Freestone County, Texas Vitals 1903 Birth Records for Freestone County, Texas NOTES - (1) "Inf. of" is "Infant Of" followed by typically the name of the father. In some cases the name of the mother is listed instead. (2) Question marks inserted if day or month was left blank. (3) Check in "Infant Of" section and the baby's name section. Inf. of ???? ???? 29 Jul 1903 Inf. of ???? ???? 22 Jul 1903 Inf. of Virginia ????? 26 Feb 1903 Inf. of Hazley Adams 21 Apr 1903 Inf. of Charles C Adkinson 15 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jim B Alfred 31 Dec 1903 Inf. of A L Allen 10 Aug 1903 Inf. of Carson Allen 24 Aug 1903 Inf. of Boon Anderson 17 Jul 1903 Inf. of Frank Anderson 13 Jan 1903 Inf. of Nellie Averyheart 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of Sandy Barber 19 May 1903 Inf. of W B Baty 11 Aug 1903 Inf. of Henry Beldin 26 Dec 1903 Inf. of Joe Bell 26 Dec 1903 Inf. of W O Bland 5 May 1903 Inf. of Jno Bounds 26 Jul 1903 Inf. of Alice Bowers 1 Mar 1903 Inf. of Ed Boyd 27 Aug 1903 Inf. of Tom Brooks 8 Aug 1903 Inf. of Elija Brown 29 Mar 1903 Inf. of S L Bryant 11 Dec 1903 Inf. of H Burleson 20 Jul 1903 Inf. of J R Cabler 9 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jim Campbell 12 Jul 1903 Inf. of Chas Cannon 21 Jul 1903 Inf. of Jno Cantrel 20 Apr 1903 Inf. of John F Carley 9 Jul 1903 Inf. of Willis Cate 28 Dec 1903 Inf. of William Henry Childs 27 Aug 1903 Inf. of W T Chumney 13 Jul 1903 Inf. of Geo Collins 25 Jul 1903 Inf. of Riley Collins 10 Aug 1903 Inf. of James Coppage 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of W H Crumpton 12 Aug 1903 Inf. of Chase Danniels 2 Feb 1903 Inf. of J P Daniels 28 Aug 1903 Inf. of Ed Davis 12 Dec 1903 Inf. of H B Davis 30 Jan 1903 Inf. of Jas C Davis 30 Jul 1903 Inf. of Jim Davis 29 Aug 1903 Inf. of Thomas R Devore 26 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jennie Eallem 4 Jul 1903 Inf. of Edd Farman 6 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jessie Ford 30 Jul 1903 Inf. of Charlie Frelman 12 Aug 1903 Inf. of Lee F Freeman 11 May 1903 Inf. of John Gabel 8 Dec 1903 Inf. of L B Gearring 12 Mar 1903 Inf. of Ed Glazener 7 Jun 1903 Inf. of W S Grayson 4 Mar 1903 Inf. of Dave Green 20 May 1903 Inf. of Chas Greer 25 May 1903 Inf. of James Hagins 18 May 1903 Inf. of J W Harcrow 20 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jim Harding 10 Feb 1903 Inf. of A D Harris 31 Dec 1903 Inf. of Tom Hart 14 Aug 1903 Inf. of Burt Hays 13 Mar 1903 Inf. of Ezekill Henderson 2 Jun 1903 Inf. of Melvin Henderson 13 Dec 1903 Inf. of Albert Henley 29 Aug 1903 Inf. of Ed Hines 20 Feb 1903 Inf. of W R Hogan 30 Aug 1903 Inf. of Reubin Hunter 30 Jun 1903 Inf. of Hilliard Jackson 13 Jun 1903 Inf. of Roe Jener 24 ??? 