Deed, Andrew Lockhart to William Speer, Gonzales County, Texas Contributed by: Carla Lockhart ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANDREW LOCKHART TO WILLIAM SPEER Republic of Texas County of Gonzales Know all men by these presents that I ANDREW LOCKHART of this County for and in consideration of the sum of nineteen hundred sixty seven dollars and fifty cents to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have sold aliened released and conveyed and by these presents do sell alien release and convey unto WILLIAM SPEER his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying & situate as follows to wit: Being part of the Survey No. 16 in class No. 2 which was deeded to said ANDREW LOCKHART by the Commissioner of the Government of the Mexican Republic namely JOSE ANTONIO NAVARRO Commissioner to the Colony of DeWitt the said league of land being situated on the south west side of the River Guadalupe about thirty miles below the town of Gonzales and includes the mouth of the Sandy Creek This survey begins at the stake set for the upper corner of said survey No. 16 in Class No. 2 on the bank of the Guadalupe River Thence down said river with its meanders ( heres a line is missing at the top of the page )... creek in its channel with its meanders in its channel 7179 varas to the mouth of deer creek Thence up it with its meanders in its channel 4431 varas intersected the west side of said survey No 16 in class No. 2 where set a stake for the South west corner of this survey from which there is a cottonwood tree 10 inches in diameter and bears N 67 1/2 E 200 varas Thence with the west side of said survey No 16 in class No 2 North 3 490 varas to its N.W. corner at the post from which there is a Post Oak 20 inches in diameter bears South 58 degrees E 7 varas ( old Bearing tree) Thence with its North side or boundary line East 1600 varas to the main Sandy Creek Runs South East 6157 varas to its North East corner on the bank of the Guadalupe river and place of beginning containing 1574 acres of land, and I declare that I have not (hither?/ neither) to sold aliened or mortgaged the above described premises that they are free from all incumbances whatsoever and as such I sell the same to WILLIAM SPEER together with all and several the priveliges and appertanances thereunto belonging for the consideration aforesaid and from this day forward forever. I dispossess myself of and for my self my heirs and assigns relinquish the dominion title and the possession to the said tract of land which I may have acquired in virtue of the before mentioned titles in favor of the said purchases and yield renounce and transfer the same to him that he may possess enjoy and dispose of the same at his pleasure the same as of any other thing under a just and legal title or who for him or them rights or privilges my hold or legally represent And I bind myselfto ptove and make good this sale and title and to the observance of all the above I bind my person and obligate my property present and future and submit myself to the juridiction of the tribunals which may be competent to hold or take cognizance of this business in order that they may compel me to perform the same under all the rigors of the law and I renounce all laws which might favor me or which would by any means enable me to set aside the validity of this instrument contrary to the time intent and meaning thereof In Witness and testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of April A.D. 1839 in presence of witnesses ANDREW LOCKHART BYRD LOCKHART JOHN BAKER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent.