BOOK GROOM DR./SR./JR. BRIDE MRS/MISS YYYY/MM/DD MINISTER TITLE CHURCH/PRECINCT NOTES 4 "Rasco, Oscar R." Mr. "Acuff, C[ornelia] O[phelia]" Miss 1888/03/01 "Carley, A. B." Minister FR 03/09/1888 4 "Lane, William P." "Adams, Cora" 1891/12/20 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Eubanks, Newt[on E.]" Mr. "Adams, Florence " Miss 1888/05/29 "Moore, T. J." 4 "Mullins, W[illiam] H[enry]" Mr. "Adkinson, Sara [Parthenia]" Miss 1889/01/10 "Harris, J. J. " Minister 4 "Lewis, W. A." Mr. "Aikens, Maggie E." Miss 1887/07/07 "McKay, D." Elder 4 "Rose, A[ndrew] G." Mr. "Alexander, Lucy [Alice]" Miss 1889/01/03 "Bounds, G. W. " Elder M.P.Church 4 "Boyd, W[illiam] L[ev]." Mr. "Alexander, Sallie" Miss 1887/11/07 "Wyatt, Geo. S." 4 "Rayney, W[illiam] P." Mr. "Alford, Annie" Miss 1889/03/17 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace 4 "Simpson, C[harles] E." "Alford, Fannie [E.]" 1889/10/31 "Keith, C. M." FR 10/1/1889; FR 10/8/1889 4 "Hackney, Henry C." Mr. "Allegre, Laura A." Miss 1887/08/24 "Seeley, J. T." Minister "Vol I, #374" 4 "Shanks, John T[homas]" "Amis, Sallie B[etty]" 1890/12/21 "Lee, C. C." Ordained Minister 4 "Bell, J. Ross" "Anderson, ""Bessie"" [Dicey Elizabeth]" 1891/12/22 "Graves, T. B." Minister 4 "McGrew, John" "Anderson, Arizona" 1892/12/23 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Melton, P. M." "Anderson, Carrie" 1891/03/15 "McCowan, Sampson" Justice of the Peace 4 "Moses, W. B." "Anderson, Ina" 1890/05/29 "May, Harry" Elder M.E.Church 4 "Ham, ""Jeff"" [Jefferson]" "Anderson, M[aggie] L[eone]" 1890/01/05 "Porter, M. H." Minister "Vol I, #381" 4 "Tyles, R. E." "Andrews, Luella C." 1890/08/03 "Miller, G. P." Minister 4 "Alexander, W[illiam] W." Mr. "Arnold, A[mericus] C. V[ictoria]" Mrs. 1888/11/08 "Barns, G. N." Elder M. P. C. 4 "Graham, R[eubin] G[ann]" "Atkins, M[inerva] I." Miss 1888/03/20 "Hatcher, R. J." Justice of the Peace FR 03/23/1888 4 "Byrd, J. B." Mr. "Audres, Ida J." Miss 1889/03/25 "McCoron, Sweepson" Justice of the Peace 4 "Speed, E[lam] A[lexander]" Mr. "Awalt, Minnie" Miss 1888/07/05 "Brown, E. J." Minister FR 07/06/1888 4 "Campbell, W. O." "Baden, Savala" 1889/01/06 "Moore, Robert" 4 "McGuire, J. S." Mr. "Baisdin, Chastina" 1889/01/10 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Cooper, H. J." Mr. "Barefield, E. C." Miss 1887/09/15 "Chester, Thomas T." Minister 4 "Smith, Chauncey L." "Barkley, Mary E." 1892/04/01 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Martin, C. J." "Barnes, Sallie" ????/07/27 "Chester, Thomas T." Minister 4 "Bonner, J[ames] A[ndrew]" Mr. "Barnett, ""Mattie"" [Adaline]" Miss 1887/12/08 "Bonner, Thomas Joell" Minister 4 "Compton, J[ames] W[illiam]" Mr. "Barnett, M[ary] F[rancis]" Miss 1887/10/11 "Keith, C. M." Rev. 4 "Wilder, G[eorge] W." Mr. "Bates, C[ora] P." Miss 1887/03/31 "McLaughlin, W. F." 4 "Langram, John" Mr. "Bates, Nancy" Miss 1887/01/16 "Grizzard, C. P." Minister 4 "Dillard, John D." "Battles, Julia C[owart]" Mrs. 1887/06/22 "Wyatt, Geo. S." 4 "Ezell, D. C[rockett]" Mr. "Beazley, M[argaret] J." Miss 1887/02/10 "Bond, T. W." 4 "Lindsey, J. L." Mr. "Beene, Bettie" Miss 1888/06/07 "Thomas, G. I." Ordained Minister 4 "Lewis, T. E." "Beldon, Belle" 1892/04/06 "Bradford, H." 4 "Weaver, J[ohn] M[arion]" Mr. "Bennett, ""Bettie"" [Elizabeth Lucivy]" Miss 1888/12/24 "Keith, C. M." Pastor M.E.Church South 4 "Hawkins, D. A." Mr. "Bennett, E. A." Miss 1887/07/27 "Sims, T. W." County Judge 4 "Gray, C. A." Mr. "Bennett, Lula B." Miss 1888/11/14 "Bounds, J. M. " Minister 4 "Smith, Albert M." "Bennett, Mary" 1889/12/10 "Seely, J. L." Minister 4 "Yenkie, Benton" "Bentley, Melissa" Miss 1888/01/12 "Bond, T. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Jones, W[illiam] T." Mr. "Berry, ""Lizzie "" [Elizabeth C.]" Miss 1888/06/21 "Andrews, Wm." 4 "Tompkins, James" Mr. "Bishop, M. A." Miss 1887/10/19 "Parish, L. B." Justice of the Peace 4 "Harrison, James L[ayffette]" "Bishop, Sarah M[arie]" 1892/11/26 ixr "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Smith, W. A." "Blake, Georgia B." 1891/12/06 "Kirven, P. E." Minister 4 "Williams, Luke" "Bland, Lillian" 1892/11/19 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Hall, B. F." "Bolton, S. F." 1890/08/28 "Hatcher, R. J." County Judge 4 "Richards, William E[vans Jr.]" "Bonner, Mary E[liza]" 1892/12/27 "Patterson, W. L." 4 "Sloan, J[ames] R[obert Sr.]" "Bounds, [Susan] Ella" 1891/12/25 "Hemphill, W. T." Minister 4 "Horton, H[enry] C[lay]" Mr. "Boyd, M[ary] E[lizabeth]" Miss 1888/11/18 "Groves, J. G." Minister 4 "McDonald, M. G." "Boykin, Lula" 1892/07/11 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Waltman, L[eonard] D[ewitt]" "Bradley, Julia" 1892/10/28 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Childs, W[illiam] B." "Branch, Emira" Miss 1889/08/08 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Mayes, R. M." Mr. "Brashears, Callie" Miss 1887/02/03 "Wood, J. W." Elder 4 "Fails, L[enard] F." Mr. "Bray, B[arbara] E[lla]" Miss 1888/03/08 "Eubank, A. M." 4 "Fails, L[yman] S[tevens]" Mr. "Bray, M[ary] F[rances]" Miss 1888/06/07 "Barnes, G. W." Elder (MPC) 4 "Sellars, L. A." "Brewer, Cora A." 1890/01/28 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Wilkerson, J[ohn] W." Mr. "Brewer, Mollie" Miss 1887/05/25 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Ferguson, W. E." "Brown, Addie" 1891/12/31 "Thomas, G. I." Ordained Minister 4 "Thompson, J[ames] D[avid Wade]" "Brown, Fannie" 1891/09/03 "Wills, J. A." Minister 4 "Ely, T[homas] W[alter Sr.]" "Brown, M[ary] A[da]" 1890/01/02 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Moore, W. H." "Bryant, Mary E." Miss 1887/10/14 "Moore, T. J." Elder 4 "Bain, J[ohn] L[ee]" Mr. "Burkhalter, M[ary] Z[illa]" Miss 1888/11/18 "Childs, M. J." 4 "Pierce, G. W." Mr. "Burleson, L.A." Miss 1887/05/19 "Pullin, W. A." Justice of the Peace 4 "Wheeler, William T." "Burleson, M. Ada" 1892/12/25 "Wills, J. A." 4 "Anderson, John" Mr. "Burleson, Rhoda" Miss 1887/12/04 "Williamson, W. D." Elder 4 "Miller, H. D." Mr. "Burleson, Sallie" Miss 1887/02/10 "Sanders, R. E." C.P. Minister 4 "Teer, C[harles] R[iley]" Mr. "Burleson, Sallie D[ee]" Miss 1888/02/03 "Moore, T. J." Elder 4 "Garrett, G[reenLee] T[homas]" "Butler, [Josephine] ""Josie""" 1892/07/02 ixr "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Pittman, F. H[ouston]" Mr. "Byrd, Alice" Miss 1887/01/12 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Took, [Ed] A. T." "Calloway, Dannah" 1892/03/27 "Bryant, Samuel" Elder 4 "Chilcoat, F[rank] M[arion]" "Calloway, M[ary] A[lice]" 1889/12/01 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Wiggins, S. V. J." "Calvert, S. C." Miss 1889/07/25 "Ferguson, C. N. N." Minister 4 "Moody, C. L." "Campbell, Lucy" 1890/09/04 "Green, J. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Mathison, James" "Camron, Marthy M." Miss 1887/06/18 "Grizzard, C. P." Minister 4 "Calloway, J. K." Mr. "Carley, May A." Miss 1887/06/08 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Herring, L[evi] E." "Carr, Gertrude [Binion]" 1891/06/22 "Brown, T. J." 4 "Fogleman, L. D." Mr. "Carro, L[ucy] A." Miss 1888/10/25 "Parish, L. B." Justice of the Peace 4 "Hancock, H. T." Mr. "Carroll, M. L." Mrs. 1887/12/01 "Paisley, A. W." Minister 4 "Bickerstaff, J[ohn] T[hompson]" Mr. "Carroll, Tenora" Miss 1888/08/10 "Parish, L. B." Justice of the Peace 4 "Carter, A[lfred] P[ayne]" Mr. "Carter, ""Maggie"" [Margaret Frances]" Miss 1887/11/06 "Bates, Eugene T." Minister "Vol I, #198" 4 "Bulin, Thomas" "Cartwright, Lucreta" 1891/05/21 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Walker, W[illiam] I[rvin]" "Castleberry, Della [Leona]" 1892/07/11 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Boyd, W. R." "Castleberry, Fannie" 1889/11/10 "Childs, W. B." Minister FR 11/22/1889 4 "Strickland, W[illiam] R[iley]" Mr. "Cates, Exer" Miss 1887/11/03 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Salmon, J. E." "Cepaul, Emma" 1892/05/27 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Ingram, M. J. " "Chamblee, L.O." 1890/06/01 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Beckton, D." Dr. "Chancellor, Bettie" Miss 1887/06/12 "Hatcher, R. G." Justice of the Peace 4 "Martin, J[ohn] T[homas] J[ackson]" Mr. "Chancellor, Mary E[mma]" Miss 1888/05/31 "Childs, W. B." Minister "Vol II, #125; FR 06/01/1888" 4 "Rogers, John [Albert]" "Chapman, E[lexizene] F[lorence] I[sabelle]" 1891/04/05 "Kirven, P. E." Minister 4 "Andres, Ezekiel" "Cherry, Gussie" 1891/09/17 "Lee, C. C." Minister 4 "Newell, W[illiam] B[oswell]" Mr. "Childs, [Rachel] Augusta" Miss 1888/11/15 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Ham, T[aylor] M." Mr. "Claridge, M. D[elilah]" Miss 1887/10/02 "Eubank, A. M." 4 "Acuff, R[obert] D[arius]" Mr. "Clark, ""Hattie"" [Harriet] E[uphemia]" Miss 1888/03/25 "Eubank, A. M." FR 03/30/1888 & 04/06/1888 4 "Cotten, W[illiam] B. [Jr.]" Mr. "Clark, Emma F." Miss 1887/03/31 "Keith, C. M." Rev. 4 "Owens, G[eorge] W[esley]" Mr. "Clark, G[erendale] B[ell]" Miss 1888/12/02 "Keith, C. M." Minister M.E.Church 4 "Burleson, H[ugh] L[afayette]" "Cleen, Dollie" 1891/05/31 "Kennedy, W. J. " Minister 4 "Lane, Waller" "Coats, Mattie" 1889/10/20 "Lee, C. C." Minister 4 "Walker, J[ohn] B." Mr. "Cobb, Effie" Miss 1888/06/10 "Keith, C. M." [Rev.] FR 06/15/1888 4 "Archer, J. P. [""Charlie""]" "Cobb, Mary E[lizabeth]" 1891/01/01 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Nix, J. W." Mr. "Cochran, S. E." Miss 1887/11/15 "Lindsey, E.J.G.L." 4 "Weaver, Walter [R.]" "Cockerell, [Henryetta] ""Etta""" 1892/05/19 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Nichols, J. T." Mr. "Cole, H. A." Miss 1888/01/12 "Hatcher, R. J." Justice of the Peace 4 "Freeman, L[ee] F[ranklin]" Mr. "Colgin, [Francis] Irene" Miss 1887/12/22 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Butler, P[reston] I[rvin]" "Conn, Laura A[rizona (Joyce)]" 1890/11/23 "Paisley, A. W." Minister 4 "McSwane, W[illiam] A." Mr. "Cook, L. F[rancis ""Fannie""]" Miss 1888/01/24 "Paisley, A. W." [Rev.] FR 02/17/1888 4 "Ward, W[ill] J." "Cooper, E[mma] C[ornelia]" 1890/12/24 "Compton, R. N." 4 "French, W. M." "Cothran, Ida J." 1891/10/14 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Sandifer, L[ucian] G[reen Sr.]" Mr. "Cotton, [Mary] Ellen" Miss 1889/03/14 "Paisley, A. W." 4 "Feuley, L." "Courtney, S. A." 1889/10/17 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Tedden, T. J." "Cox, Josie" 1891/07/10 "Wills, J. A." Rev. 4 "Barker, M[cDonald] L." "Cox, Pauline" 1890/08/24 "Green, J. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Pope, J[oseph] A." "Craig, R[ebecca] F[rances]" 1892/09/17 ncm "Compton, R.N." 4 "Black, J[ames] A[lexander]" Mr. "Creason, M[issouri] T. [""Suez""]" Miss 1887/11/03 "Blount, O. C." Rev. "Vol I, #99" 4 "Gary, W[illiam] W." "Cretsinger, Annie" 1891/11/19 "Owens, T. F." Justice of the Peace 4 "Strother, Gillie [Edward]" "Curley, Laura O." 1891/01/15 "Bryant, David" Elder 4 "Kilborn, J[ames] Walter " "Curry, [Julia Ann] Nettie" 1890/11/27 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Wynne, James M." "Custer, Bessie" 1891/02/25 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Kirven, N. E." "Daniel, Helen" 1890/05/18 "Parker, W. A." Minister 4 "Butler, C[harles] C[hambers]" "Davis, [Susan Ann] ""Susie""" 1892/11/19 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" "McCauslin, Robert" "Davis, Susan" 1889/11/?? ? FR 12/06/1889 4 "Brewer, T. H." "Dawson, Fannie" 1892/02/04 "Seely, M. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Prowell, A[ndrew] T[homas]" "Day, Dora" 1892/02/24 "Baker, R. M." Minister 4 "Henderson, Frank" "Day, Elizabeth" 1893/01/18 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Gibbons, J. W." "Day, M. E." Miss 1888/01/08 "Grizzard, C. P." 4 "Lutrell, B. T." Mr. "Delarm, Clemmie" Miss 1888/12/30 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace Precinct #8 4 "Cowart, P[leasant] E[arly] C." "Demic, Ida L[outheria ""Lou""]" Miss 1889/05/25 "Ward, J. L." Ordained Minister 4 "Shelton, Henry" "DeMoss, Mary E." 1892/10/04 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Thompson, W. M." "Devine, Fannie" 1890/07/10 "Wood, J. B." Ordained Minister 4 "Eppes, W. T." Mr. "Dickason, Lucretia" Miss 1887/03/15 "Eubank, A. M." Minister 4 "Shell, H[enry] C." Mr. "Dies, E[ron] B. " Miss 1888/01/03 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Howard, Calvin J." "Dillard, Goldie" 1892/04/03 "Evans, J. S." Minister 4 "Watkins, G[eorge] A[rchie]" Mr. "Dixon, L[elia] A[delia]" Miss 1887/01/23 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Chaffin, C. D." Mr. "Dixon, S. E." Miss 1888/08/13 "Wood, J. W." 4 "Massey, Henry [Guy]" "Dormon, Cynthia [Francis]" 1891/07/10 "Kennedy, W. J. " 4 "Storey, Jack [John] E[dward]" "Drake, Helen [Martha]" 