1903 Inf. of D W Jones 14 Dec 1903 Inf. of Tom Jones 5 Feb 1903 Inf. of A M Kellar 13 Dec 1903 Inf. of Ed Kennedy 26 Dec 1903 Inf. of Adolphis Knight 26 Aug 1903 Inf. of Newman Lamb 14 Mar 1903 Inf. of Chase Lambert 9 Feb 1903 Inf. of J R Lamberth 17 Feb 1903 Inf. of J E Lee 9 Jun 1903 Inf. of R A Lee 20 Aug 1903 Inf. of C P Lester 4 Dec 1903 Inf. of J B Lewis 16 Apr 1903 Inf. of Will Livingston 27 Aug 1903 Inf. of Ben Lopes 18? Feb? 1903 *shows month 18, day 2* Inf. of Floyd Lott 4 Dec 1903 Inf. of Bert Manning 21 Jul 1903 Inf. of Joe Manning 15 Jan 1903 Inf. of Oscar Y Manning 6 May 1903 Inf. of B? R Marberry 21 Jul 1903 Inf. of Calsin Marsh ?? Dec 1903 Inf. of Beralin Marshall 18 Dec 1903 Inf. of Don Martin 29 Dec 1903 Inf. of D A Mauderaille 19 Jul 1903 Inf. of Jim McDaniel 12 Aug 1903 Inf. of Tom McLarin 27 Jul 1903 Inf. of E M Meyers 14 Feb 1903 Inf. of Julian Miller 25 Jul 1903 Inf. of Orange Mimbs 5 Feb 1903 Inf. of Jas Mitchel 2 Aug 1903 Inf. of C K Moffett 31 Mar 1903 Inf. of Bill Moncrief 10 Jan 1903 Inf. of Jno Lee Moore 28 Jun 1903 Inf. of R N Moore 6 Jun 1903 Inf. of Ewing Moslier 3 May 1903 Inf. of John Newell 3 Jul 1903 Inf. of Will Nichols 7 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jas Nitchel 2 Aug 1903 Inf. of E P Odom 4 Dec 1903 Inf. of E P Odom 7 Jun 1903 Inf. of Bee Oneal 14 Apr 1903 Inf. of Jim Orand 17 Feb 1903 Inf. of Tom Owens 4 Jun 1903 Inf. of Jakey Palmer 2 Mar 1903 Inf. of James D Perry 17 May 1903 Inf. of J L Pickett 27 Jun 1903 Inf. of Tom Platt 20 Feb 1903 Inf. of Tom Platt 29 Aug 1903 Inf. of George Porter 23 Jan 1903 Inf. of G W Powell 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of Tom Prowell 1 Aug 1903 Inf. of R G Pucfey 21 Aug 1903 Inf. of Thornton Randle 13 Feb 1903 Inf. of Klebor Ray 21 Jul 1903 Inf. of Rodna Red 11 Dec 1903 Inf. of Henry Richardson 22 Aug 1903 Inf. of Jessie Ritter 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of Ben Roberts 14 Apr 1903 Inf. of E A Roberts 22 Aug 1903 Inf. of J Y Robertson 18 Dec 1903 Inf. of Y I Robertson 8 Mar 1903 Inf. of Micheal Rogers 8 Dec 1903 Inf. of Joe Rollins 20 Aug 1903 Inf. of Oscar Ryburn 23 Jul 1903 Inf. of B F Sharp 25 May 1903 Inf. of John Shelley 27 Aug 1903 Inf. of Geo Shelton 13 Dec 1903 Inf. of Henry Slaughter 11 Jul 1903 Inf. of Daniel Smith 17 Jul 1903 Inf. of Rob O Smith 23 Aug 1903 Inf. of Ben Spalding 6 Aug 1903 Inf. of Robt Tadlock 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of Walter Tate 2 Jul 1903 Inf. of ???? Templeton 8 Jun 1903 Inf. of Sam Thomas 30 Aug 1903 Inf. of Walter Tinsley 5 Aug 1903 Inf. of Willber Traylor 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of Will Tyre 19 Mar 1903 Inf. of George C Walker 30 Jul 1903 Inf. of George Walden 7 Jul 1903 Inf. of Richard Ward 24 Dec 1903 Inf. of Ed Watts 7 Dec 1903 Inf. of Lee Weeb 15 Jul 1903 Inf. of Wallace West 29 Jul 1903 Inf. of Horace White 7 Apr 1903 Inf. of J K Williams 26 May 1903 Inf. of E H Windom 15 Jun 1903 Inf. of C York 18 Jul 1903 Inf. of Wm York 19 May 1903 Inf. of Joe Young 17 ??? 