Freestone County, Texas Obits [John Americus Sneed] Fairfield Recorder Dec. 14, 1900 Dr. J. A. Sneed Dangerously Ill Our well known townsman, Dr. J. A. Sneed, has been ill about two weeks with inflamation of the bowels, and we are sorry to state that on going to press, we hear that he is in a very critical condition, with recovery quite doubtful. ======================================================= Fairfield Recorder Friday, Dec. 21, 1900 Died Our townsman, Dr. J. A. Sneed, whose dangerous illness was noted last issue, died Sunday evening, the 16th, at 5 o'clock, at his residence in Fairfield, aged 45. He was a well known citizen of our county, and was reared in this community, having come to Texas, with his parents from Georgia, when quite a small boy. He practiced medicine here about twenty years and had a large circle of friends and acquantinces in the county who will deeply regret to hear of his death. The deceased was a warm-hearted, generous man, very frank and open in speech, but one who had in reserve a sympathic nature when worthily appealed to. He was a man who loved his friends, and would do anything to accommodate them. He was noted for his free, open mannner, and had nothing of deceit in him. Dr. Sneed was a brother of Dr. W. N. Sneed, of Fairfield, and Dr. K. W. Sneed, of Wortham and also of Mrs. McInnis and Mrs. Oliver, of Buffalo. Besides these and other relatives, he left to mourn the loss of husband and father a wife and three little children. His remains were interred last Monday evening, with Masonic honors in the Fairfield cemetery, and may from the county as well as the town, were in attendance on the sad occassion. In his death a well known, familiar one has passed from our midst, to be with us no more. After about two weeks' illness, death came to him, peacefully, quietly, without struggling or pain; just as the sun was getting low in the horizon, on a holy Sabbath evening, his heart ceased its earthly beating, and his spirit went back to Him who gave it. Peace to the ashes of our friend.