Freestone County, Texas Social News of 1948 The Fairfield Recorder - Thursday, July 8, 1948 Page: 5 [Mostly July 4th celebrations and visiting] LaClaire Williamson of S. H. S. T. C., Huntsville, and Sam Brooks of Houston, also a student at Huntsville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. George Linnenberg, students at S. H. S. T. C., Huntsville, spent last weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Linnenberg. Mrs. Linnenberg was one of 174 who were on the honor roll last semester. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross Lindley and Miss Kelly Jo Newell of Grand Prairie spent the past weekend her visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Orand visited the R. H. Bradley’s over the holidays. Joe Fred Fischer, student at Southwestern University, Georgetown, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fischer, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, of San Antonio, are spending their July vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and Mrs. Nannie Bonner here. F.B. Clark, Sr., of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark, Jr., of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Miss Agnes Jameson of Houston visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tate Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harbeson of Austin visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tate last weekend. W. M. Day of Dallas visited friends and relatives here last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Van McClelland and children of Bryan are visiting in Fairfield this week. Oliver Bonner and Miss Norma D. Mayo of Dallas attended the Bonner reunion July 4, at the big tank at Bonner Town. Mrs. H. J. Cannon returned home Friday night from San Antonio where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Janie Pearcy. Mr. and Mrs. Sneed Bonner and family of Franklin attended the Bonner reunion July 4 at the big tank at Bonner Town. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Buck of Dallas and Mrs. Sam Smith spent the day July 5 with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Henderson in Fairfield. Mrs. Clyde Billinglsy of Denver, Colo., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Babe Weaver, and her son, Mr. and Mrs. Grady McAdams. Mrs. Lee Young of Pikeville, Ky., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grady McAdams. She is planning a trip to El Paso to visit her husband soon, who is in the U. S. army. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hughes, Sr., Monday were Mrs. Kate Lancaster, Bill, Paul and Jessie Dell Lancaster of Dew; Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews and sons of Texas City and Jean Lancaster of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Kirgan spent Sunday in Temple. Mrs. L. C. Kirgan and L. H. Childs accompanied them to Wortham where they spent the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gunter of Houston visited Mrs. Grace Ivy and other relatives during the holidays. Ora Kate Kirgan visited friends in Waco Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Claude Clark, Mrs. Leslie Radford and Leslie D. spent Saturday and Sunday in Temple visiting Mr. Clark and Mr. Radford who are in McClosky Hospital in Temple. Mrs. W. H. McSpadden visited in Teague Thursday. Mrs. Kelly Gunter and son, Mart, of Grayburg visited Mr. and Mrs. John McEachern and other relatives last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Ford, Jr., and daughter, Beth, left early Tuesday morning for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Adren Carr and Mrs. Sterling Baldree of Mexia visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baldree Friday. L. H. Childs left Tuesday morning for a visit in Houston and Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baldree and children, of Bryan, spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baldree. Mrs. Ella Powell and Miss Ella Powell of Houston visited in the T. J. Hall Saturday.