1891/10/28 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Boyd, James R[ufus]" "Draper, ""Donie"" [Ardonia]" 1891/10/21 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Hardie, J[ames] E[lbert]" Mr. "Draper, M[ary] L[ou]" Miss 1888/04/28 "Moore, T. J." "Vol I, #386" 4 "Collins, F[rank] P." "Driver, E. A[daline ""Addie""]" 1889/12/25 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Kirven, J[ohn] B[roadax]" Mr. "Dunagan, N[ancy] E." Miss 1888/12/05 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Day, J[ames] F[rancis]" "Dunbar, Mary B." 1892/03/16 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Walker, M. T." "Duncan, F[lorence] E[velyn]" 1889/11/20 "Eubanks, H. M." 4 "Foreman, Thomas [W.]" "Eaton, ""Lou"" [Lula]" 1892/05/23 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Taylor, Ben W." "Eddings, Clarkie" 1892/02/22 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Johnson, H[enry] M[cLin]" "Edwards, Ezra" 1890/10/14 "Smith, E. A." Minister 4 "Brewer, Sidney" Mr. "Edwards, T. A." Mrs. 1888/04/24 "Andrews, Wm." 4 "Martin, ""Jack"" [Joseph Jackson]" Mr. "Endsley, R. E[llen]" Miss 1888/12/27 "Chester, Thomas T." Minister 4 "Anderson, Boon" Mr. "Epps, Della" Miss 1889/01/06 "Brown, E. J." [Minister] 4 "Thompson, W. R." "Epps, Mary" 1892/10/21 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "DeMoss, William L." "Epps, Sallie [Ellen]" 1892/12/23 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Roland, A[braham] M." "Etheridge, R[uth] V[irginia]" 1892/08/23 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Bell, John H." "Ethridge, Susie C." 1890/05/15 "Moore, T. J." 4 "Driskill, L[egross] W[ashington]" Mr. "Evans, Blanche C." Miss 1887/06/22 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Ivy, T[homas] R." "Evans, E[lla] M[ay]" 1889/12/26 "Childs, W. B." Minister FR 12/27/1889 4 "DeFrance, W[illiam] A." Mr. "Evans, Lillie [Hall]" Miss 1888/03/14 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "White, J." Mr. "Evans, Sarah" Mrs. 1887/02/13 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Ham, Taylor M." "Fail, ""Fannie"" [Mary Francis (Bray)]" Mrs. 1891/01/15 "Compton, W. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Anderson, J[asper] M[onroe]" "Fails, Carrie [Elizabeth]" Miss 1889/08/29 "Coulson, D. V." Rev. "Vol II, #18" 4 "Thomas, W. H." Mr. "Ferguson, Cinda" Miss 1887/12/29 "Lumpkin, C. D." Rev. 4 "Emmons, J[ames] E[dwards]" "Folk, ""Lillie"" [Lura Lillian]" 1890/02/13 "Rooter, M. H." Minister 4 "Bailey, J[ohn] A[lexander] S." [Dr.] "Foreman, [Roberta] ""Berta""" 1889/10/16 "Paesly, A. W." FR 10/18/1889 4 "Cannon, John" Mr. "Foreman, Emma" Miss 1887/01/20 "Bond, T. W." 4 "Knight, J. J." "Foster, Nannie" 1890/03/23 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Beckham, James" Mr. "Franklin, Katie" Miss 1888/11/13 "Lane, W. C. " 4 "Henderson, M. W." Mr. "Frederick, Dollie" Miss 1887/12/27 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Gordon, H. M. [William]" Mr. "Freeman, Fannie" Mrs. 1888/09/13 "Brown, E. J." FR 09/13/1888 4 "Todd, J[ackson] J." "Freestone, Joellar" 1892/10/12 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Cantrell, T[homas] J." Mr. "Fretwell, M[argaret] B[arksdale]" Miss 1887/12/28 ixr "Childs, M. J." 4 "Adams, W[illia]m E." "Fulton, Millie A." 1891/09/10 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Terry, S. S. [Tom]" "Gaddy, Martha J." 1889/11/07 "Bryant, Samuel" FR 11/22/1889 4 "McNeill, R. H." Mr. "Gilmore, Lela H." Miss 1888/03/22 "Harvard, W. T." 4 "Hill, J. W." Mr. "Gilmore, M. E." Miss 1889/04/07 "Harvard, W. T." 4 "Walker, James [T.]" Mr. "Glazener, Sallie" Miss 1888/09/02 "Brown, E. J." Minister FR 09/07/1888 4 "Pope, W[illiam] H[enry]" Mr. "Goodwin, Idonia [""Ida""]" Miss 1887/06/30 "Beys, J.S." Minister 4 "Cox, J[ohn] H[ampton]" "Goodwin, Laura " Miss 1889/08/08 "Drumwright, Tom" Justice of the Peace 4 "Mellou, S. P." "Goolsby, Beulah" 1890/01/01 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Carley, W[illiam] A[ndrew]" "Goolsby, Ella F." 1890/01/01 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Terry, J. J." "Goolsby, Lena" 1890/12/23 "Bryant, Samuel" Elder 4 "James, Joseph A." "Goree, ""Lizzie"" [Elizabeth] O." 1889/12/15 "Bryant, Samuel" Elder 4 "Solomon, G[eorge] N[oah]" "Graham, Mary A." 1892/01/05 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Roberts, J. B[en]" "Graham, Minnie P." 1890/03/06 "Barnes, G. W." Minister 4 "Ward, John F[erdinand]" "Grant, Fannie L[ou]" 1892/11/12 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Bonham, M[elchia] M[ark]" "Grayson, ""Mattie"" [Martha Rebecca]" 1892/02/18 "Harvard, W. F." Minister 4 "Glass, W[illiam] Y." Mr. "Grayson, B[ertha] B[lackmon]" Miss 1887/11/23 "Howard, W. T." 4 "Hullum, William R." "Green, Nellie" 1893/01/08 "Tadden, A. B." 4 "Smith, Thee" "Gregory, Ada" 1892/01/20 "Raymond, R. R." 4 "Rawles, Jessie [T.]" "Gregory, Emma" 1891/03/18 "Trummell, J.S." Pastor 4 "Morris, J. H." Mr. "Gregory, Lizzie" Miss 1889/03/08 "Feazell, W. I." 4 "Elliott, W[illiam] R[ichard]" "Gregory, Lou" 1890/09/07 "Jennings, J. S." Minister 4 "Chambers, D. M." "Grosjohn, Matlida" 1891/08/04 "Compton, W. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Pinson, S.P." Mr. "Gunter, E. J. " Miss 1887/01/30 "Parish, L. C." Justice of the Peace 4 "Lane, Joe" "Hackney, Allie" 1891/11/25 "Kirven, P. E." Minister 4 "Dunn, E[dward] J[ackson]" "Hackney, Winnie E[stelle]" 1890/08/17 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Meyatt, C. L." Mr. "Hagen, Martha" Miss 1888/05/15 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Horton, J. C." Mr. "Hale, T. E." Miss 1887/12/15 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Murphy, H.S." "Hall, M.R." Mrs. 1889/08/06 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace 4 "Ham, J[ames] P[leasy]" Mr. "Hallmark, Allie" Miss 1887/09/11 "Eubank, A. M." "Vol I, #382" 4 "Minor, M[organ] B[yers]" "Hallmark, Ida May" 1889/11/28 "Eubanks, A. M." FR 11/29/1889 4 "Henderson, M[elvin] W[hit]" Mr. "Halmark, [Mourning] Alice" Miss 1888/09/14 "Eubank, A. M." FR 09/13/1888 4 "Peyton, T[homas] S[ones]" Mr. "Ham, Ella V[irgnia]" Miss 1887/10/16 "Keith, C. M." Rev. 4 "Chavers, A[ndrew] L[loyd]" "Hamilton, A. R." 1889/11/28 "Coleman, F. A." Justice of the Peace 4 "Wilson, C. M." "Hamilton, Marolie" Miss 1889/07/16 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Savage, J. T." "Hancock, I. E." 