Freestone County, Texas Reflections FREESTONE PAST/PRESENT J. R. (Sonny) Sessions AREA AIR TRAGIDIES Late in the afternoon on a spring day in 1968 James (Plump) Cox came to my home very excited and upset saying he had just seen a airplane explode in the sky west of there. Plump was easily excited so really didn’t take to seriously until checked and found to be correct. A scheduled Braniff Airline flight enroute from Houston to Dallas had gone down, probably struck by lightning in a thunderstorm. All 85 passengers on board killed with the wreckage and bodies scattered over a large area near Dawson in Navarro Co. with rain hampering the work. Friend and Navarro Co. Deputy (and later Sheriff) Harold Pitts lived in Dawson. Freestone County Deputy James Gregory and Reserve Deputy Captain Hugh Whitaker were dispatched to assist. The old Dawson School Gym was used as a morgue while trying to identify the bodies. The floor in the old gym was replaced after this use. This quite an ordeal, and probably the worst air accident ever in our area. There a similar one near Buffalo a few years earlier but wasn’t personally involved in this. Over the years there several other fatal crashes in Freestone with no survivors. One involved a very experienced pilot who as a favor to his daughter to take a young girl from school who was spending the night on an airplane ride, taking off in foggy weather, became disoriented and fatally crashed near here. I had flown with this pilot the day before searching for a wanted youth. Another of interest started with the report from a youth working on I45 construction and liked to play police. He went to Bi-Stone Fuel Offices where they doing our police dispatching at the time to report a plane seen going down in the Board Bottom area. The dispatcher didn’t take him serious until he returned a couple of hours later with part of the wreckage. There several other small plane fatalities including a young spray-crop duster pilot. Pleased to report error made last week regarding the Von Ericks, the youngest son is not deceased and doing well along with his son in other sports. Recently in basement of Courthouse to renew drivers license in office remembered used by County School Superintendents Mr. Furney Richardson, then Shelma Carlile and Beryl Walker, then Rual Wilson and Elsie Hughes from 1931 thru middle 1960’s. Then used by Peace Justices Willis Young, Williams, Orand, Ezell and Ireland, it also had others to use it, lots of memories here. Grandpa’s Report ... As a child remember myself and others having their mouth washed out with soap and water for using some of the common language used today. Worse than that was being given castor oil for bad colds (worked but the cure worse than the sickness). ... In earlier times before fast food and so much money the common fare for most working on farms and day labor was “Hoe Cakes” which easy and fast to fix and nourishing, some made with corn meal like cornbread and fried in skillet with bacon grease, others did the same with a biscuit mix. Not many today know what you talking about but this didn’t require refrigeration as most didn’t have this. ...