Hays Co., TX - 1922 Pedagog, Yearbook of Southwest Texas Normal College, San Marcos, Texas ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ***************************************************** 1922 Pedagog, Yearbook of Southwest Texas Normal College, San Marcos, Texas The following students and faculty from Southwest Texas Normal College in San Marcos, Texas are pictured in the 1922 Pedagog. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman), hometown and yearbook page. For additional information from this annual you are welcome to contact: don.brownlee@csun.edu Abney, Lucy Sue, so, San Marcos, 48 Alexander, June, fr, Bellville OH, 59 Alexander, L. K., fr, Bellville OH, 59 Allenson, F. W., fr, El Campo, 59 Anderson, Mary, fr, Bloomington, 59 Armstrong, C. L., fr, Flint, 59 Armstrong, Eleanora, fr, Weimar, 59 Atkison, H. E., fr, Premont, 59 Atmar, C. L., so, San Marcos, 49 Austin, Clara, fr, 67 Austin, Mary Haile, so, San Antonio, 48 Avey, William, fr, San Marcos, 67 Bachle, Hugo, fac, 24 Bachle, Mrs. Hugo, jr, San Marcos, 39 Baines, Ben, jr, Fort Worth, 39 Barnes, Lucile, fr, Coleman, 59 Barrow, E. L., so, Poteet, 48 Basham, Floy, fr, King, 59 Bates, Mabel, fr, San Antonio, 59 Behrns, Abbie Cecil, sr, Polson MT, 30 Berry, Gertrude, sr, San Marcos, 27 Bird, Arthur, fr, Stockdale, 59 Birdwell, A. W., fac, 5 Black, Bessie, fr, Knowles NM, 59 Bledsoe, J. R., fr, Hamlin, 59 Boggus, Waymen, fr, San Marcos, 67 Bond, Esta Mae, fr, San Marcos, 59 Bose, Emmie, so, Wetmore, 48 Boyd, Mattie Lee, fac, 165 Braesche, Corinne, fr, Burton, 59 Bragg, Rosalie, so, San Marcos, 48 Branum, Ola, fr, San Marcos, 60 Briesemeister, A. J., jr, Ottine, 39 Brite, Ben L., fr, Leming, 60 Brown, J. S., fac, 21 Brown, Malinda, so, San Antonio, 49 Brown, Saphrona, so, Kempner, 48 Bruce, Irma, fac, 165 Bryan, Ivy Jewel, so, Temple, 49 Bryant, Elma, fr, Runge, 60 Burkett, Florence, so, San Antonio, 49 Burkholder, A. C., fac, 19 Burleson, Lucy, fac, 22 Burnett, Bessie, so, San Antonio, 48 Burrow, Lois, fr, San Marcos, 67 Calk, Bessie, so, Kyle, 49 Carpenter, Aline, fr, Denton, 67 Carter, E. L., fr, Kingsbury, 60 Cavness, Grace, sr, San Marcos, 27 Chaddick, Hoy, jr, Newton, 45 Christianson, Helen M., fac, 20 Cobb, Blanch, fr, Ferris, 60 Cochran, Beulah, fr, Eden, 60 Cole, Bill, fr, Robert Lee, 60 Cooper, Jo, fr, Turnersville, 67 Coovert, Gladys, fr, San Marcos, 60 Cox, Bertram, fr, Holland, 60 Cox, William, fr, Holland, 60 Curry, Jeffie Lee, fr, Miles, 60 Dahl, Esther, fr, El Campo, 60 Dale, Janie, so, San Marcos, 49 Danchak, Edward, so, Rosenburg, 