Freestone County, Texas History NEWS FROM 1927 Dallas Morning News May 1, 1927 Letters Acknowledged On this glad May Day Cinderella wishes to thank very much all of the boys and girls who have written to the club lately. Especially does she want to thank those whose letters have not been printed, and will be acknowledged today in this column. Cinderella wishes that every member whose name appears below could join her at the Royal Castle today for a Maypole dance. As that is not possible, she sends thanks and best May-time wishes to each of the following members: ... Tomena Swenson, Clifton Baby Doll Bonner, Fairfield Nancy McClure, Bonham ... ================================================================ Various newspaper articles from the Fairfield Recorder newspaper during 1927: research by Paula Snider typed up by Eric Wood JAN 27, 1927 "For sale, 200 bushels good corn, three Duroc gilts, one boar. They weigh 150 lbs. J. R. B. Cain, R. 3, Teague. 1 tp" "COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE STEWARDS MILL Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Stewart of Corsicana and Mrs. Ira Clayton of Ripley, Miss., were pleasant visitors in the home of W. W. Steward Sunday afternoon. Randolph Robinson of Eureka was here Sunday. He was accompained home by Tas Lewis. R. H. Bain and family were in Corsicana recently. Rev. J. W. Simpson of Eureka filled his regular appointment here Sunday. POST OAK Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper near Ward Prairie visited relatives here Tuesday. A 11-pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Stroud last Thrusday. Mrs. Doyle Harrison has been ill for several days. Frank Bailey of Flynn is visiting at the home of his uncle, J. D. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson and children visited relatives at Turlington recently. The two small children of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Cain's have been quite ill with the flu. but they are rapidly improving. Mrs. Tolbert Smith and children, near Young, spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Nelse Willard, recently. L. G. Emmons spent the week-end with home folks at Mt. Zion. SHANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs. Tom Smith visited Cooledge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Padgitt visited their brother, J. W. Padgitt, in Wortham, last week-end. ..." ============================================= JUNE 10, 1927 ENTERTAINED WITH SUNRISE BREAKFAST A group of girls gathered at the home of Miss Verna Huckaby on Wednesday of last week and enjoyed a delicious dinner, followed by a slumber party. Breakfast was served about 5 o'clock the next morning at Mimms Creek. The girls, who were, Mary Vernon Huckaby, Alice Parker, Kathryn Black, and Mildred Chavers, were joined for the breakfast by Frederick Hill, Alton Parker, Charlie Dent and James McDonald. After breakfast the jolly group motored to Dew, then returned to their respective homes declaring Miss Huckaby a most gracious hostess. Reporter. SENIOR PARTY THRUSDAY EVENING Miss Alice Parker entertained the seniors and a few of their friends with a party at her home on Thrusday evening of last week. Various games, including flinch and dominoes, were played throughout the evening. Musical numbers, which were enjoyed by all, were rendered by Miss Mildred Chavers. After the games were played delicious ice cream and angel food cake were served to the guests. - Reporter. Miss Mary Lee Browne, teacher in the public school at Temple, has returned home. LOCAL NEWS FROM POST OAK June 6 - A nice rain fell here last Saturday night, which was badly needed. Memorial services will be held on Friday before the 3rd Sunday in this month. Everybody invited. Dinner will be spread. Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Ledbetter and sons, Sterling and Albert, and Mrs. Clinton Ledbetter and little daughter, all of Donna, Texas, are visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. Clinton Ledbetter will remain several days longer, and the rest will leave for home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cooper have been visiting relatives in Cross Roads and Freestone several days. Miss Nell Chavers spent last week-end in Fairfield. Mrs. T. J. Youngblood and children, of San Antonio, are visiting Mrs. Youngblood's father, A. A. Stroud. Mr. R. E. Oliphant, of Houston, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Claud Anderson, of this community, and Mrs. Ben Cleary, at Dew. Misses Mae and Velma Richardson, of Turlington, spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wills, of Teague, and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ledbetter were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Anderson last Sunday. Patsy. ============================================= AUGUST 5, 1927 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE .... [YOUNG COMMUNITY] Mrs. Mack Cole and children of Wortham who have been visiting friends and relatives and also attending the revival here, have returned home. Mrs. Vernon and children of Palestine visited and attended the revival here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Haydon and families and a few others went on a two days' fishing trip last week. They report an enjoyable time, with a few fish and many squirrels. Bill Ingram of Rural Shade, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Young of Nacogdoches spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Granberry visited Mrs. Granberry's brother, the Rev. R. B. Key of Corsicana, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Laird of Wortham visited their son, Allen Laird, last week. Joe Granberry took the job caring for the Young cemetery about three months ago, and now it is in a condition that is a credit to any community. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young have returned from an extended visit with relatives in Dallas. Misses Hesta and Carrie Lou Hitt of Fort Worth, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. H. C. Granberry, have returned home. Roger Young had repairs made on his house. Mrs. Heron of Thornton, who was a teacher in the Young school last term, visited Mrs. Talbert Young here, and also attended the revival. