Freestone County, Texas News of 1915 The Teague Chronicle - Friday, December 3, 1915 Page: 5 New City Manager At its last meeting the City Council appointed C. V. Gannaway city manager for a term of twelve months, T. L. Satterwhite, who had filled the office quite creditably for several months, retiring from municipal life. Both of these gentlemen, besides being personal friends of the writer, have numberless friends hereabout. Mr. Satterwbite has gained many new friends since taking the office of city manager by his business and thorough way of handling the affairs to the office, and there are many who regret to see him leave the services of the city. He has devoted himself sarcrifcingly to duty, and leaves the offlee in good condition, as is shown by the auditor’s report. Mr. Gannaway, having served the city in the capacity of manager under the present council, needs no introduction to our people. He is wide awak[e], broad minded and thorough in the discharge duty, and possessess those peculiar qualifications necessary for the management of this important department of the city government. One of his strong points during his former service of the city was the strict upkeep of the streets, regardless of difficulties, while not neglecting the other divisions of the job. He goes to work thoroughly practical and with a valuable knowledge of the requirements of city manager of Teague, has a mind to do things and his friends stake their good judgment pn his promised good service.