The Teague Chronicle - Dec. 20, 1918 edition Card of Thanks We desire to thank sincerely our friends and neighbors for kindly ministrations and assistance to us during the recent illness and resultant death of our dear little daughter, Ophelia. Death is sad at best but your help which you have most generously extended has made our burdens even lighter that they might have been. Should such misfortune fall to your lot, it is our prayer that you may be strengthened by a like degree of kindness. L. M. Harris & wife -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Teague Chronicle - Dec. 20, 1918 Death of Child Ophelia, the six year old child of Mr. & Mrs. L.M. Harris, died of influenza-pneumonia at 9:00 oclock on Wed. morning of last week. The remains were interred in Salem cemetery Thursday. Eld. J.L. Walker conducted the service. Eight of nine children of Mr. & Mrs. Harris were in bed with influenza at the same time.