Freestone County, Texas Obituaries Freestone Co, Tx - Obit for Dr. James Edward Sneed Source - "Obituaries from The Teague Chronicle Sept 14, 1917-Dec 17, 1920" Transcribed by Ann Thomas Farnsworth. p. 23. Oct 18, 1918. Source #2 - Image of the actual article The Teague Chronicle - Oct. 18, 1918 edition Prominent Physician Dies Dr. J. E. Sneed, aged 36 years 9 months and 28 days died at his home in the city at 12:35 pm Tues. Oct. 15. Death was caused by pneumonia following an attack of Spanish influenza. He had lingered between life and death for several days before the end came. And many of his friends from Fairfield and other points were at his bedside. Mrs. Sneed and their little girl, Jane Bonner, were both ill with influenza which had gone through the family but they both attended the funeral of husband and father. Funeral services were conducted at the residence Wed. at 12:30 o'clock by Rev. W. B. Preston, pastor of the Presbyterian church of which the deceased was a member. The funeral cortege moved from the residence at 1:30 to Fairfield cemetery where Masonic burial was given by Fairfield Lodge and assisted by other lodges of the county. Fairfield was Dr. Sneed's native home and his father and other relatives still reside there. After graduating medical college some 12 years ago he came to Teague and established himself in his profession being one of the first physicians to come here after the founding of the city. He had conducted a successful and growing practice here since that time and was one of the prominent men of the county. Dr. Sneed is survived by his daughter, Dr. W.N. Sneed, Sr. of Fairfield, a brother Dr. W.N. Sneed, Jr. of Fairfield, a foster brother Dr. Joe E. Johnson of Kirvin, and three sisters Mrs. H. B. Daviss and Mrs. John Fryer of Fairfield and Mrs. Luther Hunter of Wind River, Wyoming. All these were with him during his illness and attended the funeral excepting Mrs. Hunter, the youngest sister lived too far away to get here. The bereaved family and relatives have the profound sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. =================================================================== State Journal of Medicine OWNED, PUBLISHED AND ISSUED MONTHLY BY THE STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS EDITED FOR THE ASSOCIATION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE TRUSTEES BY HOLMAN TAYLOR, B.S., M.D. AND IRA CARLETON CHASE, A.M., M.D., F.A.C.S." FORT WORTH, TEXAS Volume XIV - May, 1918 to April, 1919 PRESS OF THE REIMERS COMPANY FORT WORTH, TEXAS Dr. James E. Sneed, of Teague, died October 15th of pneumonia following influenza; aged 36. He received his common school education at Fairfield, Texas, later attending A. & M. College, and graduated in Medicine from Tulane University in 1906. He located in Teague the same year, where he continued to practice until his death. He was a Mason and had been an active member of his county and State medical societies for ten years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter.