Freestone County, Texas Obituaries, Memorials, and Death Notices [Obit of Thomas Hicks Neyland 9 Jun 1861 to 4 May 1933 buried Greenwood Cemetery in Teague, Freestone County, Texas] The Teague Chronicle - Friday, May 12, 1933 Page: 1 Neyland Funeral Conducted Friday Methodist Church Funeral services were conducted at the First Methodist church Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock for T. H. Neyland, one of Teague s most prominent business men and dearly beloved citizens, who passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hutcheson in Houston at 5:00 o’clock Thursday morning. The funeral service was conducted by Pastor Frank E. Luker of the First Methodist church and Pastor E. Homer Tirey of the First Baptist church. Pall bearers were Dr. W. P. Harrison, L. Notley, F. F. Sims, H. H. Covington, E B. St Clair and Wm. J. Stringer. Ham Bros. directed the funeral. The cortege moved from the church to Greenwood cemetery where interment was made at 5:00 o’clock under auspices of the local Masonic Lodge of which deceased was a member. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Hutcheson of Houston, and Mrs. W. M. Bushnell of Fort Worth; two sons, T. Herbert Neyland of Teague and Albert L. Neyland of Houston; and five grandchildren. Out of town attendants were: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. La Brant and Gordon Wells of Fort Worth, Mrs. Lelia Bushnell of Dallas; Mrs. Frank Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fain and Miss Margaret Fain of Waco; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haralson, Mrs. E. M. Durham, Miss Mary Durham, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Neyland and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hutcheson of Houston; Mr. J. P. Mann of Colmesneil; Mrs. Lucy Durham and Mrs. T. G. Durham of Daisetta; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bushnell and son, Tom Ross, of Fort Worth; Mrs. W. A. Jackson of Mexia, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hall of Fairfield. T. H. Neyland was one of the most substantial and responsible men the writer has ever had the honor of knowing. Being a good man, he enjoyed the warm friendship of well meaning people as no man of our acquaintance ever did. He was a man upon whom one could in time of distress, could appeal to in time of trouble, and could depend upon when true friendship was needed. Coming from Colmesneil to Teague about 25 years ago, he founded the dry goods establishment of T. H. Neyland & Co., which has ever been dependable for honest and efficient service to the public. He reared a family of sons and daughters, to whom he imparted a heritage of usefulness to humanity and society that would be difficult to excel, and he leaves a circle of friends bounded only by the limites of his broad acquaintance. Out of respect to their departed friend, business men of the city closed their establishments during the funeral.