Freestone County, Texas Reflections Freestone Past & Present By J.R. “Sonny” SESSIONS Special to The News PYRAMID RANCH In the 1960’s unknowns began purchasing tracts of land north of Stewards Mill. Many thought they were oil rich Arabs due to their privacy and sometimes seen in large and expensive vehicles with the darkened windows you couldn’t see inside, also they’re naming this ranch “The Pyramid”. They put together several thousand acres. There were complaints from many neighbors on the existing fence lines dozed down without their knowledge or consent. Land clearing, fencing and other improvements made, even a concrete road with a bridge crossing Big Tehuacana Creek to property purchased which eventually washed out. Expensive homes and other built on both sides of the Creek. There were nice cattle working pens equipped for possibly a full time Vet . Entering Pyramid Ranch to the big homes and vet barn there were small pyramids representation. They began purchasing the best and most expensive Brangus cattle. An airport was built to handle their Lear Jet, and pilots for this and three helicopters. When the 3 helicopters used they landed looking like a pyramid. The Lear Jet was used for long distance trips, been told it equipped with everything, I was offered the Jet if needed for the Sheriffs Office, no real use ever came up as would have loved to go up in it. The promoters were not rich Arabs but two men with connections in Dallas and Midland, one had local family A Brangus Sale was held for several years. At the first sale possible buyers were flown in from the mid-west on commercial planes hired by the Ranch and landed on the field there. There were all kinds of refreshments; waiters in tuxedos served a full course dinner. Neiman Marcus had a display of fine wearing apparel for the ladies, even mink coats, I don’t remember if there models. There were other expensive things here also. Over the years at these sales were first class entertainers. Barbara Mandrel, Fats Domino, and even a group of Break Dancers from New York City are the only ones I remember. Don’t think there ever anything like this in Freestone Co. before or after. Unfortunately this is like other things, where time changes everything. Today their are new owners and operations. It was an education being involved in a small way. *** The Freestone Co. Historical Comm. meeting for September held at The Freestone Co. Training Center was an enjoyable and educational program presented by Navarro Co. Historian and Archeologist Bill Young on early days traveling on the Trinity River and its importance at the time. Extensive work in all kind of history been done by Mr. Young. Accompanied by his wife Bonnie who is over the Pioneer Village in Corsicana. Hope to have them again as enjoyed and appreciated by all. The October meeting will be held at the Training Center on Tuesday Oct. 3rd, Jerry Calame will speak on Robert Longbotham on his Land Grant where Wortham located at 7:30 pm. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Fairfield will be responsible for refreshments. ***