FREESTONE PAST/PRESENT J. R. (Sonny) SESSIONS W. O. BANKSTON During the WWII years my older sister Leah worked in Dallas for several car dealerships. One was Bankston-Hall on Ross Ave.; W.O. built this into Bankston Auto Sales one of the largest in Texas. Not sure where W.O. from originally, not sure who Hall, was possibly his uncle but definitely the man with the finances and background. At one time W.O. involved in the funeral business and kept a coffin during Christmas filled with fifths of whisky and such for friends and employees, some who would not take anything from the coffin when offered the opportunity, he enjoyed this very much. Due to the war there were no new cars being built and used cars the only thing available. W.O. learned there many in New York City and little demand for them. He made numerous trips there where good used cars purchased and driven back to Dallas for resale. He bought late model cars that owned by celebrities of the day. To me the most important one belonged to film star Humphrey Bogart a l941 black Chevrolet coupe. When back in Dallas I sat in it and even was allowed to drive it around the block. I do not know who bought it. Recently at the funeral home for Dr. N.D. Buchmeyer family visitation a big Bogart fan, a full size figure was displayed next to him. There were other vehicles brought to Dallas, formerly owned by dignitaries. During the time Leah worked there I visited her and was involved with W.O. I messed around and didn’t get my drivers license in time to make one of these trips, though offered the opportunity. but my Daddy wouldn’t let me go without a license. Have always regretted this mistake. Did drive numerous vehicles from Dallas to Mr. Smiths (Charlie’s dad) in Corsicana for W.O. W.O. loved playing with law enforcement, He and Dallas Co. Sheriff Bill Decker were big friends, I loved to ride with W.O. as had emergency lights siren and such and didn’t mind using them. For many years W.O. furnished Sheriff Decker a new vehicle each year. As most youths then we didn’t have any vehicle. Sister Leah always had a car or one from the dealership where she employed. Many times she came home she let me use them, which a big deal then. They were nearly always different, a few times they were convertibles which really something. While Peyton and Cannon Awalt in the car business they surprised to learn of my relationship with W.O. who asked about me. W.O. and Fred McMurray big pals along with other popular actors of the time, but W. O. always had time for this country boy. It a real experience being involved in all this. *** Grandpa’s Report Memorial services for Dr. N.D. Buchmeyer friend and family doctor over the years having delivered son James in the old Fairfield Hospital and Ken in the new Wortham Hospital. Dr. Buchmeyer and family very involved in Wortham area for many years and will be sorely missed. … Freestone Co. Historical Comm. annual Christmas Dinner Party hosted at the E.E. Wheat Memorial Center (Butler Center) with a delicious dinner special Christmas music. Interesting and informative program presented by Mr. Eddie Jones a descendent of Abe Jones and the community between Cross Roads and Lanely. Abe Jones born into slavery accomplished many things and a very good business man, accumulated some l000 of land, several cotton gins and other, Hopefully the program will be made available for publication. Always enjoy visiting here. The January program for the will be presented by retired Chief Deputy Charles Nicholson a veteran of the “Forgotten War” Korea. All are invited, be at Training Center on US 84 starting at 7pm.