1903 Inf. of Willice Allen 16 May 1903 Inf. of Ray Allman 8 Oct 1903 Inf. of J M Anderson 30 Nov 1903 Inf. of G R Baldree 7 Oct 1903 Inf. of Earnest Bigham 6 Oct 1903 Inf. of Elmore Bounds 30 Oct 1903 Inf. of Aggnis Brooks 30 Nov 1903 Inf. of Bill Bryson 13 May 1903 Inf. of Tom Burleson 5 May 1903 Inf. of George Chemarce 13 Nov 1903 Inf. of Short Clark 6 May 1903 Inf. of Robt Cole 13 Oct 1903 Inf. of Wiley Coleman 15 May 1903 Inf. of Elige Dawson 17 Nov 1903 Inf. of W P Draper 22 Nov 1903 Inf. of Artemus Edwards 12 May 1903 Inf. of G B Everett 13 Nov 1903 Inf. of L B Gamewell 16 Oct 1903 Inf. of J H Goolsby 18 Oct 1903 Inf. of John Griffin 14 Oct 1903 Inf. of Robt Harden 16 Oct 1903 Inf. of Jim Hayes 3 Nov 1903 Inf. of Eugene Hill 19 May 1903 Inf. of W V Holland 19 Oct 1903 12 Oct 1903 Inf. of Ed Johnson 23 Nov 1903 Inf. of Frank Johnson 5 Nov 1903 Inf. of S B Johnson 29 Oct 1903 Inf. of W J Johnson 25 Oct 1903 Inf. of B J Jolly 1 May 1903 Inf. of Lela Jones 23 Nov 1903 Inf. of B Key 19 May 1903 Inf. of Jeff D Kitchens 2 May 1903 Inf. of Sampson Lamb 30 May 1903 Inf. of J S Lee 28 May 1903 Inf. of Jack Lott 12 May 1903 Inf. of Will Lott 4 May 1903 Inf. of George Magonirk 20 Nov 1903 Inf. of Wm McKinney 16 Oct 1903 Inf. of J W Orand 30 Oct 1903 Inf. of Leroy Pickett 19 May 1903 Inf. of George Porter 10 Oct 1903 Inf. of W G Purifoy 18 May 1903 Inf. of George R Pyburn 10 Oct 1903 Inf. of Luther Richardson 8 May 1903 Inf. of Shecs Rutherford 27 May 1903 Inf. of John Simmons 11 Nov 1903 Inf. of Mose Sims 14 Oct 1903 Inf. of John L Sullivan 4 Oct 1903 Inf. of Jule F Trayhan 28 Oct 1903 Inf. of Frank Tucker 6 Nov 1903 Inf. of Jim P Tyre 15 May 1903 Inf. of Carle Wadkins 19 Oct 1903 Inf. of John Walker 22 Nov 1903 Inf. of B C Win 22 May 1903 Inf. of John York Inf. of ???? Anderson 21 Sep 1903 Inf. of Monroe Anderson 5 Sep 1903 Inf. of Thomas Bottoms 8 Sep 1903 Inf. of Grant Bowers 5 Sep 1903 Inf. of Tom Cannon 30 Oct 1903 Inf. of Hilry Caroll 16 Oct 1903 Inf. of Lon Cistern 22 Oct 1903 Inf. of Cairo Cockerell 26 Oct 1903 Inf. of Murry Craig 11 Oct 1903 Inf. of Mury Craig 2 Sep 1903 Inf. of Will Craig 9 Sep 1903 Inf. of Mac Daniel 18 Sep 1903 Inf. of John Defrance 9 Sep 1903 Inf. of Ruben Emmon 25 Sep 1903 Inf. of Jim Farlaw 25 Sep 1903 Inf. of James Fogleman 1 Oct 1903 Inf. of E C Foreman 13 Oct 1903 Inf. of Will Gamel 9 Sep 1903 Inf. of Jno Gardner 17 Sep 1903 Inf. of Lee Glazener 19 Sep 1903 Inf. of Tom Grant 29 Sep 1903 Inf. of Charlie Grayson 6 Sep 1903 Inf. of Guinn 1 Sep 1903 Inf. of Walter Harris 17 Oct 1903 Inf. of Jim Hays 22 Oct 1903 Inf. of Odis Hill 10 Sep 1903 Inf. of Tom Hood 14 Oct 1903 Inf. of Houston Hunter 25 Sep 1903 Inf. of Charlie James 14 Mar 1903 Inf. of Elhu Kelley 12 Mar 1903 Inf. of J A Kirgan 12 Sep 1903 Inf. of Albert Kuner 25 Sep 1903 Inf. of Elmore Lambert 10 Oct 1903 Inf. of Pete Loper 14 Sep 1903 Inf. of Ed Manahan 13 Sep 1903 Inf. of John Mayberry 16 Sep 1903 Inf. of Joe McCormick 6 Oct 1903 Inf. of W M Miller 15 Oct 1903 Inf. of W Moore 30 Oct 1903 Inf. of C E Moser 11 Oct 1903 Inf. of Joel Newsom 3 Sep 1903 Inf. of Robert Nolin 5 Sep 1903 Inf. of Wat Parker 13 Sep 1903 Inf. of Morris Pearcy 1 Sep 1903 Inf. of Ben Platt 11 Oct 1903 Inf. of Gillman Poindextor 25 Oct 1903 Inf. of Edward Pressly 18 Sep 1903 Inf. of Pompy Roland 26 Sep 1903 Inf. of J A Shanks 17 Sep 1903 Inf. of Joe Simpson 18 Sep 1903 Inf. of Joe Smith 27 Oct 1903 Inf. of Efe Stevesson 28 Sep 1903 Inf. of Sam Thomas 5 Sep 1903 Inf. of Reuben A Waltrip 18 Sep 1903 Inf. of W Warren 13 Oct 1903 Inf. of Ed Watson 11 Sep 1903 Inf. of John Watson 23 Sep 1903 Inf. of Otis Webb 4 Sep 1903 Inf. of Jim Willard 28 Sep 1903 Inf. of Cantrell Willard 23 Sep 1903 Inf. of R Windser 29 Sep 1903 Inf. of Leeter Wright 23 Sep 1903 Inf. of John Yates 13 Sep 1903 Mary Elizabeth Adams 31 Aug 1903 Willia Agrippa Adkins 8 May 1903 Rufus Atkins 5 Sep 1903 Booker T Washing Averhart 19 Mar 1903 Mattie Lora Bass 18 Oct 1903 Julia Beall 11 Oct 1903 Everet Beck 21 Aug 1903 Leah May Beene 11 Sep 1903 William Claude Black 18 Aug 1903 Hough Blakeney 24 Sep 1903 Willis Bonner 2 Feb 1903 Dave Brooks 3 Aug 1903 Brison Bruith 1 Aug 1903 Birter Bullard 29 Oct 1903 Heck Butler 9 Sep 1903 Jesse Enoch Butler 11 Aug 1903 Marvin Calloway 16 Jan 1903 Hubert Carrol 17 Sep 1903 Sherman Chambers 20 May 1903 David Patrick Claridge 18 May 1903 Frank Collins 29 Aug 1903 Lusk Coslin 6 Sep 1903 Prudence V Cretsinger 8 Jul 1903 Birtha Cunningham 6 Dec 1903 George Wasting Dalling 17 Dec 1903 Elnora Dalton 21 Aug 1903 Leola Daniel 28 Oct 1903 Arde Davis 3 Sep 1903 Boykin Davis 19 Mar 1903 Dannie Davis 2 Nov 1903 Eve Davis 22 ??? 1903 Irene Davis 15 Aug 1903 William Newton Daviss 16 Aug 1903 Bob Day 2 Oct 1903 Mabell Day 3 Sep 1903 Richard Day 22 Dec 1903 William Day 22 Dec 1903 Besie May Dilard 22 ??? 1903 Rousevelt Dorham 14 Aug 1903 Nellie Lea Driver 30 Jul 1903 John Bluford Dunbar 19 Mar 1903 Vera Eliott 30 Aug 1903 Wiley Eubanks 17 Sep 1903 Henry Evans 19 Mar 1903 Willis Fogleman 13 Sep 1903 Edny Jewel Foster 16 Oct 1903 Susie Belle Foster 11 Sep 1903 William Henry Fulton 14 Oct 1903 Hubert Lea Furlough 6 Aug 1903 Wade Gale 3 Sep 1903 Sam Gamble 2 Sep 1903 Anna Leon George 4 Dec 1903 Maude Amanda Gilbert 25 Sep 1903 Susie Mdaline Gillam 19 Nov 1903 Thos Gilpin 19 Sep 1903 Sanford Glanton 29 Jul 1903 Clinton