GRAY COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1931 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed,please send a message to Lola Withrow: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it and the URL of this page. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Eireann Brooks - June 7, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Abbott, Carlyn Sue 7-2-1931 F Hazel Ammerman Roy Edwin Abbott Abbott, Matt Inf Of 12-30-1931 M Vera Boyd Matt Abbott Ables, Jackye Laraye 9-22-1931 F Minnie Bell Faulks U. H. Ables Adamie, Marylin Ida 8-22-1931 F Tilda G. Michiels George J. Adamie Adams, Douglas Neil 1-29-1931 M Neita H. Neeley Byron Q. Adams Adams, Jo Ann 7-29-1931 F Catherine Giles Benton L. Adams Allen, Dorris La Vern 10-10-1931 F Pearl Christesson John R. Allen Allen, Max Dee 11-24-1931 M Margerite Cooper T. E. Allen Allred, Raymond Sanders Jr. 12-27-1931 M Clara Mae Thompson Raymond S Allred Anderson, Barbara Jean 8-16-1931 F Dove Arlene Gibney Carl Everett Anderson Andrews, Harold Richard 3-15-1931 M Lena Reeves Leamon Andrews Anglin, Shirley Ann 10-31-1931 F Gladys Baker Irwin Anglin Armistead, Jo Ann 1-31-1931 F Mary E Stevens J. B. Armistead Austin, Shirley Mae 12-5-1931 M Mae Anglin G. C. Austin Ayer, J. E. Inf Of 11-22-1931 F Lula Anthony J. E. Ayer Ayer, J. E. Inf Of 11-22-1931 F Lula Anthony J. E. Ayer Ayer, Ogden Nathan Inf Of 6-28-1931 M Mary Hurst Ogden Nathan Ayer Ayers, W. A. Inf Of 10-9-1931 M Ruby Hunt W. A. Ayers Baechler, Henry Charles 8-6-1931 M Norine White Henry Baechler V Bailey, Norma Marie 3-5-1931 F Dora Chapman James S. Bailey Balkum, Roy David 10-23-1931 M Margurete Brannon Roy Whitefield Balkum Barber, Carl Norman Jr. 1-22-1931 M Eva Littlefield C. N. Barber Barnett, Earnest Richard 6-10-1931 M Mattie Reed C. F. Barnett Barnett, J. P. Inf Of 1-2-1931 F Edna Hillhause J. P. Barnett Barrett, James Sidney 2-8-1931 M Willie Mae Hedgecock James Reford Barrett Beckman, Anna Jewell 4-13-1931 F Nellie Cox Herman T. Beckham Behrends, Robert Barnard 9-6-1931 M Wilma Hazel Behrends Harry Edward Hoare Behringer, Leon Rayburn 1-26-1931 M Mabel Wilson Gilbert Behringer Belknap, Wiley Edward 4-6-1931 M Ethel Gregory A. M. Belknap Bennett, Thomas Roy 11-11-1931 M Ruby Scott Ed Bennett Bilbrey, J. E. Inf Of 1-24-1931 M Katherine Jackson J. E. Bilbrey Bilderback, Robert Martin 11-9-1931 M Trilby Mccracken Jesse M. Bilderback Bird, Barbara Joanne 1-23-1931 F Barbara Irene Davis Milo Bird Bishop, Billy Eugene 5-8-1931 M Elinor Louise Mcdougal Joe Bishop Black, Floyd T. Inf Of 12-10-1931 M Bula Francis Floyd T. Black Black, Janeth Margaret 1-16-1931 F Helen Webb Robert E. Black Blackman, Jimmie Lee 11-12-1931 M Florean Smith W. E. Blackman Blacksher, H. C. Inf Of 1-28-1931 F Fay Henley H. C. Blacksher Blair, Barbara Faye 7-2-1931 F Zelma Stinson C. H. Blair Blair, Gene Herbert 7-18-1931 M Annie Bee Dollar Frank Blair Blaylock, Bobby Eugene 7-15-1931 M Katie Mcguire L. M. Blaylock Bolin, Patricia Joan 8-24-1931 F Ruth K. Robertson Cleo Ray Bolin Bonds, Earl Dean 1-24-1931 M Fannie Ramsey Tom R. Bonds Bonner, Joyce 12-29-1931 F Jewell Watts Robert Bonner Boyle, Catherine Therese 4-9-1931 F Catherine M. Robertson Edward Francis Boyle Boyles, Juanita 5-5-1931 F Opal Gambill V. P. Boyles Bradley, James Jean 7-1-1931 M Lottie Mae Schafer Bertrand N. Bradley Braswell, Sam Harben 7-16-1931 M Cecelia M. Atteberry Sam P. Braswell Brewer, Virginia Nell 10-20-1931 F Arzelya Massie A E Brewer Briggs, Preston Pengra Jr. 2-28-1931 M Argye Mary Mccanlies Preston Pengra Briggs Brock, Warren Morrell 12-1-1931 M Verbia Garroutte Henry Cecil Brock Brown, William Robert 12-11-1931 M Gertrude Taskett J. A. Brown Bruce, Paul M. Inf Of 6-7-1931 