Freestone County, Texas History & News of 1925 San Pedro Daily News, 6 October 1925, Section B, Page 3 MARBERRY The role of Frederick Marberry, rangy Texan, with the Washington Americans, is one of the moat unique in baseball. It is that of relief pitcher, and in it he has had no small part In carrying the Senators on to two American league championships and one world’s championship. Although nearing the age of 26. Marberry did not begin pitching until five years ago. Born on a farm in Freestone county, Texas, on November 30, 1899, Fred had little time for baseball as a youngster, but when nearly grown he did manage to get in some play on Saturdays, holding down an infield position. Later lie turned to pitching and got his first professional engagement with Mexia in the Texas-Oklahoma league in 1921 as a result of his showing with the Hillsboro semi-professional club. Mexia sold him to Little Rock in the Southern association, and it was from that club that Clark Griffith, president of the Washington club, personally obtained him when on a hunt for “ivory" in the “bushes" in 1923.