Freestone County, Texas History & News of 1922 Lynchings San Pedro Daily News, 8 May 1922, front page RACE WAR BREAKS OUT IN TEXAS - TROOP OF RANGERS CALLED OUT AS NEW LYNCHING STIRS RIOT - Uprising by Negroes to Avenge Burnings Imminent KIRVIN, Tex., May 8. Two detachments of Texas rangers were rushed to Kirvin today following an.,outbreak of race disturbances. Frederick Green, negro, was lynched today— the fourth to die by mob action since the assault and murder of pretty 17-year-Old Eula Ausley here last Thursday. Green, 23. was implicated la the crime by “Snap” Curry, negro who confessed before he was burned. Curry said that Green was with them when the girl was assaulted. The body of Green was found hanging to a tree half way between Fairfield and Kirvln. AUSTIN, Tex,, May B.—Governor Neff today ordered two detachments of Texas rangers to Fairfield, county seat of Freestone county, immediately to prevent an uprising by negroes that Sheriff Mayo declared Imminent. Mayo said negroes of Freestone county threatened to avenge the deaths of three negroes burned at the stake at Kirvin, Saturday. Captain Frank Hamer of ranger headquarters company at Austin will leave at once for Fairfield with one detachment of rangers. The other detachment is to come from Fort Worth under command of Captain Tom Hickman.