M Linnie Cutberth Paul M. Bruce Bryant, Harrold 7-11-1931 M Rosena Bradstreet G. W. Bryant Bryson, Barbara Jo 1-28-1931 F Irene Page E. A. Bryson Bull, Berma June 6-18-1931 F Ruth Parnley F E Bull Butler, Billy Jack 5-24-1931 M Laura Wells C. C. Butler Buttel, Jerry Dale 8-16-1931 M Gladys Hopper George Buttel Bynum, Charline 5-4-1931 F Lillie Blodgett Charles H Bynum Bynum, I. R. Inf Of 8-24-1931 M Hattie Owens I. R. Bynum Callison, Carolyn Jean 3-3-1931 F Helen Frances Middleton Clarence Page Callison Campbell, James William 11-5-1931 M Jemkie Collins W. R. Campbell Campbell, Willie Inf Of 5-19-1931 F Ila Hightower Willie Campbell Canfield, B. O. Inf Of 9-15-1931 M Mary Barnhill B. O. Canfield Canfield, Billy James 5-31-1931 M Billie Reed Ira L. Canfield Carlisle, James Herbert Inf Of 7-14-1931 M Pearl King James Herbert Carlisle Carlisle, W. H. Inf Of 6-14-1931 M Nellie Matney W. H. Carlisle Carney, Rita Marie 3-20-1931 F Mary Korstigen C. E. Carney Carpenter, Effie Lou 5-23-1931 F Anna Maude Cash Milton Fletcher Carpenter Cary, Iva Lee 2-25-1931 F Leta Irene Gillihan I. Tracy Cary Catlin, Martha Ella 2-27-1931 F Lucy Clark Tom W. Catlin Chaffin, Charles Thomas 11-30-1931 M Gertrude Atherton Harold Chappin Chambers, Sarah V. 2-25-1931 F Lillie Mcclellan J. C. Chambers Champion, Billy Rue 10-28-1931 M Willie Gibson Rupert Lyle Champion Chandler, Charlotte Lois 7-25-1931 F Lois Butler C. L. Chandler Christesson, E. J. Inf Of 7-14-1931 F Edna Richie E. J. Christesson Clemmons, Joe Inf Of 6-14-1931 F Sallie Fauls Joe Clemmons Colaway, Fern Louise 5-10-1931 F Catherine Carum Louie Colaway Collins, Donald Osborne 6-13-1931 M Esther May Wozencroft Robert Osborne Collins Conner, Freddie June 12-13-1931 F Sallie Mae Graham Fred E Conner Converse, Marie Nell 8-24-1931 F Ruth Sears Frank E. Converse Cook, Patricia Geraldine 2-22-1931 F Willie Mae Wier James A Cook Cornell, Dorthey Fay 3-27-1931 F Thadys Roena Furgeson James Washington Cornell Cotham, Norma Lee 8-3-1931 F Doris Bell Elmer Cotham Cotton, Nancy Jeane 3-14-1931 F Mable Youngblood Grady Cotton Covington, Norman Edward 5-16-1931 M Kittie Chancellor Goldie Covington Cox, Mary Louise Porter 10-7-1931 F Jewell Porter Robert E Cox Crabtree, Thomas Darwin 2-23-1931 M Pearl Stonestret Jerry Wesley Crabtree Crossman, Richard Harold 7-1-1931 M Hazel Hawkins Paul G. Crossman Croub, Billy Ruth 4-16-1931 F Gwennie Brown J. W. Croub Crownover, Betty Jane 8-3-1931 F Betty Nell Quinn Carlton Crownover Culpepper, L Inf Of 2-9-1931 M Mary E Mcperson L Culpepper D'spain, Mary Beth 1-22-1931 F Mary Akers H. A. D'spain Daniels, Dolores Mae 1-27-1931 F Lena Mae Rector Ivy Franklin Daniels Darling, Clara Bell 9-14-1931 F Nellie Wilson Charles H. Darling Davis, Elsie Evelyn 1-14-1931 F Elva Chastain Andrew B. Davis Davis, Patricia Dean 5-28-1931 F Barbara Fisher E. C. Davis Davis, Shirley Janice 2-2-1931 F Winnie Greer John Davis Davis, Thomas Nelson 3-5-1931 M Clea Elizabeth Bridges Tommy Jefferson Davis De Shaza, Eugene 6-8-1931 M Velma Harris H. C. De Shaza Dean, Garland Ray 11-9-1931 M Adeline Grumke S. E. Dean Dickerman, Mary Jean 6-1-1931 F Helen Leahey A. W. Dickerman Dickson, La Nora 5-26-1931 F Lillie Meier J. Roy Dickson Ditmore, Floyd 10-12-1931 F Lavern Robinson Floyd Ditmore Dougherty, Gene Eldridge 4-27-1931 M Ada Lee Johnson Sam Dougherty Downing, Shirley Max 5-29-1931 M Delpha Wood Marion S. Downing Dublin, Richard Ronald 9-27-1931 M Sink Coats R. C. Dublin Dull, Beverly 5-15-1931 F Helen Beverly George E. Dull Duvall, Allison Scott 2-13-1931 M Lula Whittenburg E. E. Duvall Duvall, Frances Lucille 4-2-1931 F Lillie Belle Nelson Robert Welby Duvall Dwight, Jimmy Ray 8-26-1931 M Vella Mae Guinn Charles Marion