49 Davidson, Mary, fr, Moore, 60 Davis, W. C., so, La Pryor, 49 Dement, Harold, fr, Burton, 60 Devinney, Marvin L., sr, San Marcos, 36 Dickens, Jessie, fr, Woodville, 60 Dickey, Doris, fr, Alice, 61 Dinter, Erna, so, Cuero, 48 Dobbins, John H., sr, San Marcos, 31 Donalson, Frances, fr, Kyle, 61 Doornhos, Christine, fr, Nederland, 61 Draper, Grace, so, Lohn, 52 Dromgoole, Ruby, fr, Runge, 61 Eargle, Willie, so, Lampkin, 52 Egg, Werner, fr, Meyersville, 61 Ellis, Margaret, so, Reedville, 52 Ellis, Martha, fr, Reedville, 61 Evans, Bernice, sr, San Marcos, 28 Evans, C. E., fac, 8 Evans, Johnnie Mae, so, Yorktown, 50 Falls, Elizabeth, fac, 19 Faulk, Nina, fr, Corpus Christi, 61 Ferguson, C. E., fac, 16 Ferguson, Carrie, fr, Groesbeck, 68 Finfrock, Mildred M., fr, Houston, 61 Fitzgerald, Buckner, fr, San Marcos, 61 Flake, Elizabeth, sr, San Marcos, 28 Flemming, Etta, so, San Marcos, 50 Foster, Hope, fr, San Marcos, 68 Foster, Mary, fr, Sabinal, 61 Foy, Polly, so, San Marcos, 56 Franklin, Mrs. J. E., sr, San Marcos, 29 Freeman, Louis, fr, Ireland, 61 Freeman, Vivian Mae, fr, Ireland, 61 Gailey, Margaret, fr, Ennis, 61 Galbraith, Deborah, fac, 174 Garner, Gertrude, fr, San Marcos, 61 Garrett, Tempy, fr, Wharton, 67 Gause, Alma, so, San Benito, 56 George, Dudley, fr, Blooming Grove, 61 Gerber, Marie, fr, San Angelo, 62 Gibbens, Louise, fr, Knippa, 62 Giessel, Lydia, so, Carmine, 50 Gillis, Velma, fr, Fentress, 62 Goodman, Elizabeth, fac, 174 Goodnight, Homer, fr, Holland, 62 Graddy, Mazine, sr, San Marcos, 39 Grant, Ellis, fr, 62 Haden, Madian, fr, Timpson, 62 Halbrook, Mamie Sue, fr, Gatesville, 62 Hall, Mabell, jr, Bryan 40 Hanson, Beatrice, so, Brazoria, 50 Harris, Fay, jr, Hamlin, 40 Harris, Feby, fr, Timpson, 62 Harris, Sudie, fr, Timpson, 62 Harry, Bertram, fac, 19 Hassell, Lenora, so, San Antonio, 52 Haydon, Glyndon, fr, Holland, 62 Haygood, Alberta, fr, San Marcos, 62 Haynes, Sallie, jr, San Marcos, 41 Hearne, Irene, fac, 21 Heller, Clara, fr, Mission Valley, 62 Henderson, Buford, so, Hondo, 50 Henderson, Ruby, sr, San Marcos, 30 Henley, Eunice, so, Troup, 50 Hensley, Winnie, fr, Caldwell, 68 Hightower, F. D., jr, San Marcos, 40 Hightower, Janie, jr, San Marcos, 40 Hildreth, A. D., jr, San Antonio, 41 Hill, Mary, so, Tyler, 50 Hines, Lula, fac, 21 Hobrecht, Zelma, fr, Elmendorf, 62 Hopson, Janie, sr, San Marcos, 29 Horton, Felton, so, Kilgore, 50 Howell, Allie Pearl, so, San Marcos, 51 Howell, Ella, so, Waco, 51 Hutton, Cornelia, fac, 22 Ingenhuett, A. H., fac, 23 Ingram, Sibyl Joy, so, San Marcos, 51 Ivey, Alfred