Freestone County, Texas Social News of 1912 (Communities around the County) Local News Items from Mills *1* Feb. 19 - Several from here are attending court at Fairfield this week. Health of community is very good. Disagreeable weather - warm, windy and threatening rain. Several here have planted gardens and farmers all busy. Mr. Brotherton and children of Jewett are here visiting his sister, MRs. Bosby. Clarence Robinson and family of Teague visited relatives here Sunday. Clyde Elliott, Tom Elmore and Bob Bosley each have a brand new buggy. Teague, Freestone and Luna were well represented at the dance here Friday night. The social event of the season was a dance, Friday night, at the hospitable home of G. H. Elliott and wife. A large crows was present and dancing was indulged in until a late hour, when all departed for their homes, with best wishes to the kind hostess who so royally entertained them, and that same would be repeated in the near future. Success to our editor and readers of his newsy paper, from JAKK'S WIFE. ============================================================= *1* = The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, February 23, 1912 Page: 4