Grayson County Texas Archives History - Books .....1924 Denison High School Yearbook 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee July 19, 2020, 5:50 pm Book Title: The Yellowjacket 1924 Yellowjacket, Yearbook of Denison High School, Denison, Texas The following individuals are pictured in the 1924 Yellowjacket. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (sr=senior; jr=10th grade; so=9th grade; fr=8th grade), and yearbook page. Abshire, Haskell, fr, 46 Acheson, Volney, so, 43 Ackride, Anna Lee, so, 42 Adams, Lora, jr, 36 Adrian, Amy, so, 59 Allen, Fay, so, 42 Alsdorf, Izetta, so, 42 Alsdorf, Ruth, jr, 36 Ammer, Jack, fr, 48 Anderson, Anzo, sr, 9 Anderson, Arthur, so, 42 Anderson, Carey, fr, 47 Anderson, Cora Mae, fr, 49 Anderson, Leroy, jr, 36 Andress, Elsie, sr, 9 Ardes, Tissie Bell, jr, 36 Armstead, Isabel, fr, 46 Asbury, Johnnie Sue, jr, 37 Babb, Carl, fr, 48 Babb, Ralph, so, 43 Babcock, Dale, fr, 47 Babe, Lolita, fr, 49 Badgett, Albert, fr, 48 Badgett, Edwin, sr, 9 Badgett, Fred, jr, 38 Badgett, Howard, sr, 9 Badgett, Lucille, fr, 47 Baker, Ida, sr, 9 Baker, Inez, fr, 48 Baker, Louise, jr, 36 Baldwin, Dorothy, so, 43 Baldwin, Marguerite, jr, 37 Ball, Georgia, sr, 15 Ball, Sadie, jr, 38 Ballard, Fred, jr, 37 Barfoot, Laurie, sr, 10 Barker, Joe, so, 41 Barkley, Isaac, so, 42 Barmore, Trilby, so, 43 Barnett, Mary, jr, 36 Barnhill, Jewel, fr, 49 Bass, Billie, fr, 47 Beamer, Ruth, sr, 10 Bean, Ruth, sr, 11 Beasley, William, fr, 48 Beavers, Haskell, fr, 49 Bennett, Eunice, jr, 36 Berry, Alice, jr, 36 Bevers, Florie, jr, 36 Bilderback, Lois, jr, 36 Bingham, Louise, so, 43 Bishop, Mildred, jr, 38 Blackwell, Leo, sr, 11 Bledsoe, Elizabeth, sr, 11 Bledsoe, Jack, sr, 15 Bocklett, Willimina, so, 42 Boldrick, John, fr, 63 Bolin, Margie, so, 43 Bonham, Katie, sr, 10 Bonner, Lawrence, so, 43 Boone, David, fr, 49 Boothman, Claude, fr, 47 Boren, Frank, fr, 49 Boren, Paul, fr, 48 Brannon, Johnnie May, fr, 48 Brannon, Rosebeth, fr, 48 Brennan, Harold, fr, 47 Brennan, Marae, sr, 10 Briggs, Ruby, fr, 49 Bristow, Nola, fr, 47 Brogdon, Veta Lee, so, 41 Brous, G. P., 63 Brown, Ray, sr, 15 Bruno, Charlie, jr, 37 Burnside, Pierre, so, 42 Burt, William, so, 42 Burtis, Mildred, sr, 10 Bush, Dorothy, sr, 11 Butler, Franklin, jr, 37 Byers, John, fr, 47 Byrum, Nell, fr, 47 Caddell, Icey, so, 42 Caldwell, Mary, so, 59 Caldwell, Randolph, 55 Caldwell, Thomas, fr, 49 Calvert, Georgia, fr, 49 Calvert, Mildred, fr, 49 Cameron, Pauline, so, 43 Camp, Marie, so, 42 Campbell, Elmer, jr, 37 Canatsy, Ruth, so, 44 Canao, Joe, so, 42 Carpenter, Mamie, fr, 47 Carroll, Mary, sr, 11 Carter, Louise, jr, 38 Carter, Velma, fr, 47 Cawthon, Agnes, fr, 47 Chastain, Frances, jr, 37 Chastain, Mary, jr, 38 Chitwood, Fred, sr, 14 Chollar, Robert, fr, 46 Chrisman, Charles, so, 43 Christian, Faulabella, jr, 38 Christman, Milton, jr, 67 Clark, Earl, fr, 46 Clark, Guinn, fr, 48 Clark, Herman, so, 43 Clark, John, sr, 14 Clark, Lorene, so, 41 Clark, Louise, sr, 11 Clark, Richard, jr, 37 Clark, Ruth, jr, 36 Clark, Virgil, so, 42 Clark, Wealthie, so, 59 Clayton, Margaret, sr, 15 Clemmis, Frances, fr, 49 Cline, Clarence, jr, 57 Coffman, Howard, so, 43 Coffman, Sadie, so, 43 Collins, Virginia, so, 44 Combest, Bettie, sr, 12 Compton, Elizabeth, jr, 37 Cook, Zelma, fr, 46 Coonrod, Curtis, 55 Coonrod, Elaine, so, 43 Cooper, Hetty, fr, 49 Council, Johnnie, so, 43 Cox, Mabel, fr, 48 Cox, Madeline, sr, 15 Cox, Mildred, jr, 37 Cox, Stella, so, 43 Craven, Joe, jr, 36 Crawford, Sam, fr, 63 Crockett, Leona, fr, 48 Crook, Ellen, jr, 36 Crosby, Ruth, fr, 49 Cross, Bessie, fr, 46 Crumpton, Mildred, so, 43 Culler, Raymond, fr, 49 Cunningham, Mildred, so, 43 Dalton, Johnnie, fr, 49 Daniels, Marie, sr, 14 Daugherty, James, fr, 46 Davis, Beatrice, fr, 49 Davis, Ruth, jr, 36 Deffebach, Dan, fr, 47 Defratus, Frankie, jr, 36 Defratus, Lillian, jr, 36 Defratus, Louise, fr, 46 Delfeld, Dorothy, sr, 12 Dempsey, Frederick, jr, 63 Dennis, Fay, 59 Dickey, Graham, fr, 67 Dieffenderfer, Mary Frances, so, 41 Dillard, Ruth, fr, 48 Dishman, Glynn, sr, 14 Dixon, Bess, fr, 48 Dixon, Edna, sr, 14 Dixon, Etta, sr, 13 Doak, Goldie, sr, 12 Donald, Mildred, 59 Dorman, Edward, so, 42 Douglas, Aline, fr, 47 Douglass, Arthur, fr, 48 Douglass, Harold, sr, 12 Douthy, Arvid, jr, 37 Dowdy, Orville, 67 Drum, Victor, fr, 48 Dunn, Earl, so, 43 Easterly, Claud, jr, 36 Edgar, Anna Ruth, sr, 27 Edwards, Marjorie, fr, 48 Eggleston, Clifford, sr, 13 Eggleston, Edward, 61 Ellard, Minnie Laura, so, 44 Ellard, Octavia, sr, 13 Elliott, Ronald, fr, 47 Ellsworth, Elizabeth, jr, 36 Ellsworth, Joe, fr, 67 Elmore, Choice, so, 43 Elmore, Clayton, fr, 46 Elmore, Jessie, sr, 21 Evans, Alford, 55 Evans, Marvine, fr, 49 Farmer, Ruth, jr, 59 Fehr, Arthur, so, 43 Fennell, Fay, so, 42 Fennell, Lonnie, 55 