J., jr, San Marcos, 41 Jackson, Inez, so, San Marcos, 51 Jackson, Oleta, fr, Cameron, 62 Johnson, Francis, fr, Taylor, 62 Johnson, Lillian Holms, fac, 20 Johnson, Ruth, fr, Texas City, 63 Jones, J. C., so, San Marcos, 56 Jones, Lessye, fr, Sherwood, 63 Jones, Sallie Ross, fr, San Marcos, 63 Kaderli, Fred, fr, Stanton, 63 Kaderli, Turner, fr, Stanton, 63 Karnes, Nicola, so, San Marcos, 51 Keese, Blanch, fr, Jefferson, 68 Kellam, Claude, jr, San Marcos, 45 Kennard, Emma Beth, fr, San Marcos, 63 Kerby, Carroll, fr, San Marcos, 63 Knippa, Rosa, fr, Knippa, 63 Koch, Clara, so, Flatonia, 51 Krause, Albert E., so, Burton, 51 Lawless, Annie, fr, Kurten, 63 Lazenby, Georgia, fac, 165 Lisso, Ada, fr, Rowena, 63 Looser, Vennie Warren, so, Killeen, 51 Lowman, Berta, fac, 165 Lowman, Terry, fr, Staples, 63 Lunday, Emma A., fr, San Marcos, 63 Lunday, Marion, so, San Marcos, 52 Lunday, R. E., fr, San Marcos, 63 Lusk, Mrs. L. L., fac, 24 Lusk, Marie, fr, San Marcos, 63 MacGaughy, Non Douglas, jr, San Marcos, 42 Mahon, Ella, so, Fort Worth, 53 Marcus, Lula Mae, so, Bertram, 52 May, Brown, so, Stockdale, 53 McClennan, Gussie, fr, Overton, 63 McCormick, Edna, fac, 165 McDaniel, Alta, fr, Yellowpine, 64 McDavid, Elva, jr, Overton, 41 McElroy, Madie B., so, Eldorado, 53 McGee, Agnes Mae, so, San Marcos, 52 Medlen, Orene, fr, Lockhart, 64 Meiners, Ruby, so, Moulton, 53 Menefee, Henry E., fr, Moulton, 64 Mercer, Mattie, fr, Fentress, 68 Milam, Paul, jr, San Marcos, 42 Moore, Emma Edwin, fac, 165 Moore, Nancy, fr, San Marcos, 64 Morrow, Davida, jr, Wellington, 42 Morrow, Norma, jr, Wellington, 43 Moye, Beatrice, fr, Donna, 64 Mueller, Lola Pearl, fr, Caldwell, 64 Murray, Imogene, fr, Lyons, 64 Nelson, Virda, fr, Harlingen, 64 Nicola, Joe, fr, San Marcos, 64 Nix, Gertrude, so, San Marcos, 53 Norwood, Jessie, fr, San Marcos, 64 Owens, Laura, sr, Sabinal, 32 Pace, Pauline, fr, Nixon, 64 Palmerton, Leighton, fr, Lockney, 64 Payne, Johnnie, fac, 174 Peach, Louise, so, El Paso, 52 Perry, Roland, fr, San Marcos, 68 Phillips, Jerry, so, Iredell, 53 Pickens, Hodge, so, San Marcos, 53 Piwonka, Rosa, fr, Caldwell, 64 Plimsoll, Irene, fr, Yoakum, 64 Pochman, Henry, jr, San Marcos, 42 Ralson, H. E., jr, Rusk, 43 Ramsay, Clara, sr, San Marcos, 31 Ramsey, Charles, so, San Marcos, 56 Rathbone, Lucy, fac, 20 Rathbun, Donaldson, fr, San Marcos, 64 Reardon, Mildred, so, San Marcos, 54 Remy, Lynda, jr, San Marcos, 44 Renick, Fred, fr, Willow City, 65 Rheiner, Gladys, fr, San Antonio, 65 Rice, Emmet, fr, Prairie Lea, 65 Richards, Helen, so, Kilgore, 54 