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rouse of Winkler, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Loper of Turlington visited Mr. and Mrs. Price Shields Saturday. .... ============================================= AUGUST 12, 1927 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE POST OAK August 8 - Cotton is opening fast and it wont be long before everyone will soon be through picking. E. J. Lambert and Sim Chavers are making syrup this week. A. A. Stroud and Claude Anderson repaired a rent house for W. E. Riley last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baker and Mrs. Chas. Richardson and little daughter went to Teague last Thrusday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson and children and A. A. Stroud and two children were vistors at Luna, Saturday. A. J., the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Stroud, has been quiet ill several days. Algy Stroud of Fairfield visited homefolks Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. C. G. Miffleton and three children of Georgetown are here on a visit to Mrs. M. fleton's father, J. R. B. Cain. Loyd James and mother of Fairfield visited Mrs. J. F. Bakes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Chavers and children visited at N. A. Willard's Sunday. J. W. Heard and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cleary and Miss Nell Dushane of Dew were visitors here Sunday. YOUNG The health of the community is very good at present. Our Sunday school attendance gets smaller each Sunday. We hope to have a large crowd next Sunday. ...... Mr. Dupree, who has been in ill health for quite a while, and is being cared for by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Cole, is improving. Mr. Dupree came from Dallas to Mr. Cole's about three months ago. STEWARDS MILL Mrs. Sneed Bonner and Mrs. Hunter Bonner visited Birdston Monday. C. B. Robinson and son, Weaver, were Corsicana visitors recently. Mrs. W. W. Steward made a business trip to Dallas recently. Roger Steward is having his sawmill put in good condition preparing for regular work next week. Geo. Lambert is having his dwelling remodeled, also a nice barn built. Mrs. Geo. Lewis and children, also Miss Sallie Teer, left Saturday for Deming, New Mexico, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Callie Compton of teague is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Whitaker. Miss Mable Keaton of Teague is guest of Miss Pauline Awalt. Mrs. R.N. Compton and son, Winston, of Teague visited at C. B. Steward's Sunday. R. A. Pullins and family of Corsicana spent several days here last week visiting friends and relatives. Thomas McAdams spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs... [photocopy ran out] ============================================= AUGUST 12, 1927 POST OAK The health of the community is good at present. Mr. and Mrs. George Chavers and children of Wortham were visitors at Sim Chavers last week. Mrs. Alonzo Stroud and little son spent last weekend at the home of her Brother, Geeo. Lambert, at Stewards Mill. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gladney and children of Munger are visiting Mrs. Gladney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anderson had as their quests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Newt Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williford of Fairfield. E. J. Lambert and family and Mrs. Carmel Blakely visited at Stewards Mill recently. Mrs. Roy Lott, from Oklahoma, spent the latter part of the week with her sister, Mrs. Doyle Harrison. .... ============================================= DEC 9, 1927 ISRAEL Our Sunday school is growing in interest and attendance. We had more than fifty present last Sunday, and we hope to make it seventy-five next Sunday, that being our regular preaching day. We are also preparing to start our prayer meeting next Sudnay night, also our young people's work. Our service will begin next Sunday at 6:30. Don't miss this service. Our boys defeated the Shanks boys basket ball team Friday to the tune of 21 to 3, but our girls were not so fortunate. The Shanks girls overwhelmed them by a large majority. However, that was our girls first game and they had but very little practice. T. B. Barker was a Teague visitor Tuesday. Eld. Everett Gregory and family of Jacksonville spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nettles. Mrs. Etta Steward and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Barker spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Finch, near Richland. Fred Burleson and Freddie Garrett of Streetman attended church at Caney last Sunday night. Eld. B. B. Bryson filled his regular appointment at Cross Roads Saturday night and Sunday. Oliver Burleson is building some new houses on his farm in this community. Tom Bloxam is doing the carpenter work. We expect to have new windows in our church by Sunday. This will add much to the comfort and appearance of the church. Fred Nettles went to Wortham and brought back a nice Ford car. Quite a few have killed hogs in our community the past week. Everett Whatley and family visited relatives in Kirven last Sunday. We hope to start work on our new school building in the next few days. Mr. Paris, Miss Lee and Miss Orand are giving us a fine school, and we hope to soon be avle to furish them a modern building in which to teach. Every citizen should cooperate with these good teachers in making this school second to none. Many of our rural communities have signed away their schools to the towns, and in a few years they will see their folly and repent with bitter tears, but it will be too late. When you kill you school you have killed your church and given your community a blow from which it will never recover. We believe in building community, but it will be the best investment you have ever made. Give your young people the best that is to be had at home. It will be cheaper in the long run, and you can have a community that you will be proud of. If the little town wants better schools let them dig down in their jeans and build them; but do not submit them to them taking the money that belongs to your community and your children to build schools to educate theirs. This is what it amounts to, and the county superintendent or teacher that advocates such a course is no friend to the rural school or your community, and is not worthy of your support, and before you cast a vote next year, it is your duty to find out how the candiate stands on this proposition. Your school is worth fighting for, and now is the time to make the fight. POST OAK J. F. Baker and family visited Mr. Baker's sister, Mrs. E. R. Glazener, at Wortham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Emmons and children of Mt. Zion visited their daughter, Mrs. Doyle Harrison, Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Cain Saturday morning, a girl. Mrs. Edgar Metzgar and two children, of near Young, spent last week-end with Mrs. Metzgar's mother, Mrs. Nelse Willard. Wallace Mondey of Dallas County is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. J. Lambert. The Mt. Zion basket ball team came over Friday afternoon and they were again defeated by the Post Oak team with a score of 9-2. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milliken and children of Turlington were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Richardson, Sunday. There will be a Christmas program rendered on Friday night before Christmas. Sim Chavers was in Teague on business Monday. B. P. Compton, and John Riley of Teague were here Sunday. Little Miss Modene and Ralph Thompson of Teague spent last week-end with their grandfather, A. A. Stroud. DEW The health of the community is good for this time of the year. Mrs. Oscar Johnson is able to be up and about again after having fever fifty- three days. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Floy was in its chair sitting in... [photo copy ends]"