Fields, Kathrine, jr, 36 Finley, Hazel, fr, 49 Finn, Marie, so, 42 Fish, Sidney, fr, 46 Fisk, Helen, sr, 13 Flanigan, Johnye, jr, 36 Flinn, Thomas, so, 44 Florentine, Clifford, jr, 37 Florentine, Sterling, jr, 38 Ford, Alfred, fr, 48 Ford, Ruby, fr, 47 Ford, Ruth, fr, 47 Foreman, William, sr, 13 Foster, Richard, fr, 48 Frank, Arthur, sr, 21 Freeman, Don, so, 41 Furman, James, so, 44 Gainer, Edyhe, so, 42 Gamble, Leo, fr, 46 Garland, Gladys Elizabeth, fr, 47 Garrett, Edward, fr, 47 Geer, Eugene, fr, 63 Gentry, Harold, fr, 49 Gerhardt, Alice, so, 42 Giarraputo, Lena, so, 41 Giarraputo, Steven, fr, 46 Gilbert, Ardath, so, 42 Gilbert, Mary Stell, sr, 21 Giles, J. L., fr, 46 Gillespie, Guy, 55 Gingles, Milton, so, 43 Glass, Carlos, jr, 37 Golden, Orvilla, jr, 36 Gordon, Max, so, 42 Graham, Ella, so, 41 Graham, Grace, fr, 49 Graham, W. B., 55 Grant, Howard, so, 42 Gray, Dorothy, sr, 21 Gray, Richard, fr, 46 Green, Frances, fr, 47 Green, Paul, so, 41 Gullet, Charles, sr, 16 Guynes, Mildred, jr, 37 Guynes, William, jr, 37 Hairsine, Lily, jr, 38 Hall, Ethel, fr, 48 Hampton, Arnold, sr, 16 Hampton, Lloyd, jr, 36 Hancock, John, so, 41 Handy, Lillian, sr, 16 Haney, Vera, so, 41 Hanks, Jack, fr, 47 Hanks, Kenneth, fr, 48 Hanks, Kittye Belle, fr, 48 Hannigan, Jimmie, fr, 48 Hanson, Julia, sr, 20 Hardy, Cecil, fr, 46 Harris, Frances, fr, 48 Harris, Gwendolyn, so, 41 Harshaw, Blanche, so, 41 Hauser, Melvin, 55 Haygood, Charles, fr, 48 Hazel, Dora May, fr, 48 Head, Armstead, fr, 46 Head, Lucille, fr, 46 Heard, Oneta, fr, 47 Hedgepeth, Mary, jr, 38 Heironimus, Eva, so, 42 Heironimus, Harold, fr, 47 Heironimus, Kathleen, sr, 20 Heironimus, Norine, so, 41 Henderson, Bessie, so, 43 Henderson, Bryan, 55 Henderson, Maybelle, jr, 38 Henderson, Zalo May, jr, 36 Hendricks, Annie Lee, so, 41 Hendrix, Willie, sr, 21 Henry, Reba, jr, 38 Henry, Ruth, jr, 38 Hensley, Lola Mae, sr, 16 Herndon, Roy, so, 41 Hewitt, Harold, so, 55 Hibbard, Evelyn, so, 42 Hightower, Ralph, sr, 21 Hill, Alice, fr, 47 Hill, Eva, fr, 47 Hill, Charles, 67 Hill, William, 55 Hinkle, Boyce, 55 Hinkle, Louise, so, 42 Hoag, Bill, jr, 37 Hoard, Lucious, jr, 38 Hodges, Bessie, sr, 16 Hodges, Hazel, fr, 48 Holland, Ralph, so, 41 Hollingsworth, Mary, jr, 38 Hollingsworth, Ross, fr, 47 Hood, Vida, so, 41 Hopkins, Helen, sr, 20 Hosford, Mabel, jr, 37 Hosford, Pearl, fr, 46 Houk, Clyde, sr, 20 Huffaker, Booth, so, 42 