Freestone County, Texas Weddings Dallas Morning News Feb 24. 1948 Section: 1; Page 14 Helen Willard Bride of Jack Campbell Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Willard, Fairfield, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen Willard, 2834 LaSalle, to Jack Campbell, son of Mrs. Abbie Lee, Covington, Hill county. The Rev. Charles Denman read the ceremony Feb. 19 at the First Methodist Church. The bride wore an aqua suit with silver and black accessories. She had a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Campbell is a graduate of Fairfield High School. Her husband, a graduate of Covington High School, attended NTSC. He has served four and a half years in the navy and is stationed at the Dallas Naval Air Station. He had a year's overseas duty. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will make their home in Dallas.