The Mexia Weekly Herald newspaper - Aug 8, 1930 Page 4 Justices Elected in Freestone Co. FAIRFIELD, Aug. 2 - (Sp) - Unoffical returns from the constable, justice of the peace and public weighers of Freestone county show the following results: In Precinct No. 1, J. E. Lott had no opponent for Justice. For Constable No. 1 Fletcher Willard..........49 Dick Keaton..............400 Sam Manahan..............271 For Justice No. 6 J. E. Lindsey............718 J. C. Price..............161 Will Gains...............548 For Constable No. 6 E. P. Hughes.............504 John Sewell..............710 For Public Weigher Pre. 2 Joe Williams.............102 Jessie L. Miller.........222 For Justice No. 8 Lambert.................135 Graham..................147 For Constable No. 8 Armstrong...............110 Yebry...................150 For Justice No. 5 J. M. Vaughn............191 E. C. Crouch............388 For Constable No. 5 C. A. Till..............202 Sam Gibbons..............33 Roy Calame..............384 For Justice No. 4 W. J. Casey.............56 Boss Cockrell...........10 For Constable No. 4 J. C. Newman............50 G. C. Cole...............3 Delbert Ivy..............8