Hunt, Haskel, so, 44 Inman, Eloise, sr, 19 Jackson, Aline, sr, 19 Jackson, Elsie, sr, 19 Jackson, Harold, fr, 47 Jackson, Lulu Mae, so, 43 Jackson, Rachel, jr, 38 Jackson, Stanley, jr, 38 James, Fannie, sr, 22 Jenkins, Elvin, so, 41 Jenkins, Mary Sue, sr, 23 Jennings, Carl, jr, 63 Jennings, Grace, jr, 36 Jennings, Mabel, fr, 48 Jennings, Pellie, fr, 47 Jessie, Mabel, jr, 36 Johnson, Billie, fr, 48 Johnson, Gertrude, jr, 37 Johnson, Leo, so, 41 Johnson, Walter, 67 Jones, Charles, sr, 19 Jones, Edmund, fr, 48 Jones, Floyd, fr, 47 Kay, Elsie, so, 44 Kay, Maurice, so, 41 Kelley, Lee, fr, 46 Kelly, Hortense, so, 43 Kelly, Katherine, so, 42 Kennedy, Lee, jr, 38 King, Henry, fr, 48 Kinney, Elvira, fr, 48 Kinney, Floyd, fr, 47 Kleiser, Charles, sr, 20 Kleiser, Dorothy, so, 42 Klinkman, Gussie, jr, 37 Krattiger, Anna, so, 43 Kretsinger, D. C., jr, 38 Kretzinger, Irene, fr, 48 LaLonde, Ada, fr, 48 Lampman, Philip, so, 43 Lane, Russell, fr, 49 Larsen, Dorothy, sr, 22 LaRue, Willie, so, 42 Laurence, Wrenn, so, 43 Lawhon, Lester, so, 43 Lay, George, so, 41 Lay, Gertrude, sr, 22 Lee, Marguerite, jr, 38 Lee, Marjorie, so, 44 Lee, Stella May, fr, 59 Leeper, Lois, jr, 38 Lessly, Edna, sr, 23 Lewis, Albert, so, 43 Lewis, Charles, fr, 48 Linderman, Aubrey, jr, 38 Lindley, Paul, jr, 36 Lloyd, Mildred, fr, 48 Long, Carver, jr, 67 Long, Catherine, fr, 47 Long, Gladys, fr, 46 Long, Pearl, so, 42 Lowe, Lon, fr, 46 Lowrance, H. L., 55 Luck, Bessie, jr, 37 Luton, Leo, jr, 61 Mahan, Clancey, jr, 38 Mallow, Lynn, fr, 49 Malone, Mamie Lou, jr, 38 Maples, Nina, fr, 48 Marchbanks, Arthur, fr, 47 Marshall, Robert, sr, 19 Mason, Charlie, jr, 38 Massey, Rita, so, 41 Matthews, Eugene, so, 41 Matthews, Myrtle, fr, 48 Matthews, Thad, fr, 61 Maxwell, Pauline, so, 42 May, Ellis, fr, 46 May, Irene, so, 44 Mayes, Allen, fr, 47 Mays, Edward, fr, 49 McAlester, Richard, fr, 48 McCoy, Evelyn, sr, 23 McCoy, Oleta, sr, 25 McDade, Edna, jr, 39 McDonald, Robert, sr, 23 McDowell, James, so, 44 McFadden, Fred Lee, sr, 22 McFerren, Raymond, 57 McFerrin, Carl, fr, 48 McGrath, Frank, jr, 36 McGregor, Charles, sr, 22 McMillan, Ham, 55 McMillan, Willie, jr, 61 McPherren, Raymond, so, 42 McSpadden, Harold, jr, 39 McSpadden, Jack, 67 Meitzen, Irene, fr, 46 Meitzen, Logan, fr, 49 Middleton, Marie, so, 42 Milam, Barnes, jr, 57 Miller, Doris, so, 59 Miller, Dorothy, so, 43 Miller, Earl, jr, 38 Miller, Elizabeth, so, 