Dwight Earnest, Jimmie Dale 12-19-1931 M Adelle Murry R. L. Earnest Edge, Ray Inf Of 6-21-1931 F Berthia Crow Ray Edge Eickler, Frank Cook Inf Of 6-19-1931 M Jean Collier Frank Cook Eickler Ellington, Billie Eugene 2-22-1931 M Doroth P Colgure John W Ellington Ellington, Mary Francis 6-19-1931 F Francis Elizabeth Byrum Thomas Charlie Ellington Ellis, Chareline 4-26-1931 F Winnie Nicholls Charles Ellis Ellis, Dorothy Dean 4-29-1931 F Viola Mae Larkin Thomas Lee Ellis Eustace, Joyce Juanita 6-3-1931 F Nona Rhea Rhodes Thomas G Eustace Evans, Earl Jr. 2-16-1931 M Stella Fay Langford Earl Isaac Evans Fender, Eva Marie 6-16-1931 F Pearl Simmons John Robert Fender Ferguson, Thomas Verne 12-3-1931 M Flora Freeman Verne Ferguson Finkelstein, Hubert Sheldon 1-5-1931 M Betty Jacobson D. A. Finkelstein Fleming, Welma Grace 1-27-1931 F Audrey E Johnson Irvin M Fleming Fletcher, John Curtis 12-18-1931 M Thelma Stinson C. C. Fletcher Fletcher, Taft C. Inf Of 7-17-1931 M Leota Clara Gibson Taft C. Fletcher Florence, Kenneth Eugene 11-11-1931 M Helen Mclaughlin Wilson Florence Foster, Otis Joel Inf Of 8-3-1931 F Della Ethel Myers Otis Joel Foster Francis, Marvin Gale 9-19-1931 M Christine Rushing W. H. Francis Frost, Pay Ray 6-6-1931 M Levada Jones Raleigh Pat Frost Frugia, Sidney James 7-30-1931 M Jessie Marie Williams Sidney Will Frugia Fugate, William A. Inf Of 3-19-1931 F Helen F Cotes William A. Fugate Fulton, Etta Fay 6-21-1931 F Maunie Hill L. T. Fulton Gantz, Mary Lou 10-19-1931 F Luevilla Jones Hermon T. Gantz Garantte, William Dean 4-26-1931 M Dorothy Dean Stewart W. P. Garantte Gassett, Mary Lee 11-10-1931 F Ester May Gardner Neal Gassett Gattis, R. O. Inf Of 2-5-1931 M Velma Nichols R. O. Gattis George, Bertha Alice 11-1-1931 F May Reeves Claude Hargrove George Geppett, George Harold 1-14-1931 M Irma Wysong Otto Geppett Gholson, Harvey Lee 8-7-1931 M Essie M. Smith A. L. Gholson Giddens, Dallas Clifford 3-29-1931 M Elfudda Stoner Carlos Clifford Giddens Gill, Florence Lorraine 8-20-1931 F Rosalyn Greenlee George C. Gill Gillham, Moudy Frank 9-21-1931 M Lillie G Bankston Troy Moudy Gillham Glaxner, Daniel Joseph 1-8-1931 M Gussie Brooks Daniel Glaxner Goddard, Marjie Ann 8-2-1931 F Minnie A. Nugent J D Goddard Golightly, B. F. 12-17-1931 M Birdie May Watt George Frank Golightly Gordon, Bettie Jane 2-11-1931 F Mamie May Dorsey Charlie E Gordon Gordon, Billy Joe 2-11-1931 M Mamie May Dorsey Charlie E Gordon Gore, James Fields Jr. 11-27-1931 M Ida Lee Pickens James Fields Gore Graham, D H Inf Of 7-8-1931 M Mayme Cunningham D H Graham Graham, Nancy Joyce 5-31-1931 F Annabel Barnard M. A. Graham Green, I. G. Inf Of 12-21-1931 F Anna Martin I. G. Green Griffith, Kenneth Layton 5-2-1931 M Edna Price Milton Palmer Griffith Guerry, Doris Bernadean 1-31-1931 F Lucy Mullinuex Chester Guerry Guyer, Lysle Jr 3-19-1931 M Jessie Taul Lysle M Guyer Haden, Billie Edward 5-11-1931 M Nora Mackie James E. Haden Hall, Arlie Inf Of 12-12-1931 F Georgia Mae Arlie Hall Hankins, Forest Duane 10-15-1931 M Aileen Margaret Cox Richard Forest Hankins Hardin, Arlen Russel 10-21-1931 M Daisy Dolores Dean Elmer Earnest Hardin Hardin, Lewis Lamons Jr. 11-28-1931 M Artie Esther Jenkins Lewis L. Hardin Hargrave, Bobbie Eugene 4-8-1931 M Audry Lee Cooper Thomas B. Hargrave Hart, Johnye Sue 1-23-1931 F Thelma Elizabeth Dennis Ernest Carl Hart Harvey, Leatrice June 10-19-1931 F Nina Ruth Mc Cracken Floyd D. Harvey Hawkins, Herman Russell 8-9-1931 M Thelma E. Nelson Solon J. Hawkins Haynes, John Morse 2-20-1931 M Minnie Morse John Cecil Haynes Hedrick, Bobby Jean 2-1-1931 F Ollie Ruth Cheatham Guy Hedrick Henley, Carrol Eugene 7-6-1931 M Lillian Anders Richard Henley Henry, Katherine Elizabeth 4-23-1931 