Harrison Co. TX - William Grimes Papers ¤¤¤¤¤¤ Bigbee, Ala. January 12, 1891 Mr. W. J. Grimes, Dear Brother, I received a letter from you or three days before Christmas. It was very unexpected, I was very much surprised in getting a letter from you. I would have written sooner but I have had so much company ever since Christmas Day that I have not had a chance to write until now. Mr. Wainwright has been with us for the last two weeks, he is beginning to look very old. He is the same old Tom that he used to be, he talks all of the time. You want me to write something about everybody. A great many you used to know are dead. Some of the old people you left are still living. Old Mrs. Jack Smith is still living and in tolerable good health. She asks me about you all every time she sees me. She is getting very old and childish. Old Miss Granade is still living. I must tell you about my own. I have eight children. My two oldest ones, Clara and Alph Parks are both married. Clara has four children, Alph has five, I have two boys and four girls by Mr. Bo swell, Jemmie, Benton, Loula, Carrie, Pink and Hattie. Loula my oldest girl is married and has one little one (a boy). Jemmie our oldest left us last Thursday. He has gone to Mobile to try and get in business there. I don't know how long he will stay from us. He is in his twenty-third year. He is a sober steady young man. Every one thinks a great deal of him. Benton is twenty, he and the girls are going to school. I stay by myself nearly all of the time, Wllliam, I have become so deaf I can scarcely bear anything unless it is close to me. My health is good in every other respect. I have not been sick to take a dose of medicine in fourteen years. Mr. Boswell's health is not very good. He is always complaining. He has a very salor and thick look, complains a great deal of headaches. What has be- come of Florence, you did not say anything about her, is she married or not? Sister Anna's husband has been to see us, the first time I ever saw him. I was very much pleased with him, they are in Mobile now. Walter said all of our relatives were well. Anna is coming to see me in the summer. William, I would be so glad to see all of my relations once more. You said if you could leave your baby, you would come to see us, bring her with you. Mrs. Rain is living at her old place. Two of her children are with her. Give my love to all of your children and tell them to write to me. Also to Florence and tell her to write to me. You must write to me and write soon, Your devoted sister, Laura * S-I-L of Wm S. Grimes. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Timmons ___________________________________________________________________