Rudolph Hackey 18 May 1903 Wiley Buford Hancock 15 Jul 1903 Henry Leroy Harding 28 May 1903 Grace Hardy 9 Jul 1903 Ira Henry 13 Sep 1903 Willie Elbert Henry 26 May 1903 Willie L Horn 23 Aug 1903 Sam Houston 2 Oct 1903 Verma Huckaby 5 Dec 1903 Joe Willie Huckbuy 26 Jan 1903 James P Hurley 14 Aug 1903 Syble Ingrum 1 Jul 1903 Fredonia Jackson 30 Sep 1903 Martha Jackson 1 Sep 1903 Jesse James 6 Aug 1903 Ellis Johnson 20 Dec 1903 Annie Ma Belle Jolly 19 Aug 1903 Edward Baxter Jones 9 Oct 1903 Mary E Jourdin 13 Sep 1903 Millard Kirgan 9 Aug 1903 Willis Lake 31 Dec 1903 Allan Lambright 7 Sep 1903 Clarence Ray Lancaster 29 Oct 1903 Lola Montey Lancaster 10 Jul 1903 Jim Landers 7 Sep 1903 * duplicate? * John Landers 7 Sep 1903 * duplicate? * Leona Lawson 19 Mar 1903 Charles Leambert 2 Jul 1903 Alberter Lee 25 Jul 1903 Jas Lee 21 Aug 1903 L H Leningham 15 Sep 1903 Agney Levels 23 May 1903 Marrion Ralph Lindly 7 Jun 1903 James Edward Lott 10 Sep 1903 R F Lumus 29 Aug 1903 Earlvie Antoinette Martin 22 Aug 1903 Jennie Pearl Martin 25 Oct 1903 Vivien Lurena Martin 11 Aug 1903 Lee Carlton May 22 Oct 1903 Garland Meadors 15 Aug 1903 Laura Elmer Meese 16 Dec 1903 Bobbie L Milliken 25 Jul 1903 Harry Wooldridg Monahan 13 Dec 1903 Rosie Moody 4 Jul 1903 Mary Boyd Moore 20 Dec 1903 Wiley Moore 19 Mar 1903 Ola Maud Partin 28 Aug 1903 Jesse Patterson 13 Aug 1903 Adephia Paul 9 Apr 1903 Sarah Perking 1 Nov 1903 Earl Phillips 21 Oct 1903 Raines Phipps 22 Oct 1903 Leonard Proctor 30 Jul 1903 Migelia Risher 20 Aug 1903 Cora Belle Roggers 30 Aug 1903 Mattie Girtrude Samford 12 Aug 1903 Doyal Powell Satterwhite 6 Jan 1903 Acie Shaw 2 Aug 1903 Morgan Shaw 13 Aug 1903 Annie May Sibley 12 May 1903 Sallie Joe Simmons 12 Oct 1903 Neta Pearl Sims 15 Sep 1903 Tolbert Smith 13 Oct 1903 Chas Spencer 13 Aug 1903 Charlie Steene 12 May 1903 Elizabeth Stubbs 7 Aug 1903 Samuel Summers 11 Oct 1903 Virgon Hommer Tatte 31 Apr 1903 Josie Tatum 8 Aug 1903 Julia Taylor 16 Aug 1903 Reuben Thornton 5 Apr 1903 Pinky Titus 23 Jul 1903 Louella Tomkins 22 Aug 1903 Kerlin Tytus 26 Aug 1903 George W Underwood 31 Dec 1903 Eugene Weaver 16 Jul 1903 David E Weeks 9 Aug 1903 Adolphus Herndon Jr. White 7 Apr 1903 Miles Wigley 12 Oct 1903 John Thomas Willard 11 Feb 1903 Betsy Williams 10 Oct 1903 Bieller Williams 10 Oct 1903 Cub Williams 26 Jul 1903 Elizabeth Williams 8 Aug 1903 Bessie Williamson 18 Aug 1903 Katheran Willis 7 Oct 1903 George Robert Wilson 1 Feb 1903 Mary Wilson 4 Aug 1903 Mary Wilson 18 Dec 1903 Ralph A Winn 10 Aug 1903 Lura May Wooldridge 5 Jun 1903 Leroy Wortham 14 Mar 1903 Walter D Worthy 4 Nov 1903 William Steele Wright 23 Sep 1903 Garlie Yarborough 12 Sep 1903 Leaurene Yarbro 7 Jul 1903 Mary Catharine Yarbrough 3 Aug 1903 Willie Yerby 21 Jul 1903 Reuben Harrison York Oct 1903