CONVERSION TABLES FOR TEXAS Texas uses old Spanish land units such as Varas. Converting Varas to Feet = divide by 36 and multiply by 100. Converting Feet to Varas = divide by 100 and multiply by 36. Feet Yards Meters Varas Miles Kilometers 1 .333 .3048 .36 - - 3 1 .9144 1.08 - - 3.28 1.0936 1 1.18 - .001 2.778 0.925 0.85 1 - - 5,280 1,760 1,609.4 1900.8 1 1.609 3,280.1 1,093.6 1,000 1,108.8 0.621 1 Sq.Ft. Sq. Meters Sq. Varas Acres Hectares Sq.Miles 1 0.929 0.13 - - - 7.70 0.776 1 - - - 43,560 4,046.9 5,645.4 1 .4047 .00156 107,641 10,000 13,949 2.471 1 258,999.9 - 258,999.9 361,305.6 640 259 1 1 League (Legua) of Land = 25,000,000 square varas or 4,428 acres 1 Labor of Land = 1,000,000 square varas or 177 acres