The Teague Chronicle - May 9, 1919 edition Died The funeral service of C. M. Winborn, who died at his home in Denison Wednesday was held here Sat. afternoon. Interment being made in the local cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Winborn was a member of the lodge in Denison and had lived there for a number of years. Although not known to our people his wife was a sister of Mesd. J. C. Dunn and L. B. Gamewell of this city and has a host of friends in the county who deeply sympathize with her in this hour of bereavement. Besides his wife the deceased leaves several brothers and other relatives to mourn his death. A large number of friends from Denison accompanied the remains to Teague. After a few brief words by Rev. S. W. Thomas, the last rites were performed by the Masons and his body was laid to rest. -------------------------------------------- The Teague Chronicle - May 9, 1919 edition Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks for the sympathy so kindly given by the members of the Masonic Order, the ladies of the Eastern Star and other friends on the occasion of the death and burial of our husband, brother and uncle, C.M. Winborn. Sincerely Mrs. Mamye Winborn Joe and Sam Winborn Mattie Powell Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dunn and family Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Gamewell and family