Freestone County, Texas History Streetman News - Thursday, July 13, 1939 [Page 1] PERSONAL BROADCAST The Federal Government’s Warehouse at Wortham burned Tuesday morning, destroying 500 bales of cotton. The protracted meeting at the Baptist Church does not close until Saturday night. You are invited. C. V. Reed and wife of Concord, Tex., were in the city Tuesday. Mr. Reed is the Superintendent elect for the Streetman Public School, and will commence his work at the fall term. Mrs. Green of Kirven is visiting her father Mr. T. D. Henderson this week. Mr. T. D. Henderson, Mrs Green and Mrs. Mack Robinson were in town last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Slade were in town last Monday. Mr. Carl Frazier and Larry Tisdale were in town Tuesday. Mrs. Gordon Grizzard and sons, Freeman and Henry Dell were Kirven visitors last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Michell of Michell Cleaning Co. of Corsicana visited Mrs. Charlie Haney Monday afternoon. Streetman boys beat the Girard Oilers 3 to 0 at Richland last Monday night. Alvian and Jester Neal of St. Elmo were Streetman visitors Monday. Mable G. Cole, Ruby Grizzard, and Mrs. Willie Allman were Corsicana visitors Monday. Mr. R. E. Evans made a round trip to Houston Monday. Miss Frances Milner of Streetman spent the past week end with her aunt, Mrs. Oliver Page in Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cate and son, Tom Archie, returned to their home in Ropesville, Texas. Several went to Currie last week to attend a shower for Mr. and Mrs. Lee Craig whose house and smokehouse burned with their contents. [Page 2] JAMES RICHARD HAWTHORN On the nineteenth day of August, 1938 James Richard Hawthorn was instantly killed in an automobile accident. His approach unheralded, the message of death with one swift stroke ended the earthly career of this man at a time which would seem to us to have been the meridian of his usefulness. It is not for us to understand the inscrutable ways of Providence, and we bow in humble submission to the will of him whom we are taught doeth all things well. It is appropriate that the Directors of the First National Bank of Streetman, Texas, take note of this unfortunate event. Mr. Hawthorn was a director in this bank for many years and actively participated in the management of its affairs. He was a son of the old South and was thoroughly imbued with its traditions and ideals; and it may be said of him that he was a typical Southern gentleman, we applaud him for his sincerity,praise him for his uncompromising honesty, and rate him at the top for his many eminent and courageous characteristics. Insofar as to material things of life were concerned, he was a self-made man, and by his prudence and industry attained a fair degree of this worlds goods. He was at all times active in every enterprise that tends to civic betterment and moral uplift of his community. He stood at all times for the things that was right and for the cause that was righteous. He was active in his Church, its work, and for the cause of his Lord, it being the pride and joy of his life, to be useful in his cause. And in all walks of life he rose to the full measure of the stature of a man. As our business associate we, shall miss his wise counsel. Those of us who were fortunate enough to be thrown with him daily, appreciated him truly. We are grateful for having known him and having the privilege to call him friend, to counsel with him over our daily problems to absorb his wisdom, and to emulate his splendid example. He was a devoted husband, a kind neighbor and a most estimable citizen in his social and business affairs. His loss is deeply felt by his devoted wife, and by the host of friends that he had in this community and county. Be it resolved that we in common with the people of this community and county, deplore the loss of this worthy man. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Board, and copy thereof be furnished to his surviving Wife. R. C. Cole, Wayne Milligan, Committee. [Page 3] PERSONAL BROADCAST Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballanger of Riesel visited the Craig home last Sunday. A number of people are losing calves from diptheria, but the serium[sic, serum] will save them. The lawn around the Church of Christ is being put in fine condition with a lawn mower. The Streetman ball players were defeated by the Jewett boys by a score of 2 to 4 on Tuesday night. Hood Burleson was a Mexia visitor Monday. A large number of our citizens attended the ball games at the Richland tournament the last week. The final game was played between Dawson and Jewett last night for the championship. Another gigantic portrayal of Texas Agriculture will be presented during the 51st annual State Fair of Texas, October 7th to 22nd. Featured in this agriculture picture of Texas will be chomurgy[sic, chemurgy] this new road to cash crops on Texas farms. Counties showing credible exhibits will again be awarded $125 and there will be no competition between such exhibits.