The Teague Chronicle - Nov. 15, 1918 edition Receives news of son's death W. H. Pelley of Teague received a message Wednesday from the War Dept. informing him of the death of his son, Ewart G. Pelley of the medical detachment 359th Artillery, 88 Division in France on Oct. 20. He was 27 years old and graduated in Pharmacy 12 days before going into the service. He entered the service in May and went to France in Aug. Young Pelley is survived by his daughter here and a sister in DeSoto, Mo. and a brother in Greely, Colo. A copy of the telegram follows: Washington, D.C. Nov. 13, 12:55 pm, Mr. William H. Pelley, Box 88, Teague Tx. Deeply regret to inform you that it is officially reported that Private Ewart G. Pelley, Field Artillery died of influenza and broncho pneumonia Oct. 20. Harris, Adjutant General