1892/11/25 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Pierce, S[amuel] Q[ualls]" "Hancock, N[ancy] R[ebecca]" 1890/12/14 "Ward, J.L. " Ordained Minister 4 "Rider, J[ames] S[trauther]" "Hancock, R[ose] A[nn (Ivy)]" 1892/03/16 "Drumwright, Tom" Justice of the Peace 4 "Johnson, Walter" Mr. "Hannon, E[lizabeth] W." Miss 1888/01/03 "Keith, C. M." Minister 4 "Jordan, J[ames] W. R." "Hanson, Iola N." 1891/02/03 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Newsom, J. W. " "Harris, Willie" 1892/12/20 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Bealer, E[ugene] L[ouis]" Mr. "Harrison, Annie [(Furgeson)]" Mrs. 1887/05/22 "Eubank, A. M." 4 "Parish, J. E." Mr. "Harrison, Ida" Miss 1887/09/20 "Hatcher, R. J." Justice of the Peace 4 "Clark, A. J." Mr. "Harrison, M." Mrs. 1887/12/22 "Moore, T. J." Elder 4 "Smith, H[enry] T[homas]" "Harrison,[Mary] Alice" 1892/08/22 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Byrd, L. P." Mr. "Hart, Susan" Mrs. 1889/03/27 "Harvard, W. S." 4 "Wood, O. B." "Harthcock, Annie L." 1892/12/20 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Cadenhead, C. A." "Haught, V. L." Miss 1889/08/27 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Fouty, Clinton" "Hauze, Mary Elizabeth" 1891/08/26 "Harvard, W. F." Minister 4 "Chancellor, ""Soggy"" [S. G.]" "Hendon, Dora D[ido]" 1891/12/28 "Anderson, A. G." County Judge "Vol I, #203" 4 "Oliver, J[osiah] C[ornelius]" "Hendon, Gracie [Virginia]" 1891/11/04 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Oliver, J[ohn] R[obert]" "Hendon, Talitha [Cumi]" 1891/08/23 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Danna, J. F." Mr. "Henry, C." Mrs. 1888/11/07 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Jones, J. L." Mr. "Henson, M[ary] D." Miss 1887/12/15 "Eubank, A. M." 4 "Guyness, L. J." Mr. "Herring, Charity" Miss 1887/01/20 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Hays, Lewis" "Herring, Rachel C." 1891/07/01 "Moore, T. J." 4 "May, George D[avid]" "Hines, Ida [Elizabeth] B." Miss 1889/08/15 "Kirven, P. E." Minister 4 "Allison, J[ames] I[ra]" Mr. "Holbert, Willie" Miss 1887/08/07 "Young, B." Ordained Minister 4 "Yeldell, F[rank] D[rummond]" Mr. "Hollady, L[ucy] V[irginia]" Miss 1887/04/23 "Wyatt, George S." 4 "Howell, S. J." Mr. "Holley, May W." Mrs. 1887/07/12 "Bond, T. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Liles, C[harles] E[dward]" "Hood, Alpha [Ann]" Miss 1889/06/30 "Drumwright, Tom" Justice of the Peace 4 "Harcrow, Jas." Mr. "Hopson, Josie" Miss 1889/01/06 4 "Ratcliff, A. G." Mr. "Horn, Georgia A." Miss 1887/10/27 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Baldree, M[atthew] W[illiam]" Mr. "Hornbuck, ""Sallie"" [Sarah] E[lizabeth]" Miss 1888/12/05 "Harvard, W. F." 4 "Richards, D. J." "Horton, Ada M." 1890/12/17 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Tally, W. W." "Horton, M. E." 1892/05/24 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "George, J[ohnnie] C." Mr. "House, Annie [Lou]" Miss 1889/02/24 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Livingston, J. D." Mr. "Howard, Nora" Miss 1887/09/04 "Sweeney, B. P." 4 "Odom, F[ranklin] B[artholomew]" "Hubbard, E[lizabeth] H. [Sellers]" [Mrs.] 1889/11/03 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace 4 "Massey, Nathaniel" "Hubbard, Jennie" 1891/11/19 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Parker, W. D." "Hubbard, Maggie" 1889/12/04 "Brown, E. J." Minister FR 12/06/1889 4 "Steen, E[dward] N[eil]" Mr. "Hubbard,[Mary] Annie" Miss 1887/09/27 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Reinhardt, J[ames] L. " "Hughes, N[ancy] A." 1890/08/17 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Day, C[harles] W[esley]" Mr. "Hulen, Ida [Maude]" Miss 1888/12/18 "Moore, T. J." "Vol II, #200" 4 "Hayes, J[ohn] F[rederick]" "Inderman, Lillie [Eula Lee]" 1890/01/02 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Beavers, H. J." "Inman, D. A." 1891/09/06 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Beavers, B[enjamin] A." "Inman, E[ffie] I[owa]" 1891/02/05 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Wallace, Sam L." "Inman, Fannie" 1891/12/10 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Leddon, W. H." "Ivy, Dora" 1890/02/16 "Wood, J. L." Minister 4 "Laningham, W[illiam] V." "Ivy, Ella" 1891/01/10 "Thomas, G. I." Minister 4 "Simpson, H[unter] H." "Ivy, Laura" 1889/12/26 "Wood, J. M." 4 "Evans, S[idney] J[ohnson]" Mr. "Ivy, Roxie [Emma]" Miss 1888/06/24 "Wood, J. W." [Rev.] FR 07/06/1888 4 "Boyd, John [R.]" Mr. "Jackson, Lilian R." Miss 1887/06/22 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Mullins, S. P." Mr. "Jackson, Minnie" Mrs. 1888/07/12 "Feazell, W. I." Ordained Minister 4 "Wood, J. R." "James, Mattie J." 1890/03/10 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Tatum, J. H." Mr. "Jefferson, Ora" Miss 1887/02/27 "Lee, C. C." Minister 4 "Brewer, William" "Jeter, Olive R[ebecca (Hall)]" 1892/12/01 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Mathews, H. N." Mr. "Jock, Sallie" Miss 1888/06/18 "Childs, M. J." not returned 4 "Jones, James H[ill]" Mr. "Johnson, ""Bettie"" [Sarah Elizabeth]" Miss 1887/12/15 "Parish, L. B." Justice of the Peace 4 "Tyner, R. J." "Johnson, L. E." 1891/10/22 "Joyner, J. L." Rev. 4 "Humphries, J. W." Mr. "Johnson, Mary L." Mrs. 1887/08/24 "Eubank, A. M." 4 "James, H. H." "Johnson, S. E." 1889/11/21 "Andrews, Wm." 4 "Click, E[ldridge] S." Mr. "Johnston, Belle" Miss 1888/10/07 "Williams, H. J. E." Minister 4 "Miller, J. R." "Jolly, J. A." 1890/07/17 "Teddin, A. B." Minister 4 "Pitts, C[olombus] G[arrett]" "Jones, Ella" 1891/10/11 "Duke, L.W." 4 "Patton, J[ohn] T." Mr. "Jones, Ida" Miss 1888/04/28 "Childs, M. J." [actually Rev. A. P. L. Green at Oakwood] not returned; FR 05/25/1888 4 "Bilderback, E[dward] R[iley ""Eddie""] " "Jones, Lillie" 1889/12/26 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace 4 "Stewart, John J." "Jones, Mollie L." 1890/10/08 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Terry, Noah" "Jordan, E. E. " 1891/08/30 "Teddin, A. B." Minister 4 "Pierce, J.B." Mr. "Jordan, Mary" Miss 1887/04/19 "Wood, J.W." 4 "Landrum, J. L." "Keel, Alic Sue" 1889/11/05 "Havard, W. T." 4 "Whatley, Walter F[ranklin]" "Keys, Delilah A[nn]" 1891/12/09 "Raymond, R. R." Minister 4 "Holliday, Dan" "Keys, Katie A." 1891/12/31 