F Vera Hammond Joe L. Henry Henry, Margaret Louise 10-28-1931 F Carrie Moore J. W. Henry Hermesmeyer, B. J. Inf Of 3-29-1931 F Beatrice Bohr B. J. Hermesmeyer Herrin, Dolores Ann 8-15-1931 F Johnnie Lee Quarles Johnnie S. Herrin Hess, Dorothy May 1-23-1931 F Lessie Stewart J. N. Hess Hickman, R. T. Inf Of 9-2-1931 F Vera Rice R. T. Hickman Hicks, Anthnette Inf Of 11-25-1931 F Ona Lee Abbott Anthnette Hicks Hilburn, Betty Sue 3-1-1931 F Gladys Mae Guess Jess Roosevelt Hilburn Hill, Archie 4-12-1931 M Edna Graham J. C. Hill Hill, Dale Lavern 3-6-1931 M Lorene Edith James Devard Lester Hill Hill, James Harris 4-8-1931 M Martha Mae Hobbs Paul D. Hill Hill, Jessie Marie 2-28-1931 F Blanch Leach C N Hill Hill, Odol Inf Of 4-8-1931 F Mary Estell Green Odol Hill Hill, W. T. Inf Of 1-28-1931 M Ella Horn W. T. Hill Hodges, Patsy Rae 10-29-1931 F Velma Kennedy Clarence Hodges Holloway, Lavona Mildred 5-8-1931 F Pauline Stewart Clyde Holloway Holmes, George Dellis 11-27-1931 M Vollie A. Jonas G. D. Holmes Horn, Roy Douglass 3-16-1931 M Betty Lou Thompson J. B. Horn Hornsby, Wallace Kendrick 8-29-1931 M Lillian Wallace Cornelius Hornsby Howard, Connie Mae 4-20-1931 F Maudie Faye Mcspen Harold N. Howard Howard, Hazel Ruth 1-4-1931 F Audrie May Clodfelter Raymond Leslie Howard Hubill, Peggy Amo 12-13-1931 M Mabel F Talkington Francis Albert Hubill Huffman, John Riley 12-9-1931 M Eda B. Sprinkle George V. Huffman Hugg, G. T. Inf Of 1-16-1931 M Ollie Turner G. T. Hugg Hughes, James Truman 1-19-1931 M Bernice Clina Paronto James Paul Hughes Hughes, Robert Lynn 7-9-1931 M Ruby Lee Bennett Richard George Hughes Hughes, William W. Inf Of 6-23-1931 F Frankie Lee Graves William W. Hughes Hulsey, Billy Charles 2-5-1931 M Bertha E. Taukett Charles Arthur Hulsey Hunt, H. S. Inf Of 12-23-1931 M Lorene Roberts H. S. Hunt Hunter, Herbert Perry 2-5-1931 M Elsie Mae Perry Carroll Dean Hunter Husted, Darrell Clayton 2-24-1931 M Lucille Stella Keim Clayton A. Husted Hyatt, James Horace 1-1-1931 M Gertie Scott N. H. Hyatt Ingram, Richard Allen 9-28-1931 M Dessie Jackson Ono Odell Ingram Ivey, Robert 2-3-1931 M C. H. Ivey James, Guy Inf Of 2-4-1931 F Frances Russell Guy James Jameyson, Beulah Faye 2-28-1931 F Violet M Patton Harry E Jameyson Jarrett, Bobby Jack 1-25-1931 M Edith Fayne Allcorn Gene Jarrett Jeter, O. R. Inf Of 4-20-1931 F Vada Malloy O. R. Jeter Johnson, A. Inf Of 3-21-1931 F Rusha Guthrie A. Johnson Johnson, Bobbie Neal 7-12-1931 M Edna Cleo Oswalt Owen N. Johnson Johnson, Edith Dora Mae 8-13-1931 F Birdie Lee Harris O. E. Johnson Johnson, Robert Mabry 7-23-1931 M Nelda Gillespie R. M. Johnson Jones, Doyle Jullius 3-1-1931 M Lonnie Nicholson Sam Jones Jones, Hilliard Hampton 1-8-1931 M Bertha Lillian Strout William J. Jones Jordan, Russell Ray 5-16-1931 M Katie Pauline Spillers Neal Cambridge Jordan Kelley, Virginia Elizabeth 3-16-1931 F Vernon B. Cabaness Robert Harry Kelley Kelly, Barbra Nell 7-19-1931 F Lillian V. Nelson H. S. Kelly Kemer, Jack L. 1-6-1931 M Lorene Holland Hugh L. Kemer Kennedy, Gloria 1-16-1931 F Mable Johnson Clarence C Kennedy Kenney, Harrold Ray 3-14-1931 M Eveline Irene Kinney Rube Clay Kenney Keough, Mary Therese 11-25-1931 F Anna T. Hogan L. F. Keough Kilcrease, George Inf Of 6-13-1931 F Hazel White George Kilcrease Killian, Reba Rae 7-26-1931 F Eula Mount John E. Killian Kilpatrick, George David 9-21-1931 M Edith M. Wilson Elmer Clifton Kilpatrick Kilpatrick, George David 9-17-1931 M Edith Marie Wilson Elmer Clifton Kilpatrick King, Ronald Dean 8-27-1931 M Dorothy Helen Keeler Samuel Cicero King Kinkead, Joyce Marie 7-30-1931 F Martha Eliza Sorrells Smith Bartlet Kinkead Kite, George Inf Of 3-29-1931 F Margeret Jewel Johnson George Kite Koscheski, R. J. 5-22-1931 M Iva Fish A. N. Koscheski Kuykendall, Clarence Orrel 3-3-1931 M Alma Boyd Ray Kuykendall La, Cass E. G. Inf Of 10-22-1931 M Harriet Powell E. G. La Cass Lamb, Johnnie August 6-9-1931 M Goldie Fay Godwin Johnnie August Lamb Lancaster, Jaunita Ruth 2-1-1931 F Edith Alberta Etter James Glenn Lancaster Larkin, Charlotte Dolores 7-1-1931 F Nettie Lou Clark William Nelson Larkin Leach, Dorothy Marie 8-15-1931 F Eunice Barrett Milton S. Leach Ledbetter, James Kenneth 10-12-1931 M Verbon Carie Barker Arthur Austin Ledbetter Ledbetter, Sally Ann 9-25-1931 F Irene Murphree Jess F Ledbetter Lemon, Jo Ella 11-17-1931 F Ruby Mae Stone Ollie J. Lemon Lemon, Roy H. Inf Of 1-14-1931 F Verona Jessiman Roy H. Lemon Lenard, George Inf Of 11-6-1931 M Ethel Scott George Lenard Lewis, W. H. Inf Of 5-2-1931 M Lucille Robinson W. H. Lewis Lightfoot, James Jewel Inf Of 3-14-1931 F Dannie Lee Seaborn James Jewel Lightfoot Lightfoot, Norma Jean 1-25-1931 F Lois Mcclain M. C. Lightfoot Lindsey, Carol Jean 4-3-1931 F Jessie Colwell John V. Lindsey Little, Retha June 7-5-1931 F Rosella Phillips H. C. Little Lively, Donald Brice 2-19-1931 M Thelma W Glass Homer B Lively Lively, Lamar Gilmore 6-13-1931 M Ollie Waldon Travis C. Lively Sr. Long, Roger Allen 5-25-1931 M Verna Wilson Arthur C. Long Lowrey, Doris Helen 11-30-1931 F Opal Wood Lester Lowrey Loza, Trinidad 5-20-1931 M Trinidad Esqueda Juan Loza Lutz, Jackie Lee 4-5-1931 M Mae Ramsey R. Lutz Lyng, Eileen Mae 10-21-1931 F Myrtle Belle Hardesty Patrick Francis Lyng Lyons, John B. 3-29-1931 M Velma Moore R. W. Lyons Madero, Barbara 8-3-1931 F Faye C. Lowe ***Stillborn*** Magruder, Doris June 6-6-1931 F Noshia Anderson James H. Magruder Marlar, Janice Carolyn 9-17-1931 F Junaita Lamb R. S. Marlar Martin, John Paul Inf Of 4-3-1931 F Mary Geneva King John Paul Martin Martin, Peggy Marie 10-11-1931 M Versie Gregory Earl H. Martin Mason, Hazel Carolyn 11-20-1931 F Carrie B. Hunter C. C. Mason Matinas, Frank J. 3-31-1931 M Freda D. Dalle J. E. Matinas May, William Edward 3-29-1931 M Frances B. Martin Kit T. May Mayden, Doyle Eugene 7-21-1931 M Etta Pointer E. G. Mayden Mc Calip, O. O. Inf Of 8-5-1931 M Irene Jones O. O. Mc Calip Mc Ewen, Harry Fred Jr. 10-28-1931 M Inez Hebert Harry Fred Mc Ewen Mc Haney, Velda Vee 9-12-1931 F Velma Veda Thompson Raymond Mc Haney Mc Inturff, Ethel Inf Of 10-19-1931 F Ethel Mc Inturff Mcadams, Jo Ann 5-8-1931 F Annie Henley Herman Warren Mcadams Mcanally, Glendale 6-18-1931 M Flora Fuller A. L. Mcanally Mcauley, Clifford Lee 3-15-1931 M Thelma Lee Martin George Clifford Mcauley Mccalip, Wayne Allen 3-29-1931 M Nannie Catlin R. F. Mccalip Mcclellan, Jack Inf Of 3-27-1931 M Mary E Howard Jack Mcclellan Mcclellan, Jack Inf Of 3-27-1931 M Mary E. Howard Jack Mcclellan Mccracken, Betty Jean 10-24-1931 F Elsie Deterick J. M. Mccracken Mcculler, Robert Lee 11-21-1931 M Unora Mae Cowan William Mcculler Mcdonald, Janis Ann 2-20-1931 F Margaret Schmidt H. R. Mcdonald Mcdonald, R. F. James 8-30-1931 M Gladys Burrow R. F. Mcdonald Mcfarland, Janet 1-7-1931 F Flossie Kilgo W. J. Mcfarland Mcgahey, David Eldin 3-4-1931 M Ruth Corts David Eldin Mcgahey Mcginnis, Bobby Ray 11-3-1931 M Eva Fish C. F. Mcginnis Mcgreggor, Fred Wayne 4-25-1931 M Mannie Suart Harold H. Mcgreggor Mcnabb, John Eldon 2-11-1931 M Maude Everts Bertie Mcnabb Mcpeak, Wallace Jr. 7-12-1931 M Verna Nelson James Wallace Mcpeak Mcpherson, Patricia Lee 12-9-1931 F Hazel Mae Wells Lewis Wright Mcpherson Mcpherson, William 1-10-1931 M Ova Ellen Casada Weeta Vernon Mcpherson Mcwhirter, Loretta 7-8-1931 F Ava Chase Lamar George Mcwhirter Meador, William Ray 11-11-1931 M Velma Pipkin S. J. Meador Meyers, W. A. Inf Of 1-6-1931 F Alta Billington W. A. Meyers Miller, Eula May 12-9-1931 F Lula Garrison W. H. Miller Miller, Jerald Duane 6-16-1931 M Modra Cain Lloyd James Miller Miller, Margret Frances 8-8-1931 F Sarah Alice Rhine Earl Chief Miller Miller, Martha Marie 12-3-1931 F Augusta E. Byrlien A D Miller Miller, Melba Lois 3-28-1931 F Ruth Lucille Smith Howard T. Miller Miller, Richard Harrold 11-7-1931 M Mary Evelyn True Harrold Rodger Miller Mitchell, Orlando 1-30-1931 M Blanche Mitchell H. R. Dickson Mitchell, Rowena Marilon 11-10-1931 F Rowena Shields James Otis Mitchell Money, James Bryant 1-18-1931 M Cora Morris Jess R. Money Morris, Robert Edward 10-15-1931 M Pattie Denton Ward Robert D. Morris Mullins, La Vaughn 5-8-1931 F Esther Inabnet C C Mullins Nael, Jerry Neal 6-14-1931 M Florence Marie Elliott John Barclay Nael Nash, Charles Lee 7-20-1931 M Gladys A. Irwin Paul H Nash Neal, Francis Louise 11-17-1931 F Lady Louise Carpenter Arnold Neal Neal, Jewel Burton 1-12-1931 F Julian Huglett O. H. Neal Neal, Julian Bell 1-12-1931 M Julian Huglett O. H. Neal Neath, Mary Lou 11-29-1931 F Edna Walker H. A. Neath Nellis, Nancy Lee 9-2-1931 F Floy Stone H. L. Nellis Nichalson, Richard Don 12-6-1931 M Bernice Mccanlin L. H. Nichalson Nicholson, Max Glen 10-7-1931 M Fannie Mae Mcintosh Glenn Audie Nicholson Noel, Betty Jo 1-3-1931 F Florence Showers Gerald Glen Noel Noel, Donald Max 6-28-1931 M Chlora Mckinney Cecil Noel Oden, Richard Lee 4-25-1931 M Dorothy Helen Mccown Farris Cottrell Oden Ollinger, Raymond Jerome 2-10-1931 M Bernice Anna Britten Walter Frank Ollinger Organ, John Leroy 12-11-1931 M Marhales E. Jones John Leroy Winer Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Osborne, Nellie Beatrice 4-2-1931 F Georgia Moody Emmitt Osborne Owens, Andrew Gene 2-14-1931 M Jennie Morgan T. J. Owens Pafford, Joe B. 4-6-1931 M Gladys Mcelhannon Ernest J. Pafford Palmer, W. H. Inf Of 5-17-1931 F Vesta Simms W. H. Palmer Parker, Bettie Gene 2-7-1931 F Geneva Dudley Henry Parker Parker, Carl Wayne 3-26-1931 M Fairy May Stanford Carl W. Parker Pate, Esther Jo 2-14-1931 F Edith Isola Mckinnie Otto Pate Pate, Ethel Jean 2-14-1931 F Edith Isola Mckinnie Otto Pate Patterson, Arvilla Dee 2-21-1931 F Dee Breeding J. H. Patterson Patterson, Mildred Lucille 9-7-1931 F Inez Geneva Crawford James Albert Patterson Patton, J. J. Inf Of 1-29-1931 M Bertha Bowers J. J. Patton Patton, Mary Jean 10-15-1931 F Mildred Faky Otto D. Patton Pervis, Dorothy Jewel 7-9-1931 F Pearl Estelle Haywood J. A. Pervis Phillips, Wesley Arvel 4-15-1931 M Ollie Mae Samuals Jesse Arvel Phillips Plattor, Frances Ann Nancy 11-22-1931 F Beulah M. Evans Walter R. Plattor Poindexter, Bessie Lee 10-6-1931 F Marry Mooneyham V. L. Poindexter Pollard, Mickie Mae 6-18-1931 F Bertha May Sharp Porter C. Pollard Powell, Gwendolyn 2-14-1931 F Lela Mae Mclaughlin Homer Powell Powers, Jo Ann 9-6-1931 F Hennie Mcknight A. C. Powers Powers, Manuel E. Jr. 1-7-1931 M Chloe Hulsey M. E. Powers Preston, Mary Louse 9-4-1931 F Elavalemo Baker George Preston Price, Peggy Lee 4-6-1931 F Karva Gensen Drew A. Price Ramsey, Wilma Lou 6-14-1931 F Lucille Hefton H L Ramsey Ray, Betty Lou 6-20-1931 F Jacy Valentine Arnel J. Ray Ray, Robert Lee 11-26-1931 M Maline Montgomery S. J. Ray Reed, Bettie Jo 7-2-1931 F Andra Wilson Buford Reed Reno, June Lavonne 6-30-1931 F Bessie Fanchon Bell Winfred E. Reno Rhea, Bonnie Jeff 10-6-1931 F Willie Foster T. J. Rhea Rhea, V. N. Inf Of 9-10-1931 M Lottie Muller V. N. Rhea Rhodes, J. L. 5-14-1931 M Opal Stout G. D. Rhodes Rice, Gaston Wade 8-7-1931 M Ruby Dodd Tom Watson Rice Riegel, Violet Carol 12-10-1931 F Theo Elder David C. Riegel Rigdon, Joyce Jeannette 6-30-1931 F Nina Marie Doone Elmer Roy Rigdon Ritter, Ina Rea 12-19-1931 F