Freestone County, Texas Obituaries, Memorials, and Death Notices The Wortham Journal - Friday, April 28, 1933 Page: 1 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Talley Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Talley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bounds, was born in Brandon, Parkins [sic, Rankin] County, Mississippi, December 19, 1861, and died at her home in Wortham, Texas, at 4:30 a.m. April 24, 1933. Mrs. Talley was converted at a camp meeting in Mississippi when but thirteen years of age and united with the M. E. Church, South, hut after moving to Texas in 1889, she united with the Methodist Protestant Church and was a member of this church until her death. Mrs. Talley was first married to W. W. Bradley in Mississippi on Dec. 19, 1883. Of this union four children were born, two of whom died in infancy, and two, Mrs. Eula Whiteside of Wortham, and Marvin Bradley of Mesquite, survive. Mr. Bradley died in July, 1894, and Mrs. Bradley was united in marriage to J. R. Cunningham in 1898, who also died in 1906, and in 1912 Mrs. Talley was united in marriage to W. R. Talley who died in 1927. Mrs. Talley was a devout Christian. Her faith was strong in God. She had many friends who are ready to testify to her life of devotion to her master. She was fully ready to go home to be with Jesus. She expressed her desire a number of times to depart this life and be with Christ, which she knew was much better. She was fully conscious of her condition from the time she was taken ill some ten days before her death, but she did not fear death, she had made her calling and election sure, standing on the eternal word of God. Everything that tender hands could do was done for her. Her children were with her in her last illness, and ministered as far as possible to her physical needs. Her physician, Dr. K. W. Sneed, was by her bedside frequently and gave whatever medical needs were necessary. Her many friends and loved ones gathered about her ready to administer whatever aid they were able to do, but all knew that her time was soon to come. She went to sleep, as it were Saturday night, and slept right on into heaven. There was not a struggle or pain as far as anyone could detect. She quietly and peacefully passed away her tired body was put to sleep by Jesus and her soul went to be with Him. There will remain many sweet memories of Mrs. Talley. Her home for many years was the home of her pastors. They always found a welcome there. For a number of years she had not been able to attend church services regularly, but it was a great delight to have the minister to call at her home and offer prayer. There are going to be some real surprises in heaven for some people who have opened their doors to the men of God, and helped to care for those who preached the Word of God. “As much as you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.” And they shall hear the applaudit, “Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.” The funeral services were in charge of Rev. J. A. Wade, pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church, assisted by Rev. George Bounds, a life long friend and relative of deceased, and were held in the First M. P. Church in Wortham. Interment in the Wortham cemetery April 25, 1933, at 10 o'clock a.m. She leaves two children, Mrs. Eula Whiteside of Wortham and Marvin Bradley of Mesquite; and four step- children, Ernest Talley of Mexia, Mrs. Lettie Roller of Fairfield, Mrs. Sue McCormick of Wortham, and Mrs. Bettie Harris of Kirven, and a host of friends and loved ones to mourn her departure.