Freestone County, Texas History & News of 1911 San Luis Obispo Tribune (Weekly) - 8 September 1911 THE VALUE O' GOOD ROADS. The Houston Chronicle says the construction of good roads in Freestone county, Texas, has increased the value of farm lands $5 an acre on an average. This increase in value is ascribed to the economic advantage of the modern highways and not to mere speculative advance. It has been demonstrated that a span of horses can haul precisely twice the load on the new roads that they could on the old, and make better time. Thus the good roads have effected an enormous saving in the cost of getting products to market. Besides the saving in time, there is less wear and tear on vehicles and less hardship for draught stock. Thus the increased value of the firm lands represents the increased efficiency due to the building of er a 'idamized roads. Moreover, the country has been made pleasanter to live in, more attractive to the eye and more inviting to the man who wants to buy a farm. Hence the money extended on good roads has added fourfold to the value of farm property and doubled the capacity and value of draught animals. The lesson this Texas county has learned applies everywhere —in California and Oregon as well as in Texas. Good roads are not only a convenience, but an economic necessity. They are part cf the equipment of every rural community. They increase values and production and invite investment. The country that has good roads and good schools appeals to every home-seeker. They advertise enterprise, comfort, thrift, progress They tell the stranger that there is an up-to-date community, making the best of its opportunities and developing along lines which make rural life delightful and rural pursuits lucrative. One does not have to got to Texas to find this out or perceive the general improvement that good road building promotes and indicates It is evident to the casual observer that good roads increase the profits of agriculture and add to the attractions of rural life San Luis Obispo county has some good roads and a number of bad ones Our highway system has not begun to reach the proper stage of development, but wherever it has been developed the beneficial results are apparent. There are some counties in California that have not made the progress we have, while in others the good roads movement has worked wonders. We expect to vote for bonds for permanent roads and bridges, which with the State Highway will give us a modern system of roads. The time is coming when California will be a delightful region to be traversed by travelers along the great highways and the effect will be beneficial from a financial point of view Good roads pay. They are a profitable investment and add to the county because they increase production and lessen the cost of transportation from the farm to the market or shipping point. They bring in money and home seekers and aid to develop the higher quality of rural life, besides robbing pastoral pursuits of their isolation, bringing the people of the country into closer companionship which expands toward a higher civilization. The good roads movement should be encouraged by taxpayers of the county, it being one of the greatest developing agencies in the country.