Martie Dunn Forrest Ritter Roachelle, James David 12-28-1931 M Ida Mae Woodrome George William Roachelle Roberson, J. G. Inf Of 2-5-1931 M Fowler Kuykendall J. G. Roberson Roberts, Billie Sue 2-13-1931 F Maggie Moore Bonnie Roberts Robinson, Glenna Jo 3-27-1931 F M. Joan Heath Thomas O. Robinson Roehr, Leigh Arden 12-16-1931 M Thelma Louise Certain Clarence Paul Roehr Roley, Luther Pat Jr. 1-24-1931 M Evelyn West L. P. Roley Romine, Joanne Louise 7-7-1931 F Lola Ruth Doty Ben Elios Romine Ruddy, Thomas Earl 9-22-1931 M Amy Cole Mcdonald Charles Earl Ruddy Rugg, Charles Martell 12-19-1931 M Mollie Alvie Holley Charlie Henry Rugg Rutherford, Patricia Ann 6-13-1931 F Edith Sheriff M. M. Rutherford Sackett, Danna Sue 1-28-1931 F Myrtle V. Mundy James D. Sackett Sailor, Irene Elizabeth 7-4-1931 F Mabel Hukill Rolla J. Sailor Sargent, Drucella Dorothea 10-22-1931 F Lola May Mcbee Lugusta Sargent Schaffer, Clifford Leonard 2-15-1931 M Mertie Elms Claud Schaffer Schaffer, Tom Inf Of 5-9-1931 M Mary Farris Tom Schaffer Scott, Earnest Inf Of 4-5-1931 M Exie Brown Earnest Scott Scott, Riley Inf Of 3-21-1931 M Ora Downum Riley Scott Searle, J. W. Inf Of 1-17-1931 F Dona Durham J. W. Searle Sewell, Alice Aleta 10-22-1931 F Alice Jerene Prim Joe Orene Sewell Shannon, John Meeks 10-12-1931 M Cleo Olive John E. Shannon Shaw, Floyd Putnam Iv 1-6-1931 M Norma Louise Heffler Floyd Shaw Iii Shipley, Violia Janie 12-10-1931 F Eva Burnell P. H. Shipley Sizemore, J. L. Jr. 8-18-1931 M Opal Thomas J. L. Sizemore Skaggs, Ettie Louise 3-22-1931 F Hattie Sherlock W. A. Skaggs Small, Claude Ed 1-8-1931 M Dorah E. Small Henry Small Smart, A. L. Inf Of 1-22-1931 M Mildred Nelson A. L. Smart Smith, Albert Jr 10-4-1931 M Thelma Gross Albert Smith Smith, Billie Dee 9-4-1931 F Alpha Scarberry Gordon F. Smith Smith, Elizabeth Imogene 8-17-1931 F Gladys Melton Ervin E. Smith Smith, Gene K. 10-10-1931 M Mildred M. Todd R E Smith Smith, Milton Lyle 8-13-1931 M Ellen Smith Earl Milton Smith Smith, Vergie Mae 3-5-1931 F Lucy Pulliam Noah Smith Southerland, Harrold Milton 10-4-1931 M Winifred Adams Jess Southerland Spears, Sarah Iona 5-20-1931 F Bennie Ruth Sells S. J. Spears Stallings, Daniel Britain 4-1-1931 M Carrie Elizabeth Wilder Frank Lloyd Stallings Stanley, Cecil Jr. 7-25-1931 M Gladys Willis Cecil H Stanley Statts, Melba Francis 10-17-1931 F Anna May Nicholson Haskell P Statts Stevens, Evelyn Thelma 3-1-1931 F Thelma Mccabe J. M. Stevens Steward, Mary Josephine 10-11-1931 F Audrey Salyars James Clark Steward Stewart, Elizabeth Ann 10-11-1931 F Alma May Carter A M Stewart Stewart, J. T. Inf Of 2-8-1931 F Levada Johnson J. T. Stewart Stickler, Georgia Noma 7-6-1931 F Gladys Kincaid G. E. Stickler Stine, Samuel Oscar 10-24-1931 M Violet Gordon Clair L. Stine Stokes, W. C. Inf Of 1-6-1931 F Helen Graham W. C. Stokes Stone, Robert Dean 9-21-1931 M Tommie Viola Singleton Barney Green Stone Stone, Roberta Jean 9-21-1931 F Tommie Viola Singleton Barney Green Stone Stout, John Lee 9-5-1931 M Cornelia E. Coltharp Ivan Maxwell Stout Stovall, Carolyn Joan 1-27-1931 F Ruby Pearl Haws Gwyn Lee Stovall Stracener, Roy Clyde 8-23-1931 M Bertha Patton W. H. Stracener Stracener, Troy Claud 8-23-1931 M Bertha Patton W. H. Stracener Strait, John Homer Jr. 2-15-1931 M Eula Leona Gibson John H. Strait Strickland, Shirley Ann 4-28-1931 F Myrtle Mae Watson Earl A. Strickland Stricklin, Jo Ann 9-6-1931 F Allie Lee Powell Troy A. Stricklin Sunkel, Dorothy D. 4-3-1931 F Eunice Land E. R. Sunkel Sutton, Rosella Olive 6-13-1931 F Olive Mae Fleming Gilbert Sutton Swafford, Marlene 10-24-1931 F Ruth Treadwell Audell Swafford Swarthout, Bertie Mont 10-2-1931 M Manda Cordina Womack William Edgar Swarthout Tampka, Thomas