Rogers, Grace, fr, San Marcos, 65 Rosenberg, Olie, fr, Bellville, 65 Rowe, Thelma, fr, Austin, 65 Salazar, Olivia, fr, Alice, 65 Sauer, Elsie, so, Brackettville, 54 Saunders, Robert, jr, San Marcos, 45 Savage, Ethel, fr, Florence, 65 Schilling, Ida, fr, Lincoln, 65 Schweke, Isabel, so, 53 Scott, Daisy, jr, San Marcos, 43 Sewell, S. M., fac, 21 Sheffield, Bernice Fay, fr, Newton, 65 Shelton, Emmett, fr, Austin, 68 Shepherd, Carrie, so, San Marcos, 55 Shepherd, Ernest, so, San Marcos, 55 Shoemaker, Mary, fr, Voss, 65 Simank, Lorena, so, Brenham, 55 Smith, C. S., fac, 19 Smith, Dan F., jr, San Marcos, 43 Smith, Edwin, fr, San Marcos, 68 Smith, Marian, fr, Rio Vista, 65 Steeley, Alma, so, Austin, 54 Stephens, Willye, so, Waelder, 54 Stevens, Lucile, fr, El Paso, 65 Straham, O. W., fac, 24 Stroman, Oscar C., sr, San Marcos, 32 Stuermer, Lillian, so, Ledbetter, 55 Summers, Wylie, fr, San Marcos, 68 Sutherland, J. W., so, Texas City, 55 Swenson, Thyra, fr, Taylor, 65 Swift, Earle, jr, San Marcos, 44 Tanner, E. O., fac, 23 Tansil, Blanch, fac, 165 Taylor, Julia, fr, San Marcos, 65 Taylor, Lois, fr, Austin, 66 Taylor, Mary Edith, fr, San Marcos, 66 Taylor, Sue, sr, San Marcos, 33 Thalmann, Winifred, so, Bandera, 54 Thomas, Bertram, so, San Marcos, 54 Thomas, Gates, fac, 20 Thomas, Louise, jr, San Marcos, 44 Thorp, Florence, fr, Turnersville, 66 Tidwell, B. A., fr, Whitney, 66 Tope, Elva, fr, Harlingen, 66 Traylor, Ola Lee, fr, San Marcos, 66 Trevino, Eudelia, fr, San Antonio, 66 Underwood, R., so, Rule, 54 Vest, Josephine, fr, San Marcos, 66 Vest, Maney, fr, Bay City, 66 Walker, Carl, sr, Dripping Springs, 33 Walker, D. L., fr, Texas City, 66 Walters, Lenora, sr, San Marcos, 34 Ward, Eula, jr, San Marcos, 44 Warren, Mollie, fr, Killeen, 66 Watkins, Arie, fr, San Antonio, 66 Watkins, Willodene, so, San Marcos, 55 Watts, Maude, fr, Laneville, 66 Watts, Nina, fr, Laneville, 66 Weir, Alfred M., so, Eddy, 55 White, Louis, fr, Pharr, 66 Whitener, Aaron, fr, Burton, 67 Whitis, Lena Mae, so, Kempner, 55 Wier, Raymond, so, Miguel, 56 Wiese, Susie, fac, 165 Willbern, Drucilla, fr, Runge, 67 Williams, Bonnie C., sr, San Marcos, 34 Williams, Dare, so, San Marcos, 56 Willingham, Kate, fr, Alice, 67 Womack, Luna, fr, Edna, 67 Woodson, Anna, sr, San Marcos, 35 Woodson, Martha, fr, San Marcos, 67 Woodson, W. I., fac, 16 Woodson, Mrs. W. I., fac, 16 Workman, Beatrice, fr, San Marcos, 67 Wray, T. G., so, San Marcos, 56 Wright, Edith, fr, Luling, 67 Young, Haskell S., sr, San Marcos, 35 Young, Lulu B., so, Estelline, 56 Young, Robbie, fr, Tenaha, 67