Freestone County, Texas Obituaries [Diza Hobbs is buried at Salem Predestinarian Baptist Cemetery near Teague, Freestone Co., TX. near the old ghost town of Mills Hobbs, Diza 01/10/1820 - 10/03/1885 w/o Elisha Hobbs, Harvey B. 01/28/1855 - 01/14/1877 s/o Elisha & Diza; age 21 ] The Fairfield Recorder - Oct 2, 1885 edition PARALYZED Mrs. Elisha Hobbs, wife of our townsman, Mr. Elisa Hobbs, was suddenly stricken with paralysis last Tuesday and has been in a critical condition ever since. Her whole left side is affected and she is perfectly helpless, in bed, though able to talk and converse with the family. She has been in rather feeble health for several years, and it is said she has feared paralysis for some time. The many friends of the family will be sorry to hear of Mrs. Hobbs sad affliction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fairfield Recorder - Oct 9, 1885 edition DEATHS Died - Mrs. Elisha Hobbs, whose sudden paralysis and critical illness we mentioned last week, died Thursday night, about one week from the time she was paralyzed. The death of Mrs. Hobbs removes one of the oldest settlers of our county, as she and her husband came to Freestone in January 1848, over thirty seven years ago, and before the county was laid out or cut off from Limestone county. There were only about twelve or fifteen grown men or voters in the present limits of Freestone, when Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs moved into the county from near Springfield. We do not know the deceased's age, but she was perhaps over 70. Had she lived until next February she and her husband would have seen the 50th anniversary of their marriage which occurred in Tennessee from which State they came to Texas. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Box Church cemetery, in the southern part of the county, where she lived many years before coming to our town. [A marker exists for her and her son at Salem Predestinarian Baptist Cemetery. Freestone County had two communities named Box. The first community named Box was a white community located in the Mills area. She was at the first. The Box community hosted a Democratic meeting and barbecue on Sept 6, 1871. It petitioned for membership to the Prairie Grove Association on 22 July 1887.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fairfield Recorder - Oct 23, 1885 edition FUNERAL SERMON We are requested by Rev. J. S. Graves to announce that the funeral sermon of Mrs. E. Hobbs will be preached here on the 1st Sunday in next month. Rev. R. E. Sanders is expected to be present and assist in the service. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dallas Weekly Herald (of Dallas, Texas) - October 8, 1885 – Page: 5 Fairfield Notes Mr. E. Hobbs, one of Freestone county’s oldest citizens, lost his wife on Friday last. She has been in feeble health for some time, and a few days ago was stricken with paralysis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairfield Recorder - Nov. 6, 1885 Rev. R. E. Sanders preached the funeral sermon of Mrs. E. Hobbs, last Sunday. A good congregation was in attendance. Mr. Sanders related some interesting reminiscences of his acquaintance with the deceased which dated back nearly forty years ago, when he first became acquainted with her and the family. Mr. Sanders preached again Sunday night.