Bert 6-8-1931 M Mabel Long A. A. Tampka Tanner, Joyce Lucille 12-19-1931 F Mattie Cornelius Guy Leonard Tanner Tarver, Billy Wayne 1-2-1931 M Marie Tolbert H. D. Tarver Taylor, Buell Arnold 3-18-1931 M Vallie Persons Orian Taylor Taylor, J. B. Inf Of 11-26-1931 F Isabelle Line J. B. Taylor Thibadeaux, James Wesley 10-23-1931 M Maudie Ethel Bates A. L. Thibadeaux Thomas, Onie 4-22-1931 F Bessie Trammell Robert Thomas Thompson, Don Francis 4-13-1931 M Elva Christner Frank D. Thompson Tibbets, Marvin Ferrel 1-13-1931 M Hazel K. Porter Marvin Frank Tibbets Timmons, Glen Dervin Jr. 8-31-1931 M Hazel Tuck Glen Dervin Timmons Tinsley, Travis Monroe 12-13-1931 M Esther Mae Fields William Brown Tinsley Tipton, David 1-12-1931 M Myrtle Dudley M. M. Tipton Torbett, Lyndell Wayne 3-16-1931 M Myrtle White H. S. Torbett Townsley, Rebecca Marie 5-23-1931 F Esther Fisher George Townsley Tracy, Bettijean 7-18-1931 F Irene Williams John A. Tracy Twigg, L. E. Inf Of 10-3-1931 F Manda Rogers L. E. Twigg Van Pelt, Edward Emery 9-14-1931 M Pearl Martin Byron E. Van Pelt Van Pelt, James Grout 10-1-1931 M Geraldine Ingalls Grout James Lester Van Pelt Van Winkle, Viola Caroline 7-2-1931 F Virginia Afton Boechur E. O. Van Winkle Vanover, Harold Raymond 12-7-1931 M Gladys Merie Gilbreath George Velma Vanover Vineyard, Johny Ray 3-18-1931 M Ona May Montgomery Gordon Francis Vineyard Wagner, Florence Allene 1-24-1931 F Francis Lucile Frier Victor E. Wagner Jr. Walberg, Lelo Landen 12-2-1931 M Thelma Walker A. R. Walberg Walker, Billie Ruth 4-8-1931 F Lillie Hackett W. A. Walker Walker, Buster Rufus Inf Of 5-23-1931 F Etta Sanson Buster Rufus Walker Walker, Dale Newton 11-17-1931 M Martha B Pennington Denis Newton Walker Wallen, Raby J. 6-23-1931 M Minnie Nix J. F. Wallen Ward, Gloria Jean 1-14-1931 F Esther Elaine Thomas Ben Dave Ward Warford, C. C. Inf Of 1-31-1931 F Custer Cole C. C. Warford Warren, Loyd Chester 10-15-1931 M Delitha Jessemer Bryce Joseph Franklin Warren Warren, Sylvia Dorthea 10-14-1931 F L. M. Edington L. B. Warren Watson, Helen Louise 9-8-1931 F Myrtle Mae Potter Robert Troy Watson Watt, James Clarence 11-23-1931 M Grace Cole B. H. Watt Weeks, Joan Evelyn 7-27-1931 F Bettie Pearl Stafford John E. Weeks West, Betty Jo 2-11-1931 F Edith Payne L. E. West Whelchel, Nancy Jean 12-14-1931 F Ruby Cannon J. R. Whelchel White, Edna Rose 12-8-1931 F Bessie F. Scoggins Travis White Whitfield, Mary Ruth 3-28-1931 F Fannie White Joseph Benjamin Whitfield Wilkerson, D. A. Jr. 4-17-1931 M Gertrude Austin D. A. Wilkerson Wilkins, M. V. Inf Of 3-18-1931 M Elsie Hill M. V. Wilkins Williams, R. T. Inf Of 6-1-1931 M Wiilie Tibbetts R. T. Williams Williams, Thomas Flood 10-7-1931 M Lillian Lee Thomas F. Williams Wilson, Bennie Faye 7-10-1931 F Sudie Stokes C B Wilson Wilson, Martha Lula 6-30-1931 F Bessie Cox Julian Wilson Winborne, James Thomas 9-29-1931 M Wanda Oletta Pruitt Joseph Clyde Winborne Window, Ezra Inf Of 8-7-1931 M Grace Hatchkins Ezra Window Winton, Donald Harl 9-22-1931 M Aline Wright Thomas Lee Winton Wiseman, Chloe Edwin 9-8-1931 F Stella Ramer Edwin Wiseman Wood, Evelyn Joyce 11-10-1931 F Zelma O. Hardin Vernon O Wood Woolen, Leota Joan 1-30-1931 F Mable Massey John S. Woolen Wooten, John Bobby 9-25-1931 M Ethyl Dishough John B. Wooten Worden, Frank Inf Of 3-4-1931 F Fannie Cordell Frank Worden Wright, Bettie June 6-8-1931 F Gladys Davis W. O. Wright Wright, Donna Gene 6-17-1931 F Mary Lou Geory C. W. Wright Wyatt, R. C. Inf Of 6-12-1931 M Floy Elberta Wooldridge R. C. Wyatt Yeargin, Peggy Jean 7-12-1931 F Catherine Sawyer Eugene L Yeargin Zeigler, Ray Lacy 9-1-1931 M Ruth Lucile Lacy R. A. Zeigler Zello, Donald Morris 5-15-1931 M Mary Louise Dallard Claude Howard Zello