44 Miller, Ewell, jr, 38 Miller, Lois, sr, 25 Miller, Wayne, fr, 47 Minor, Vivian, fr, 48 Moore, Amateene, sr, 25 Moore, Bessie, so, 43 Moore, Cecil, jr, 37 Moore, Jerome, 55 Moore, Nell, sr, 26 Moore, Ralph, fr, 46 Moorman, J. C., sr, 25 Morgan, Billy, fr, 47 Morris, James, jr, 63 Morrison, Tom, jr, 38 Mosse, Dorothy, sr, 26 Mosse, Winston, fr, 46 Mounts, Hattie, sr, 24 Mulliken, Ruth, fr, 48 Munley, Joe, so, 43 Murley, Sadie, fr, 46 Murphy, May, so, 43 Murphy, Tom, fr, 47 Neal, Urdine, jr, 39 Nelms, Mina Louise, sr, 24 Nelson, Dewitt, fr, 47 Nelson, Kathleen, sr, 26 Nelson, Mildred, fr, 48 Newland, Cecil, jr, 37 Newland, Glynn, fr, 47 Newland, Mildred, jr, 39 Newton, Marguerite, so, 43 Noe, Isolille, so, 41 Noe, Margaret, fr, 46 Noe, Robert, 67 Nortrip, William, jr, 63 Oliphant, Clifford, 63 Oliphant, Helen, jr, 37 Oven, Mabel, fr, 48 Pace, Cliftie, fr, 48 Palmer, Zola, jr, 38 Parrish, William, so, 42 Patton, Walter, so, 41 Payne, Jewel, fr, 47 Payne, Mary, fr, 46 Pearson, Asa, sr, 25 Pennell, Lonnie, jr, 37 Perry, Aileen, so, 41 Perry, Charles, jr, 38 Perry, Thelma, fr, 47 Petet, Clarke, sr, 27 Petet, Florence, so, 41 Phillips, Dorris, so, 44 Pickett, Clyde, fr, 47 Pipkin, Lewis, sr, 26 Porter, Lucille, so, 44 Powers, Evelyn, so, 43 Prather, Louise, fr, 46 Preston, Henry, fr, 48 Preston, Irene, so, 42 Price, Luther, sr, 26 Price, Ola, fr, 48 Prince, Opal, sr, 17 Pumphrey, Milton, fr, 48 Pumphrey, Walter, jr, 37 Purdy, Ozella, jr, 38 Ramsey, Dalton, jr, 38 Rayer, W. R., so, 41 Reddick, Cleo, jr, 38 Reed, Bruce, so, 43 Rhynes, Ollie May, jr, 36 Richards, Irene, fr, 47 Ridpath, Virginia, fr, 46 Roach, Marvin, fr, 46 Roberts, J. D., fr, 46 Rose, Alma, fr, 48 Ross, Mary Lee, jr, 39 Ruck, Marie, fr, 46 Rucker, Nannie B., fr, 48 Ryan, Marie, so, 44 Sampsell, Estelle, sr, 24 Sant, Gladys, sr, 17 Schwalbe, Elizabeth, jr, 39 Schwalbe, Reinholdt, fr, 47 Scoggins, Reba, sr, 17 Scoggins, Velpar, so, 41 Scott, Evelyn, fr, 48 Scott, J. W., jr, 55 Scott, Walker, jr, 39 Scott, Zoe, jr, 37 Scruggs, Haskell, sr, 18 Scully, Billy, so, 43 Seabaugh, Leo, fr, 49 Settle, Lee, jr, 57 Seward, Margaret, fr, 49 Sharp, Anetta, so, 44 Sharp, Melvin, fr, 46 Shaughnessy, Jack, sr, 24 Shelton, Ennis, jr, 39 Shiflett, Hubert, fr, 46 Shipley, Bessie, sr, 18 Simmons, Elizabeth, so, 44 Simmons, Ruth, so, 44 Siraguso, Ben, so, 41 Slagle, Bert, fr, 49 Slagle, Thelma, fr, 47 