Freestone County, Texas Social News of 1932 The Fairfield Recorder - Thursday, June 30, 1932 Page: 1 Mrs. P. L. Talley and daughter, Gloria, after several days visit here with her parents, returned to her home in Houston Friday. She was accompanied home by her sisters, Miss Bess and Baby Frances Orand. Mrs. J. E. Lott and Miss Mary Mary Grace Lott visited Mrs. George Stubbs and baby In Wortham, Tuesday. Mrs. J. K. Horton and son, Epp. of Teague, accompanied by Ferris Bush of Houston, visited Hood family Thursday. Lynwood Orand attended the East Texas annual singing convention at Mexia as a delegate last week-end. He reports lots of people and fine singing. Misses Mavis and Celeska Walker, owners and operators of the Walkers' Beauty Shoppe of Fairfield spent the week-end in Dallas and Ft. Worth. Mrs. E. H. Beauchamp and her mother, Mrs. R. N. Compton of Teague, are spending a few days in Marlin. Mrs. J. R. Wooten is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jim Moore at Kilgore. Receives Broken Finger Willie Childs was In town Thursday morning having a broken finger set, and scratches and bruises treated. It seems that he had suspended his car to the limb of a tree, while working on it, the limb broke and the car fell, breaking his finger. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Emmons and little son, DeWitt, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cornelius at Groesbeck. Mrs. Lemmer Pearcy of Houston, who has been visiting relatives here for some time, was the guest of Mrs. Hood Orand Tuesday. Miss Flora Calame of Wortham is visiting her sister Mrs. Bryan Daniel here this week. Miss Margaret Steward of Steward Mill is spending the week with Miss Juliette Beauchamp. Miss Mildred Chavers is visiting Miss Ruth Watson at Steward Mill this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williford, Mrs. Newt Robertson, and Mrs. Joe Parker and children, Joe Newton and Edna Frances, were in Palestine, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Dennis and son of Fort Worth visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Day the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mainard and son of Dallas visited Mrs. Day's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Day here Tuesday. Misses Mildred Clark and Mildred Lois Davis of Teague visited Miss Mae Cathryn Alderman this week. Misses Evelyn Fryer and Gertrude Peyton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert Manahan in Waxahachie. Mrs. T. M. Denby and two children of Jackson, Miss., are visiting Mrs. Denby’s brother, Eld. Willis Young, here this week. Tom Lindley, who went to Alexandria, La., several days ago for medical treatment is still in the veterans hospital in that city. Mrs. Finnell and son, Waller Booth, of Dallas, are visiting Mrs. Booth's sister, Mrs. D. A. Manahan this week. [PAGE 5 - SAME ISSUE] Mrs. J. P. Robinson and Harry Robinson of Fairfield and Mrs. T. E. Wright and Mrs. Ella Bonner of Mexia motored to Franklin Friday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Love and family. Mrs. Bonner returned to Fairfield with Mrs. Robinson for a visit of several days --- Mexia News, Tuesday. Miss Binnlon Day of Dallas is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. G. B. Herring. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Carter of Glen Rose have just returned home from a visit here. Mrs. H. B. Williford and daughter, Ann E’Toile of Beaumont are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williford. Misses Annie Lee and Allyne Anderson, Ray and Minyard White were in Jacksonville Sunday. Mrs. Joe Lee Kirgan and son, Joe Lee, Jr., of Sweetwater, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kirgan. Joe E. Bennett, with the Three States Telephone Company, spent the week-end in Dallas. H. L. Williford was in Longview, Saturday. [PAGE 6 - SAME ISSUE] Judge and Mrs. J. A. Stanford of Waco were In the city, Tuesday.