Freestone County, Texas Social News of 1914 (Communities around the County) Locals from Pyburn *1* Jan. 19 - Mrs. Charlie Butler and Mrs. Elfie Henderson visited their sister, Mrs. Day at Turlington, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. B. M. Hullum was taken suddenly ill Friday with paralysis, and is said to be in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hugent entertained their many young friends Thursday night with a play party. A large crowd was present and all left at a late hour, declaring to have had a royal time. Miss Rebecca Terry, of Fairfield, visited Miss Eula Henderson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shep Davis visited relatives in Teague, Saturday night. Our school is now being taught by Prof. Koonce, of Teague. They have not yet started teaching in the new building, but will in about a week. The party at Miss Ruth Ichams, Friday night, was well attended. J. E. Lambert and family, of Post Oak, visited at J. T. McNew's, Sunday. Misses Annie Inderman and Neva Scott, accompanied by Miss Annie's brothers, attended the singing at Miss Ruby Cain's Saturday night. BON AMI ============================================================= *1* = The Fairfield Recorder - Friday, January 23, 1914 Page: 1