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Beene, John L[emuel]" "Kilborn, ""Fannie"" [Francis] L[illian]" 1890/01/23 "Paisley, A. W." Minister 4 "Carroll, C[harles] C[lement]" "Kilborn, ""Winnie"" W[inifred] A[delia]" 1892/12/21 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Bacon, E[dgar] D." Mr. "Kilpatrick, Katie [Jane]" Miss 1889/01/24 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Bacon, Earl" "Kilpatrick, Mary Lou" 1891/03/17 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Norris, L. D." Mr. "King, M.D." Miss 1887/02/10 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Everett, G[eorge] B[rowder]" "Kirven, Fannie R." 1891/09/20 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Bishop, John W[illiam]" "Kulbeth, Mattie" 1892/08/12 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" Justice of the Peace 8th Precinct 4 "Porter, Melton H." "Lafferty, Louisa M." 1890/03/19 "Sears, H. W." Minister 4 "Robertson, L[ee] A[ndrew]" "Lake, Sallie [Ghent]" Miss 1889/07/07 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Hawks, E. R." "Lama, Mary E." 1890/07/06 "Jennings, G. S." Minister 4 "Hill, Walter C." "Lamb, Delilah" 1891/12/06 "Raymond, R. R." Minister 4 "Wilson, D[aniel] B[urton]" "Lane, Eunice" 1891/11/25 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Langdon, W. L." Mr. "Langley, Ellen" Miss 1887/11/21 "Hatcher, R. J." Justice of the Peace 4 "Wilson, W. E. J." Mr. "Langley, P. J." Miss 1888/07/29 "Grizzard, C. P." Minister 4 "Wright, Luther J[ames]" "Lansford, ""Sallie"" [Sarah] E[lizabeth]" 1890/10/19 "Seely, J. T." Minister 4 "Pierce, D[avid] F[lorence]" "Lansford, M[ary] F[rancis]" 1890/01/28 "Kennedy, W. J. " Minister 4 "Chapman, David [C.]" "Lansford, Ruth [(Turner)]" 1891/08/30 "Kennedy, W. J. " Minister 4 "Loven, Nick" "Lassur, Alice" 1891/12/24 "Edwards, W. L." Justice of the Peace 4 "Oliver, Aleck" Mr. "Laws, Alice" Miss 1888/08/09 "Pullin, W. A." Justice of the Peace 4 "Musgrove, F. A." "Layton, Dillie" 1890/01/06 "Porter, M. H." Minister 4 "Sessums, J. S." Mr. "Ledden, Bettie" Miss 1888/10/21 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Hill, J[ames] M." Mr. "Ledden, L[ula] J." Miss 1888/05/27 "Keith, C. M." Rev. FR 06/01/1888 4 "Chancellor, R[obert] Y[eldell]" Mr. "Lee, ""Bettie"" [Elizabeth]" Miss 1887/04/25 "Harvard, W. F." "Vol I, #205" 4 "Casey, I[ke] N[ewton]" "Lee, Catherine [Emily]" 1890/03/08 "Compton, Robert Neville" "Vol I, #199" 4 "Smith, George [W.]" "Lee, Lydia [Harriet]" 1891/12/02 "Owens, T. F." Justice of the Peace 4 "Hadden, J. F." "Lewellyn, E. E." Mrs. 1890/01/14 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Sneed, William N[ewton Sr.]" "Lillard, Valena D." 1891/10/28 Groves. J. S. Minister 4 "Cameron, John W." "Lindley, Ona" Mrs. 1892/10/18 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Leadbetter, Sterling F[irth]" "Lindsey, M[ary] C[aroline]" 1892/12/19 nc "Compton, R. N." 4 "Walker, C. E." "Little, M. A[manda]" 1891/11/01 "Blackwell, J. L. " Ordained Minister 4 "Kennedy, J. W." "Little, S. L. " 1890/01/23 "Thomas, G. J." Minister 4 "Eubank, [Rev.] A[ugustus] M. " Mr. "Logan, [Mary V.] ""Jennie""" Mrs. 1888/01/12 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Weaver, Augustus [N.]" "Longbotham, Lucinda" 1890/12/07 "Seely, J. T." Minister 4 "Wills, George M." "Loomis, Lou Erline" 1889/10/24 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Winbourn, Alexander" "Loper, Minnie" 1892/02/11 "Moore, T. J." Minister 4 "Morano, Parvolina" Mr. "Lopez, Louisa" Miss 1887/11/06 "Wood, J. W." 4 "Goodman, W. N." "Love, E. R." 1889/12/29 "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Taylor, S." Mr. "Lovins, S. E. C." Miss 1887/10/23 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Perryman, James" "Lovy, Laura" 1889/12/26 "Webb, Butler" 4 "Jolly, J. B." "Lupen, I. E." 1890/10/14 "Smith, E. A." Minister 4 "Oliver, E. P." "Madden, Anna T." 1890/08/29 "Moore, T. J." Minister 4 "Shirley, C. B." Mr. "Maddox, J. C." Mrs. 1887/10/06 "Chester, Thomas T." Minister 4 "Willingham, J. M." Mr. "Maines, I[da] F." Miss 1888/01/12 "Thomas, W. C." Elder 4 "Tacker, J[oshua] A[lex]" "Maines, S[erena] A." 1891/09/24 "Teddin, A. B." Minister 4 "McPherson, William B[ryant]" "Mallory, Susan [Julian]" 1891/12/24 "Moore, R. " Minister 4 "Bain, ""Chas."" [Charles] D." "Manning, Lorah E." 1891/12/06 "Jennings, G. L. " Minister 4 "Tacker, W[illiam] J." "Martin, Evalina" 1892/12/30 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Davis, G. W." "Martin, Katie" 1889/12/05 "Ferguson, C. N. N." 4 "Evans, W. H." "Martin, M. E." Mrs. 1887/10/23 "Wood, J. W." 4 "Horton, M. D." Mr. "Martin, M. E." Mrs. 1888/01/19 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Whitt, C[aro] C[laiborne]" Mr. "Martin, May J." Miss 1887/02/02 "Wood, J. W." Elder 4 "Webb, J. W." "Massey, Leona" 1891/12/10 "Harvard, W. F." Minister 4 "McGall, D. C." "Mathias, Texas" 1892/07/11 nc "Compton, R. N." 4 "Owens, H[omer] M." "Mathis, L. D[ovie]" Miss 1889/08/06 "Jennings, G. L. " Minister 4 "Piercy, F.M." Mr. "Mathis, M.C." Miss 1887/12/22 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Scott, O. T." "Mayberry, Ellen" 1891/02/28 "Ward, J.L. " Ordained Minister 4 "Powell, J. W." "Mayo, [Mary] Alice" Miss 1889/07/07 "Hatcher, R. J." County Judge 4 "Jenkins, T[om] H." "McBride, Lena M." 1889/11/03 "Lee, C. C." Minister 4 "Edwards, Asterman H." "McCorkle, Emma I." 1891/11/01 "Joner, J. L." Rev. 4 "Kennedy, D. J. " Mr. "McDavis, Minnie" Miss 1888/12/05 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Jones, Shy" "McDonald, Belle" 1889/02/16 [Crossed out] 4 "Lewis, H. C." Mr. "McDonald, Lena" Miss 1887/12/27 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Prince, D[arl P.]" "McGee, ""Josie"" [Josephine]" Miss 1889/07/13 "Drumwright, Tom" 4 "Orth, Thomas R. T." Mr. "McGuire, E. L[eona]" Miss 1888/08/27 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Tate, Frank Jr." "McIlveen, Ora" 1891/04/22 "Guess, B. J." Minister 4 "Paulon, J.D." "McKinney, Julia" Mrs. 1890/10/05 "Jennings, G. L. " Minister 4 "Beene, W. R." Mr. "McKinney, Lula" Miss 1887/12/14 "Lindsey, James L." 4 "Clark, J. S[hort]" "McKissack, Essie" 1890/04/24 "Lee, C. C." Minister 4 "Shanks, S[amuel] A[ndrew]" "Meador, Sarah [Emmaline]" 1890/05/27 "Ferguson, C. N. N." Minister 4 "Baldree, G[eorge] R[obert]" "Meadows, [Martha Adeline] ""Mattie""" 1892/01/27 "Williamson, W. D." [Elder] 4 "Cook, J. E." "Measles, Jessie M." 1890/02/27 "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Sheffield, J. R." Mr. "Meek, Nannie" Miss 1887/02/24 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Jones, A[lvah] L[ee] " Mr. "Meek, Sallie B[ettie]" Miss 1887/06/27 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Bolton, J. E." "Miler, Mary V." 1890/11/13 "Feeden, A. B." Minister 4 "Edwards, R[obert] M[arion]" "Miller, ""Addie"" [Adaline] L[aura]" 1891/12/16 "Spencer, Benj." Minister at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Fairfield 4 "Jackson, J[ohn] P[arrott]" "Miller, Emily" 1892/04/28 "Bradford, H." 4 "Crain, William" "Miller, Isie" 1891/10/04 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Joslin, Rufus" Mr. "Mitchell, F[rances] F." Miss 1888/08/05 "Blount, O. C." Minister 4 "Nesbitt, G[reen] W[illiam]" "Mobley, [Julia] Roxie [(O'Neal)]" Mrs. 1889/09/11 "Wood, J. W." FR 09/29/1889 4 "Humphries, J[ohn] A[lbert]" Mr. "Moody, Tina E." Miss 1889/02/02 "Wood, J. W." Elder 4 "Irwin, M[artin] A[nderson]" "Moore, ""Nannie"" [Nancy]" 1891/12/13 "Willis, J. A." Rev. 4 "Wooleir, W. R." "Moore, M. M." Mrs. 1889/08/22 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Carr, A[llen] T." "Moore, Sallie [C.]" 1892/12/20 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Daniels, Weyman" Mr. "Moore, Vida A." Miss 1888/12/16 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Calbert, E. C." "Morris, Sallie" 1892/01/10 "Ward, J. L." Ordained Minister 4 "Bennett, D. W[alter]" "Mostella, Emma" 1891/09/07 "Owens, T. F." Justice of the Peace 4 "Owens, W[illiam] A." "Mostella, Mollie" 1890/01/24 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Chamblee, H[arvey] H." Mr. "Mostellar, L. O." Miss 1887/02/10 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace 4 "Frazier, A. T." Mr. "Moulder, J. A." Miss 1887/07/24 "Hatcher, R. J." Justice of the Peace 4 "Moore, W. T." Mr. "Moulder, N. A." Miss 1887/04/17 "Wood, J. W." 4 "Paye, Willie J." "Mulenax, Augusta G." 1892/05/02 "Anderson, A. G." * "Alford, Robert" Mr. "Murphy, Fannie" Miss 1888/06/10 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace FR 06/29/1888 4 "Loader, W. J." "Neal, Mamie A." 1890/02/05 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Selman, W. S." "Needham, Louisa" 1890/01/12 "Wood, J. L." Minister 4 "Muns, J[ames] S[pencer]" Mr. "Nelson, Annie A." Miss 1889/02/28 "Dureau?, Thos." 4 "Webb, M[eredith] A[nthony]" Mr. "Newman, Eliza [Cordelia]" Miss 1887/05/18 "Harris, J. J. " Minister 4 "McClellan, L. D." "Newman, M. E." 1891/08/05 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Roller, Henry C[lay]" "Newman, Minnie" 1892/11/09 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Weatherford, P. D." Mr. "Nichols, M. A." Mrs. 1887/09/03 "Blount, O. C." Elder 4 "Bridges, W. L." Mr. "Noland, Eva" Miss 1889/02/26 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Carlton, J. B." "Norris, J. M." 1893/01/11 "Irvin, G. J." 4 "Seale, H[enry] F[letcher]" "Odom, M[argarette] C[harlotte]" Miss 1889/07/11 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Anderson, E[dd] H." Mr. "O'Neal, L[ouise] E." Miss 1887/01/23 "Harvard, W. T." 4 "Minchew, W[illiam] T[omlinson]" Mr. "Orand, L[izzie] A[nthom]" Miss 1889/05/02 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Gibson, J. H." Mr. "Owens, Annie" Miss 1887/03/17 "Sims, T. W." County Judge 4 "McEachern, N. O." "Patterson, E. J." 1891/07/26 "Bounds, G. W. " Minister 4 "Kirkpatrick, James E." "Patton, F. G." Mrs. 1891/07/01 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Deming, L[ewis] W[alter]" "Patton, S[arah] E[lizabeth]" 1890/06/01 "Jennings, J. L. " Minister 4 "Terry, G[eorge] T[homas]" Mr. "Peavy, Lucy" Miss 1888/12/12 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Basham, D. E." Mr. "Pellem, Vine" Mrs. 1888/03/25 "Bush, J. D." Justice of the Peace 4 "Starritt, William [Benjamin]" "Pelton, [Mary] Eugene E[dith]" 1891/12/30 "Kirven, P. E." Minister 4 "Cox, John Hampton" "Pendarvis, Jane" 1891/06/11 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "McNellaye, J. H." "Pequran, Ellis" Mrs. 1889/08/22 "Charles, W. B." Minister 4 "Foreman, J[ohn] M." "Perkins, Katie" 1889/12/12 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Wren, J[ohn] W[illiam]" "Phariss, ""Mollie"" [Mary M.]" 1892/11/25 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Scott, George [Homer]" "Pharris, Zilla" 1891/09/09 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Burleson, Arthur A[lfred]" "Pierce, ""Mattie"" [Lee]" Miss 1889/05/19 "Coleman, F. A." 4 "Capps, J[ames] E[dward]" "Pierce, E[lizabeth] E." Miss 1889/01/06 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Cook, W. J." "Pittman, ""Mollie"" [Mary Ann]" 1891/10/14 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Gardner, V[irgil] B." "Pitts, Bessie" 1891/04/01 "Webb, Butler" Justice of the Peace 4 "Charles, J[oel] B[arxdale]" Mr. "Pitts, S[amantha] M[yria]" Miss 1888/04/08 "Luckett, S. M." 4 "Harp, C[harles] A. " "Platt, Lula May" 1893/01/08 "Lee, C. C." 4 "Richmond, J. W." "Platt, M[aggie] G." 1893/01/01 "Gilmore, J.E." 4 "Cain, J[ohn] R. B." "Poole, ""Susie"" [Suan] A." 1892/12/19 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Cockerell, G[oin] C." "Powell, [Augustus O'Neal] ""Gussie""" 1892/12/17 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Lewis, B[enjamin] T[yndell]" Mr. "Powell, M[inazera] L[yla]" 1892/01/03 "Owens, T. F." Minister 4 "Slaughter, C. H." "Powers, Willie" 1891/12/27 "Edwards, W. L." Justice of the Peace 4 "Driver, John D[aviss]" Mr. "Poyner, S[usan] A[manda]" Miss 1889/02/07 "Hatcher, R. J." County Judge 4 "Mandeville, D[aniel] A[lexander]" "Praytor, M[ary] L[ouisa]" 1892/08/30 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Ward, Joseph" Mr. "Priest, Annie" Miss 1889/02/24 "Coleman, F. A." Justice of the Peace 4 "Epps, E[dward] T[aylor]" Mr. "Pue, F. L. " Miss 1887/09/25 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Chappell, W. A." "Pye, Ella" 1892/05/22 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Adams, W[illiam] E." Mr. "Radford, M[artha] G. [(Cobb)]" Mrs. 1889/01/17 "Keith, C. M." P. C. M. E. C. S. 4 "Kirry, Gordon" "Rawtes, Katie D." 1891/01/13 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Sanders, J[ohn] E[dwin]" Mr. "Red, ""Sallie"" [Sarah Ann] E." Miss 1889/02/19 "Bodenhauser, D. S." Minister 4 "McCorkle, Leeford H[arvey]" "Red, [Miriam] Hester" 1891/01/11 "Jaywen, W. L." 4 "Brown, James" Mr. "Reeves, ""Gertie"" [Gertrude]" Miss 1887/11/30 "Groves, J. S." Minister 4 "Black, Horace [Bishop]" "Reinhardt, [Florence] Bell [Emma]" 1889/11/03 "Wood, J. W." 4 "Boyd, L[often] R[eeves]" "Richards, ""Mattie"" [Martha Rebecca]" 1889/12/11 "Keith, C. M." Minister Vol I #143; FR 12/13/1889 4 "Smith, Robert" "Riley, Helen" 1889/12/24 "Seely, J. L." Minister 4 "Bell, S. B." "Roach, Nellie" 1889/11/06 "Francis, J. A." Minister 4 "Roland, A[lbert] M[athison]" Mr. "Roberts, L.A." Miss 1888/05/20 "Green, J. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Dulany, C. B." Mr. "Robertson, Doda" Miss 1888/12/20 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Emmons, A[ndrew] J[ackson Sr.]" "Robertson, Lota [Mims ""Lottie""] " 1891/03/11 "Guess, B. J." Minister 4 "Murphy, E.A." Mr. "Roden, Cora" Miss 1888/06/24 "Sims, T. W." County Judge 4 "Kennedy, Ed E." "Rodgers, Ava" 1892/11/29 ixr "Compton, R. N." 4 "Ashburn, W. T." Mr. "Rodgers, Willie L." Miss 1887/10/04 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Green, John L." "Rogers, Bessie" 1892/10/12 ixr "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Pharis, S[im] B[olivar]" Mr. "Rogers, N[ancy] E." Miss 1888/12/22 "Bush, J. D." Justice of the Peace 4 "Massey, ""Joe"" [Joseph D.]" "Rosa, Ella [Irene]" 1891/08/24 "Kennedy, W. J. " Minister 4 "Moody, W. J." "Rose, Mary" 1891/06/18 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Gibson, W. M." "Rutherford, Lula" 1891/11/19 "Gibson, M. M." Minister 4 "Carter, James" "Rutherford, M. E." 1891/12/31 "Gibson, M. M." Minister 4 "Campbell, E[ugene] B[onner]" Mr. "Sandifer, Lula [Leila]" Miss 1888/12/16 "Bonner, Thomas Joell" Minister 4 "Miller, W[illiam] H." Mr. "Sandifer, Mary R[obert]" Miss 1889/02/27 "Bonner, T[homas] J[oell]" Minister 4 "Beene, W. P." Mr. "Sartor, M. E." Miss 1887/12/22 "Thomas, G. J." Minister 4 "McLeod, John" "Mr.," "Sartor, M. J." Miss 1887/03/03 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Turner, W[illiam] R." "Scott, ""Winnie"" [Winnifred]" 1889/12/18 "Childs, W. B." 4 "Lilley, L. R." "Scott, Emma" 1892/12/15 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Jeter, R. D." "Scott, S. A." 1892/10/29 ixr "Compton, R. N." 4 "Odom, W[illiam] N[elson]" "Seale, ""Fannie"" [Frances Valeta]" 1891/10/28 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Willard, Frank[lin] H[all]" "Seale, Annie [Elizabeth]" 1892/09/15 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Traylor, T[homas] E." Mr. "Sellars, Ruth" Miss 1888/11/08 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Measels, R. L." "Senter, Bettie" 1892/01/10 "Bryant, Samuel" Minister 4 "Medaris, O. C." Mr. "Sessions, E[liza] J." Miss 1888/02/15 "Brown, E. J." Minister FR 02/24/1888 4 "Parker, T[homas] J[acob]" Mr. "Sessions, Zora" Miss 1887/02/21 "Bonner, T. J." 4 "Horn, T. A." Mr. "Sessums, Alice" Miss 1888/11/11 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Bennett, J[oe] H." Mr. "Shamblee, [Lute] O. J." Miss 1888/03/08 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace FR 03/16/1888 4 "Draper, W[illiam] P[inkney]" "Shanks, Anna I[sabell]" 1892/08/23 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Walls, James" Mr. "Shanks, M[ary] I[da]" Miss 1887/02/06 "Moore, T. J." 4 "Griffin, J[ames] A[lbert]" "Sharp, Julia" 1890/01/16 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Jordan, J[ames] M[artin]" "Shields, Dellah [Rebecca]" Miss 1888/08/01 "Moore, Robert" Minister FR 08/17/1888 4 "Brooks, A[rthur] B[raxton]" Mr. "Shields, Ida [Hester Lee]" Miss 1889/01/09 "Land, W. C." Justice of the Peace 4 "Lewis, B[enjamin] T[yndell]" "Shields, Mary M[eline]" Miss 1889/02/24 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace 4 "Keeling, W[ilson] V[ivian]" Mr. "Shields, Nina C[andis]" Miss 1889/02/05 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Haskins, T. W." Mr. "Shumate, Ella" Miss 1889/02/21 "Bounds, J. H. " Minister 4 "Koonce, H[enry] T." Mr. "Simpson, M[ary] R." Miss 1888/09/06 "Keith, C. M." Rev. 4 "Unfried, J. S[teve Jr.] " "Sipher, Amelia" 1891/08/17 "Drumwright, Tom" Justice of the Peace 4 "Aycock, S." "Smith, A. J." 1890/01/01 "Coleman, F. A." Justice of the Peace 4 "Lightfoot, Frank [Lee]" "Smith, Erah" 1892/10/24 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "James, J. D." "Smith, Helen" 1890/08/12 "Willbanks, J. D." Minister 4 "Whitehead, J. W." Mr. "Smith, Henrietta" Mrs. 1887/07/13 "Bates, Eugene T." Minister 4 "Duke, W. H." Mr. "Smith, Lulu O." Miss 1888/11/22 "Kennedy, W. J. " Minister 4 "Maddox, R. L." "Smith, M. T." 1891/09/06 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Smith, M. A." "Smith, S. J." 1892/11/02 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Shirley, J. W. Jr." Mr. "Smith, Virginia" Miss 1888/10/19 "Keith, C. M." 4 "Clark, J[ohn] B[oland]" "Smith, Willie B." 1890/03/12 "Porter, M. H." Minister 4 "Busbee, A. J." "Spaulding, Mary" 1891/05/12 "Thomas, G. J." 4 "Hendrix, J[ames] C. T." "Speight, Katie B." 1891/07/15 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Carlton, Willie" "Spence, Georgia" 1892/09/01 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Adamson, M. C." Mr. "Spessers, A. E." Miss 1887/07/27 "Bone, T. W." Justice of the Peace 4 "Pruitt, L. Wilson" "Stanford, Emma" Mrs. 1891/05/27 "Compton, R. N." 4 "Black, Hiram [Glass]" "Stanton, Betty [Ann]" 1889/07/23 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace 4 "Bonner, Walter B[erry]" "Steele, Ella" 1891/04/23 "Compton, Robert Neville" Justice of the Peace 4 "Garner, B[en] E." "Steelman, Mary" 1890/06/24 "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Wood, [Rev.] J. W." Mr. "Stevens, S[usan] S." Miss 1888/07/18 "Chester, Thomas T." Minister FR 07/20/1888 4 "Hartley, T. J." Mr. "Stidham, Lucy A." Miss 1888/01/24 "Moore, T. J." Elder 4 "Shamburger, T. N." Mr. "Strickland, C. J." Miss 1887/02/27 "Wood, J. W." 4 "James, R. W." "Strickland, F. O." Mrs. 1889/08/20 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace 4 "Robertson, B[enjamin] F[ranklin]" Mr. "Striplings, ""Lizzie"" [Elizabeth]" Miss 1887/07/20 "Smith, C. B." 4 "Bell, Joseph" "Strother, Lula [Ophelpa]" 1892/09/12 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" Justice of the Peace 8th Precinct 4 "Lee, George" "Stroud, Mollie E." 1889/10/24 "Blackwell, J. L. " Minister 4 "Barnes, G[eorge] M. " "Stubbs, ""Maggie"" [Margaret]" 1890/03/23 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Jones, Charlie E." "Stubbs, Mollie" 1889/12/01 "Groves, J. S." Minister FR 12/13/1889 4 "Fauchen, W. F." "Sullivan, L. A." 1887/10/27 "Parish, L. B." Minister 4 "Canday, A[ndrew] J[ackson]" Mr. "Tacker, [Emma] Etta" Miss 1888/01/18 "Lindsey, James L." 4 "Chamblee, I[sham]. B." "Talley, Julia [Ann (Arrand)]" [Mrs.] 1890/10/08 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Fuller, W. F." "Talley, Sue" 1890/06/22 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Harris, [Charles] Pink" "Tally, Bettie" 1890/08/10 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Dies, D[avid] W[esley]" Dr. "Taylor, Effie J." Miss 1888/01/03 "Childs, W. B." Minister 4 "Hardeman, J. H." Mr. "Taylor, L. P." Miss 1887/11/13 "Feazell, W. I." Minister 4 "Brown, S. H." "Taylor, Mollie" 1890/01/12 "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Day, J. J. " "Taylor, Nettie" 1891/03/18 "Carlson, S. V." Rev. 4 "Powell, A. J." "Taylor, Sue L." 1891/06/17 "Owens, T. F." Justice of the Peace 4 "Hays, J. F." Mr. "Terry, ""Delia"" [Texas Cordelia]" Miss 1887/12/21 "Wood, J. W." Elder 4 "Callaway, Henry [Clay]" "Terry, ""Dodie"" [Madora]" 1890/12/11 "Bryant, Samuel" Elder 4 "Ivy, Sanford V[inson]" "Terry, [Sarah Cordelia] ""Delia""" 1890/12/18 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Goolsby, W. E[dward]" "Terry, Mary M[alissa]" 1889/11/14 "Meredith, J. W." FR 11/22/1889 4 "Beavers, E[ly] F." Mr. "Terry, Rebecca" Miss 1887/03/31 "Bryant, Samuel" Elder 4 "Brown, D[uke] B[erryman]" "Thompson, B[eatrice] A[lzeda]" 1890/01/29 "Paisley, A. W." Minister 4 "Harris, A[lvis] P[reston]" "Thompson, Minnie J[ohn]" 1889/09/17 "Harvard, W. F." "Vol I, #389" 4 "Whitehead, J[esse] T[homas]" Mr. "Tisdale, ""Sallie"" [Sarah J.]" Miss 1888/06/26 "Harvard, W. F." 4 "Meadows, J. R." Mr. "Tisdale, M. E." Miss 1887/11/24 "Howard, W. T." 4 "Sweatmon, ""Frank"" [Francis] M[arion]" "Tisdale, Mary A[nn]" 1890/12/03 "Green, G. A." Minister 4 "Owens, T. F." Mr. "Trainum, ""Tommie"" [Theodora]" Miss 1888/11/10 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Patterson, W. H." "Trayler, M. E." 1891/07/14 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Orand, J[ames] W[illiam]" Mr. "Turner, ""Nannie""" Mrs. 1887/01/25 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Horton, S. B." Mr. "Turner, M. C." Miss 1888/10/27 "Wyatt, Geo. S." 4 "Orand, J[ohn] M[organ]" Mr. "Turner, M.T. [""Cassie""]" Miss 1887/09/11 "Brown, E. J." Elder 4 "Lamb, George " Mr. "Turner, Sallie" Miss 1888/10/12 "Wyatt, Geo. S." 4 "Ivy, B[enjamin] A[dair]" "Vanderburg, Willie Ann" 1892/07/06 ixr "Compton, R. N." 4 "Yeldell, E. F." Mr. "Vandyke, M.C." Miss 1887/11/29 "Grooves, J. S." Minister 4 "Walker, A. W." "Walker, L. S." Miss 1889/07/26 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace 4 "Lake, T. D." Mr. "Walker, Lulu" Miss 1888/12/20 "Brown, E. J." 4 "Yow, W[alter] E[dward]" Mr. "Walker, Mary E." Miss 1887/07/07 "McKay, D." Elder 4 "Cole, William" "Walker, Mattie" 1892/12/10 ncm "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Holland, John [Andrew]" "Walker, Mollie" Miss 1890/01/13 "Eubank, A. M." Minister 4 "Lee, R. A. " Mr. "Walker, P. H." Miss 1888/01/26 "Eubank, A. M." Minister 4 "Collins, W[illiam] B[en]" "Ware, M[ary] L[ou]" 1891/02/20 "Bay, J. S." Ordained Minister 4 "Webb, G. W." Mr. "Waters, Ester" Miss 1888/10/09 "Blackwell, J. L. " Minister 4 "Powell, H[arry] H." Mr. "Weaver, Ella [Frances]" Miss 1888/11/15 "Keith, C. M." M.E.Church 4 "Boyd, C[alvin] C[icero]" "Webb, Nettie [Louise]" 1889/12/12 "Ferguson, C. N. N." 4 "Everett, Elanzo" "Weeks, Mollie" Miss 1891/07/05 "Teddin, A. B." 4 "Woodall, J[immy] W." "Welch, Minnie E." 1892/09/17 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Bell, R. W." "Wharty, Annie S." 1890/03/12 "Moore, T. J." 4 "Evans, J. H." Mr. "Wheeler, L. L." Miss 1891/07/05 "Harvard, W. T." 4 "Taylor, T. W. " "Wheeler, M. E." 1892/08/11 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Nams, J. R." "Whitehead, M.E." Mrs. 1890/05/18 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Laws, M. S." "Whitehead, Rosa" 1890/05/01 "Moore, T. J." 4 "Duggin, F[ranklin] P[ierce]" "Willard, Maggie [D.]" 1890/01/01 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Seale, J[ohn] S[tephen]" "Willard, S[enie] L[ee]" 1890/10/03 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Williamson, Joe" "Williams, Arae" 1889/12/10 "Lee, C. C." Ordained Minister FR 12/13/1889 4 "Smith, J. W." "Williams, Emily" 1891/08/18 "Havard, W. L." 4 "Cates, W[illis] N[elson]" "Williams, Ida" 1890/11/12 "McCoron, Sweepson" Justice of the Peace 4 "Folk, D. H." "Williams, L. C." 1892/01/02 "Williamson, W. D." Minister 4 "Collins, M[onroe] F." "Williams, Sallie [E.]" Mrs. 1891/07/01 "Wood, J. W." Minister 4 "Butler, G. W." Mr. "Williamson, V. A." Miss 1887/12/06 "Bryant, Samuel" 4 "Lewis, J. M. [T. D.]" Mr. "Wilson, Bettie" Mrs. 1888/09/13 "Henderson, W. H." Justice of the Peace FR 09/13/1888 4 "Lawson,G. Marian" "Wilson, M. J." 1890/12/18 "Eubanks, A. M." Minister 4 "Whitworth, W. J." "Wilson, M. J." Miss 1887/10/16 "Lampkins, C. D." Rev. 4 "Haskins, J[ohn] W[esley]" "Winchester, Ada" 1890/12/04 "Gibson, M. M." Minister 4 "Slater, Albert [""Buddy""]" Mr. "Winchester, Callie" Miss 1887/03/03 "Lane, W. C. " 4 "McIlveen, Thomas D[ennis]" "Womack, Ethel M[ae]" 1892/04/28 "Spencer, Benj." 4 "Bohannan, J[ames] O[liver]" Mr. "Woodall, Beulah A." Miss 1889/02/19 "Oglesby, J. P." Justice of the Peace 4 "Stubbs, A. M." Mr. "Woodridge, [Ottie] Blanche" Miss 1887/07/17 "Kirven, P. E." 4 "Wingfield, A. H." "Wooldridge, Lucy" 1889/11/10 "Harris, J. J. " Minister 4 "Manahan, W[illiam] E[dward]" Mr. "Wooldridge, May [Hines]" Miss 1887/02/20 "Brown, E. J." Minister 4 "Cretsinger, Thomas H[arrison]" "Wornell, ""Mollie"" [Mary]" 1890/12/28 "Owens, T. F." Justice of the Peace 4 "Smith, J[ohn] E[noch]" "Worrell, S[arah] E[lizabeth]" 1892/11/16 ncm "Compton, R. N." 4 "Green, G[eorge] Alexander]" "Wynne, Mary E[mma]" 1890/12/23 "Wyatt, G. S." Rev. 4 "Daniel, Charley" "Yarbro, Melia" 1890/11/14 "Harvard, W. F." 4 "Henderson, W. M." "York, Stacy" 1892/12/24 ixr "Compton, Robert Neville" 4 "Streety, W[illiam] T[homas]" "Young, Carrie D." 1890/07/31 "Wood, J.W." Minister 4 "Haux, G. T." Mr. "Young, Lou B." Miss 1888/07/01 "Lane, W. C. " Justice of the Peace