Thursday, October 12, 2006 Dec. 30 in Gladewater . . . Flowers, White wedding is set Mr. and Mrs. Kevin White of Gladewater and Mrs. and Mrs. Mark Steele of Gladewater announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Catherine Marie White, to Sean Wesley Flowers, son of Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Flowers of Fairfield. The bride-elect is a 2004 graduate of Gladewater high school and earned an associate of arts degree from Kilgore College this year. She is currently pursuing a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of Texas at Tyler. The prospective groom is a 2002 graduate of Gladewater high school and attends the University of Texas at Tyler, where he is majoring in English. He is employed with Haverty’s Furniture in Tyler. The couple will exchange vows Saturday, December 30 at First United Methodist Church in Gladewater. Will renew vows . . . Couple celebrates 50th A golden wedding anniversary celebration and vow renewal is set for Saturday, Oct. 21 for E.W. and Barbara Jean Allen of Dew. The event will take place at 2 p.m. at Grace Tabernacle in Dew. Everyone is invited to the celebration and the reception following. The couple requests no gifts.