Freestone County, Texas History News of 1937 Submitted by Michael Edd Bonner on 20 Mar 2006: " The Fairfield Recorder - 25 Nov 1937 edition, Page 5 Page 5, Locals Doris Williamson, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bonner made a business trip to Ft. Worth Wednesday. C. S. Wood of Bartlett spent last week-end here with his brother, Forrest Wood. Wilson Bonner of Waxahachie spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millen Bonner of Ward Prairie. Miss Ora Kate Kirgan of Austin is spending the week here visiting her mother, Mrs. Jim Kirgan. Mrs. C. H. Watson and Mrs. T. A. McIlveen were in Waco Thrusday and Friday attending the annual district meeting of the Baptist W. M. S. Mrs. Watson was elected Recording Secretary for the district. While there they were guests of Mrs. V. H. Warfield and her mother, Mrs. Anna Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Day and sons, W. C. and James Day, visited relatives at Palmer Sunday. Johnnie Cassel of Forest, Texas is visiting relatives here. Miss Christine Bond of Lon Morris is spending the week-end here with her parents. Bowlen Bond attended a diner at Hillsboro, Tuesday, at which the formal annoucement of Robt. Calvert as a candiate for Attorney General was made. Mrs. J. W. Baldree visited in Teague and Mexia Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Daniel, Mrs. Charlie Watson and daughter, Christine, and Mrs. Bass, Sr., are spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Becker at Galveston. Tom Anderson of Teague was in the city on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. George and daughter, Joan, of Overton visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Daniel here Sunday. Mrs. Annie Day and son, Harold, are spending Thanksgiving holidays with friends in Houston. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hill were in Dallas on business Wednesday. J. B. and Odell Daniel are in Bethel attending the field trials. Dr. and Mrs. Lesile Bonner and son, Lesile Reed, of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bonner here Sunday. Bennie Richarson and Edwin Kirgan were in Buffalo, Jewett and Centerville Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Montgomery of Navarro spent Monday with Mrs. Montgomery's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Daniel. Miss Christine Bond and Miss Mayme Jo Burleson were Wortham visiting Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sessions were Dallas visitors Wednesday. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Leah, who will spend the holidays here. Miss Bernice Lee Edwards of Teague visited her sister, Mrs. Grady Ivy, here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dowen Johnson of Houston visited friends here last week-end. Those from Freestone County who went hunting last week and were lucky, so far as we can learn, are: Otis Utley, two deer; Roy Reese, one turkey; Tom Newman, one deer; Ura Pullin, one deer; Joel Bonner, two deer; H. L. Williford, two deer. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Linebaugh, Jr. left Wednesday for Handley where they will spend Thanksgiving with friends and relatives. Miss Gertrude Peyton who is attending T.S.C.W., at Denton, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Peyton. J. W. Richards, Jr. is attending the Texas and A & M football game at College Station today. Marvin Corley of Chatham, La., spent last week-end with Everett Glazener. Miss Mayme Jo Burleson is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Juanita McClintock in Mexia. Edwin Petty and Miss Zonelle Thompson of Mexia visited Miss Vera Sheffield here Tuesday. Mrs. McFadin, Billie McFadin, Miss Sarah Sessions, and Millard Johnson were Dallas visitors Monday. They were accompained home by Miss Hazel Grace McFadin who will spend [article stops abruptly]. J. D. Burleson was in Corsicana, Monday. H. B. Steward and W. W. Steward, Jr. were Tyler visitors Monday. The holiday here. Clay Burkhart visited friends in Chisholm the past week-end. W. F. Tatte, Ben and Ernest Bonner, and Sam Manahan made a business trip to Waco Friday. Edward Parker of Baytown spent part of the week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williford of Austin spent the week-end here with relatives. Leslie Radford left Sunday for Dallas where he will study undertaking and embalming. Felix Wasson was a Mexia visitor Sunday. George Seale, an attorney of Centerville was in the city Monday. T. R. Bonner, L. H. Withrow, of Teague, and H. B. Steward made a business trip to Ft. Worth Friday. E. E. Owens made a business trip to Henderson Wednesday. Thomas Alfred Evans was a Wortham visitor Friday. Miss Annette Huckaby of Terrell spent last week-end visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bock of Huntsville, visited Mrs. Bock's parents Mr. and Mrs. James Radford here Sunday. Miss Eva Tidwell and Miss Alice Ivy visited in Teague Sunday. W. S. Hopson of Freestone was in the city Tuesday on business. Judge Terrell, the Regional Attorney for Farm Security and C. M. Evans, Regional Director of Dallas visited the local Rehabilitation office Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Castle of Long Beach, California, are here for an extended visi with friends and relatives. Zack Stroud of Dallas is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parker and children were Corsciana visitors Sunday. Miss Gladys Trotter visited her mother, Mrs. J. C. Trotter, at Groesbeck the past week-end. Weldon Calloway of Delia visited Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Thornton here last week-end. Roger Steward was in Waco on a business trip last week. Joe Gresham of Centerville visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Alderman of Richland visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Miss Janey Milliner of Teague visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lane here Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Scott of Denver Col., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Urshel and Miss Gladys Trotter, here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vestal and son Billie Ray, visited relatives here last week-end. Miss Ruth Childs of San Antonio visited friends and relatives here last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Childs and baby, Chester Earl, visited his parents last week-end. Fannie Ruth Blount of Rusk visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Blount, last week-end. Miss Maud Cummings of Centerville visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burks last week-end. L. W. Sheffield and son, Wendell, of Whitney visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Williford of Austin visited friends and relatives here last week-end. Miss Barbara Watson of Dallas is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Watson here a few days. Miss Carolyn Sessions is spending Thanksgiving with friends in Sweetwater. " =================================================================== Malakoff News of Malakoff, Henderson Co., TX June 11, 1937 edition; page 4 Ten Years Ago Two men identified as Frank Jutson and Sterling Cantrell, were blown to bits by a blast of a Seismograph crew in the Jackson Chapel community about 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Geo. V. Myers, who is in charge of the crew, said the men must have entered the death trap through a little ravine on the opposite side of the hole from where the crew was located. Only small fragments of clothing and bunches of hair were all that could be used to identify the slain men. The remains, all that could be recovered, of the two men, were placed in a single coffin and shipped to Wortham for burial. =================================================================== Dallas Morning News September 26, 1937 Section: I; Page: Thirteen Autoist Hurt to Collision Special to the News STREETMAN, Texas, Sept. 25 - Pal Willard of Fairfield was injured Friday night when the light sedan he was driving sideswiped a truck and turned over on the east edge of town. He was taken to a Corsicana hospital.