Sluce, Thelma, fr, 49 Smith, Carmel, fr, 67 Smith, Cecil, fr,63 Smith, Mary, fr, 46 Smith, Robert, so, 44 Sorley, Georgia, jr, 39 Spratling, Cecil, fr, 47 Sproule, Alex, fr, 47 Stalcup, Cleo, fr, 47 Stephens, Marie, so, 41 Stevens, Allene, fr, 46 Stevens, Florence, sr, 18 Stevens, Georgia, fr, 48 Stevens, Mildred, fr, 47 Stewart, Maud, jr, 38 Stewart, Zeta Mae, fr, 49 Stone, Olga, so, 41 Story, Carroll, fr, 47 Stott, Thelma, so, 44 Strom, Charles, so, 41 Sturgis, Gene, sr, 17 Sturgis, James, so, 63 Sturman, Harry, jr, 67 Suggs, Virginia, fr, 46 Summerour, Sue, fr, 46 Swearington, Ruth, jr, 38 Teas, Lola, sr, 18 Teas, Merwyn, fr, 46 Templemeyer, Melvin, so, 44 Terhune, Eva, fr, 49 Thomas, Bredette, so, 44 Thomas, Preston, 67 Thompson, Raybourne, jr, 39 Thompson, Wesley, so, 59 Thornton, Eithel, fr, 48 Thurston, Lillian, jr, 39 Tignor, Alvin, fr, 47 Tope, Newton, jr, 67 Trammell, Faye, fr, 46 Treadway, Clarence, 55 Treadway, Eloise, jr, 37 Tripp, Alvin, fr, 47 Tripp, Clyde, fr, 63 Tucker, Theda May, jr, 36 Tweedy, Thelma, so, 41 Tyler, Hester, jr, 38 Upshaw, Lucius, fr, 47 Ussery, Fred, sr, 17 Vanderlaan, Joe, fr, 47 Vanstone, John, sr, 27 Vaughn, Alfred, fr, 48 Vaughn, Lena, fr, 46 Venable, Aline, sr, 27 Vinnedge, Grace, fr, 46 Wade, Harry, fr, 49 Waggoner, Ralph, jr, 39 Waldock, Gerald, fr, 47 Wales, Melvin, so, 41 Walker, Elizabeth, fr, 48 Walker, Harry, so, 41 Walker, Lillian, fr, 48 Wallis, Birch, so, 44 Walls, Roscoe, jr, 37 Warnell, Susie, so, 43 Watson, Moss Lynn, so, 41 Weiler, Donald, fr, 46 Weiler, James, fr, 47 Welch, Cecil, fr, 46 Westbrook, Frank, fr, 47 Westbrook, John, fr, 46 Westbrook, Zella, jr, 39 Whitfield, Hazel, jr, 39 Whiting, Valora, fr, 47 Wiest, Eunice, so, 43 Wiley, Sallie, jr, 36 Wilkes, Cora Belle, so, 44 Williams, Jeanette, jr, 39 Williams, John, sr, 18 Williams, Kenneth, jr, 36 Williams, Louise, fr, 47 Williams, Tobin, so, 41 Williams, Walter, so, 43 Williford, Fred, so, 41 Wilson, Ada Lee, so, 43 Wilson, Theodore, fr, 48 Wingfield, Isaac, fr, 47 Wingo, Charles, so, 41 Wingren, Henry, 63 Woods, Elizabeth, sr, 27 Woods, Gladys, so, 42 Woods, Mamie, fr, 48 Worsham, Paul, fr, 47 Wright, Callie, fr, 46 Wright, Kermit, fr, 48 Wright, Lucille, jr, 39 Wright, Minnis, so, 41 Yetts, Verne, so, 42 Yontz, Edna, fr, 48 Young, Ray, so, 43 York, Marcella, fr, 47 Zachery, Edith, jr, 38 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 15.0 Kb