Freestone County, Texas Social News of 1944 Winkler News *1* Miss Jo Nell Farmer will return to her home in Corsicana this week. Mrs. Loyd Evans is visiting her parents. Mrs. Ike Walker has recently returned from a visit with her daughter in Spur. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Myrall B. of Ft. Worth visited relatives and friends here recently. Watt Walker and Otho Johnson have returned from Dallas, where they passed their physicial examination and will enter the servivce. Jim Norman Reed was a visitor in Corsicana Thursday. Miss Mabel Massey visited her parents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Johnson are the happy parents of a baby girl named Lois Lee. Mrs. Jo Sanders visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark, recently. ----------------------------- Winkler News *2* Mrs. John Hagler of Streetman visited relatives and friends here last week. Mrs. Willie Dee Pillans and daughter, Peggy, of Streetman, attended the shower given Mrs. Loyd Evans here. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Anders and daughter, Betty Sue, of Houston were Winkler visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart of Dallas visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bigham for several days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Carlisle and Mrs. Buck Carlisle of Spur visited relatives and friends in Winkler recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pillans visited friends and relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reed and Jim Norman, attended the funeral of Mr. Reed's sister, Mrs. W. R. Robinson, at Dallas last Tuesday. The many friends of Mrs. J. C. Hagler are happy to announce that she is steadily improving after two cases of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bonner and children of Winkler were Corsicana visitors last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brown and children of Winkler were Corsicana visitors Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Alvin Meal and Mrs. Webb Lee of Winkler were Corsicana visitors recently. Watt Walker left this week to enter the Armed Service. ==================================================== *1* = The Fairfield Recorder - Thursday, March 9, 1944 Page: 1 *2* = The Fairfield Recorder - Thursday, May 4, 1944 Page: 5