Freestone County, Texas Communities Old Ghost Towns - Never had a post office: Marshy Springs / Wolf Creek Pass Marshy Springs was located 5 miles north on Hwy 75 of Buffalo where County Road 402 intersects Hwy 75. Dew is located 5.4 miles northwest of Marshy Springs. Located between Dew and Buffalo joining US75 on the west side that features wet sandy terrain. Sonny Sessions said about Marshy Springs, "In early years the small lake created when the roadway built used as a recreational area for fishing and swimming.... I do not know who first operated this but a building once there and beer and probably dancing here as this during the time Prohibition repealed and Freestone Co. wet with beer." He continues, "The last name it called was Wolf Creek Pass I think because a family named Wolf once lived and ran a trash pickup service. Several families lived here over the years. Shortly after I45 opened taking most of the traffic with it. For several years some traveling hookers would come and work the road side parks and truck stops plying their trade using CB radios to attract the truckers using sexy names like Southern Comfort. I learned they using their CB’s and directing them off I45 to "Wolf Creek Pass" not sure where this was until traveling US 75 and found the road nearly blocked by trucks off the Big Road. The girls glad to move on and "Wolf Creek Pass" shut down. School: Churches: Cemeteries: Social Organizations: Businesses: Nearby Communities: Known Former Residents: