Freestone County, Texas Obituaries [This is Mattie Emma Hill Jan. 20, 1894 - Jun. 17, 1895 buried at Hill Cemetery near Blount.] The Fairfield Recorder - June 21, 1895 issue Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Hill of Young had the great misfortune last Monday to loose their only daughter, about 18 months old. It was just recovering from a severe attack of flux and was taken with congestion Sunday and died the next day. The Recorder deeply sympathizes with the bereaved parents in their great loss. No one who has ever stood beside the coffin of its own loved one can feel the depth of the grief that comes to those thus made to suffer. One babe left on earth only means one angel more in heaven. ----------------------------------------- The Fairfield Recorder - June 28, 1895 issue Mexia Mixings - June 25, 1895 Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Mr. and Mrs. James Hill of Young in their first dark hours of sad bereavement over the loss of their precious little girl. This writer shared the pleasure of attending their marriage occasion and tis meet that his heart should migle its grief with theirs.