Freestone County, Texas Marriages [Submitted by Billie Bournais] The Fairfield Recorder - October 16, 1914 Volume XXXIX - No. 4 Front page Childs-Weaver Wedding One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Miss Willimay Weaver and Mr. Robert Childs, on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Weaver. The winding stairway down which the bridal party decended and the reception hall were beautifully decorated with pot flowers, English Ivy and ropes of white crepe paper. In the music room, where the ceremony was performed, handsome ferns, La Frances roses and English Ivy were used extensively. “I Love You Truly,” sung by Miss Erle Moses, announced the beginning of the ceremony, accompanist, Miss Mattie Lillard. This was followed by Mendelsohn’s wedding march. Four ribbon bearers, little Misses Mattie May Turner, Frances Talley, Allyne Hall and Eloise Harding, dressed in white with pink and blue bows and sashes, preceded the wedding party, marking an isle for them. Miss Corin Watson, in a gown of white chiffon over pink, carrying a hand boquet of roses and fern, and Mr. Sterling Childs, brother of the groom, came first, followed by Mr. Rex Watson and the groom. Miss Althea Turner, maid of honor, gowned in a handsome blue silk Messaline, carrying a boquet of roses and fern. Little Miss Evelyn Harding, in a white lace dress with blue ribbons came just before the bride, scattering rose petals from an oriental basket. The Bride wore an exquisite gown of white satin charmuse over white lace. She carried an immense arm boquet of La France roses and fern. The groom met the bride under an arch of smiax and ferns, where Bro. Brown, in a simple and impressive manner, said the words which made them man and wife. Immediately after the ceremony, congratulations were extended wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. They will make their home, temporarily, with the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Childs, Sr., of Turlington. Many out of-town guests were present, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Parker of Oakwood, Mrs. Parker being a sister of the groom. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. A Friend