leg badly bruised recently by a log rolling on it. Mrs. Boatner, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cain, sometime left last week for Mart, Texas. Your Butler correspondent seems to be warm on the road question. We cannot agree with "John" yet, but will wait and hear him finish up and then we maybe more enlightened. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - May 30, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners May 26, 1890 Health good at present. Cotton chopping has begun. Justice Drumwright has been rustling the Post Oak boys the past week. We would like to have a picnic soon, suppose we have it sometime in June. What do all say? Hurrah for the railroad, it passed right by the church here, that is the surveyors did. Mr. Wm. Campbell of Mexia, formerly of this place, spent last Saturday and Sunday with us. We are glad to see him in good health. If anyone living on Brewer Prairie should happen to meet a Mr. Chavers, Jr., they will confer a favor on us by letting us know he was going in what direction when last seen. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - July 4, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners June 30, 1890 Politics are on a boom. Candidates are beginning to come from every direction. Our school here is progressing nicely under the tutorship of Professor Robert Williford. Mr. Wm. Cain and family spent the past week visiting friends and relatives at Horn Hill. Farmers are very well up with their work. Corn will be cut short but the prospects for cotton at present are very flattering. Mr. Robert Black from Alabama spent several days visiting his cousin here. Mr. W. W. Riley and returned home last week well pleased with Texas. So far we have been very quiet in regard to our opinion about Judge Hatcher and the school land question. We have been a strong friend of Judge H. since he has been in office, but after seeing the many communications that have appeared in THE RECORDER and the questions propounded to Judge H. in regard to the deception in this case and then he treats them with contempt, then we are forced to say from an honest confession that he certainly is the wrong man for such an important office as County Judge. How can we expect our county to prosper when the financial department increases as it has in the past few months? We need better financiers for officers than these. We thought that 2 years ago, that Judge H. was the right man but after seeing our great mistake and witnessing our sad experience, we cannot hope for a better day in the future if Judge H. is reelected. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - August 1, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners July 29, 1890 Hot and Dry. Cotton has stopped growing on the account of the dry weather. Messers Ben Robertson and Joe Strickland are prospecting in Eastern Texas. Miss Willie Powers of Butler is, visiting Mrs. Ben Robert son of this community. Rev. W.B. Childs assisted by Rev. Mr. Chavers has been carrying on a meeting here several days. Well the primary election is now over and we guess that will stop the long controversy that has been raging for sometime. We are willing to let it drop and support the nominees. Several of our neighbors have the Western Fever. Some are going to start on a prospecting tour soon. Mr. Billie Cain has returned and decided to stay awhile longer in the rural district of Freestone. Jerry =========================================================================== The Fairfield Recorder newspaper - September 5, 1890 edition Post Oak Runners September 1, 1890 Dry weather still prevails. The debating club at Post Oak is booming for all it is worth. Miss Eliza Mims of Waco has been spending several days here on a visit and returned home last Saturday. Mr. Joe Stripling left last week for Brown County, where he will reside in the future. Mr. J.A. Chavers has declined the idea of moving west and says that he is now henceforth and forever settled. Cotton is opening very fast and Professor Williford had to disband has school for a short time until the bulk of it is picked. Mr. J.E. Harrison's little son, Robert has been very sick for several days and for awhile his recovery was doubtful, but he is now some better. The happiest man we know of is Mr. David Cleveland who has been completely overjoyed by a fine girl that was presented with recently. Jerry ===========================================================================