The Athenian (Newspaper) Dec. 12, 1884, Henderson County Texas Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bunny Freeman © copyright 2002 Bunny Freeman ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ********************************************************************** The Athenian Newspaper Athens, Henderson County Texas Volume 2 Number 2 Friday, December 12, 1884 Our Agents: J. H. Lutruck, Brownsboro. J. T. La Rue, Murchison. F. M. Duncan, Chandler. J. W. Evans, Malakoff. H. C. Turner, Fincastle. L. Q. C. Askew, Athens. J. O. Hunt, New York. J. L. Murphey. All of the above persons are our duly authorized agent at their respective communities who will receive and receipt of subscriptions. LOCAL GLEANINGS. Jo. Mac sells at 5 cents a drink. Overcoats at cost at Wofford & Son. Who will procure the Christmas tree? Heating stoves at Osborne & Coleman's Go to M. D. Lammons for choice family groceries. Guns and ammunition at Osborne & Coleman's. When you go to Tyler, visit Starley & Park, the stationers. O. & C. make a specialty of smooth and barb fencing wire. Drinks according to the times at Jo. A. McDonald's east side Square. Everything in the family grocery like at rockbed prices at Lammons. J. V. Thornton is no longer a "baching" but he sells Old Forrester Burbon all the same. Messrs. J. A. Johnston and C. L. Coyner returned from a business trip last Thursday. M. D. Lammons has the thanks of the local editor for one of those fine cocoa nuts he has on sale. Do you know you can get the best brands of whiskies at Jo. McDonald's for 5 cents a drink. Nick Matthews returned from Eden, Van Zandt county one day last week where he had been on business. Silks, satins, velvet, delaines, ginhems and ladies dress goods at Murchison & Coleman, the old reliables. DON'T READ THIS 188 proof alcohol at Jo. A. McDonalds $1 a quart. Less quantity in proportion. School books, blank books, poetical and historical works and other choice literature at Starley & Park's, Tyler. Our old friend Mr. J. W. Webster, who has been spending the last two weeks in Wills Point, returned last Tuesday. Times are hard and money scarce but M. D. Lammons will sells you groceries so cheap that you will not discern it. Go and see him. Cleveland is all o.k. and so is J. V. Thornton, who will sell you the best of liquors by the drink, pint, quart, or gallon, and don't you forget it. Percy Larkin, who has been sick for the past four or five weeks, is again able to be at his post of duty in Larkin & Matthews' drug store. We are glad to see him. The Boss Groceryman, M. D. Lammons, is the man to buy groceries of. Pictures, frames, albums, violin and guitar strings go to Starley & Park. M. D. Lammons, Hughbert Jones, J. M. Averett and T. H. Powell took in Cal Wagner's minstrels at Tyler on the 10th inst. They returned next day well pleased with their trip. Murchison & Coleman, will buy your cotton at a fair price and sell you groceries and dry goods as living rates. For all kinds of dry goods, groceries, hardware, or cutlery go to Murchison & Coleman, who will supply you as cheap as the cheapest. Mr. Robert Holloway, the pottery man, informed us that the local option election in Chandler and Brownsboro was decided in favor of prohibition by a majority of thirty-three at the first place and four at the latter. Mr. Holloway says that he learned some parties talk of contesting the election at Chandler. We understand that some of the friends of prohibition has been investigating the subject, and the lawyers tell them that there is no chance for the court to throw out the box. It is to be hoped the election will hold good, fer we know prohibition to be beneficial, as we have seen it tried. For pianos, organs and all kinds of musical instuments, and music books or sheet music, call on Starley & Park, Tyler, Texas, next door Wiley & Cox. A full line of saddles, bridles and other necessaries for horseback riding Paggitt Bros. celebrated saddles constantly in stock at Wofford & Son. At last accounts it was undecided which one of the men who obtained license to marry the same woman one day this week came out victorious. If it were us we would prefer to be the one that was left, and therefore we offer him our congratulations, and hope that he may do better next time. There is on better recommendation than to sell what you propose, and Wofford & Son will do that most assuredly, and don't you forget it. Provisions, hardware, dry goods, boots, shoes, and select saddlery. All persons settling with me by the 10th of December, will receive a liberal discount. My books will be found at Scott Bros., and they will give receipt for me. Dr. C. R. Johnson, Athens, Texas, Nov. 13, 1884. We felt sorry for our friend Bob Holloway on account of his sad mishap at Chandler. He left Tyler, where he had been on business, and stopped off to wet his whistle, but found the saloons closed, as the local option election was in progress. He soon saw that it was n. g. for a "smile," and boarded the "keers" on the narrow gauge, but being fearful thirsty got off at Brownsboro. Here the same obstacle met him-the doors were closed against him as the election was going on there also. The fact is, he only sold twelve jugs at those two places. Genuine goods just from the manufactories of the east at C. T. Scott & Co's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps, and winter clothing a specialty. Groceries fresh and pure; hardware of different varieties; cutlery of the finest and best. Ladies dress goods and trimmings of the finest texture and fabric. If our readers will but scan the advertising columus they will find M. D. Lammons' business card, announcing to the public his line of groceries, all of which he offers at such reasonable rates that the customers will be compelled to buy who visit him. A trial will convince you. The ladies gave a social at J. H. Jarell's old stand on Friday night last for the benefit of the Methodist church. Those who were present report that they had a splendid time. This social should have been better attended as it was for a laudable purpose and all efforts made by the ladies for the benefit of the church should receive the hearty support of the gentlemen, especially when they get value received like last Friday night for the ladies act an excellent supper and invited all to partake. The younger people enjoyed themselves till a late hour, when all went home well pleased with their evening's entertainment. During the evening the ladies took up a collection which amounted to some $6 or $8. we did not attend for the best of reasons. A moneyless man is like unto a notch on a stick, useless at such gatherings, and being without money, we stayed away. Messrs. Starley & Park will have the largest and finest stock of holiday goods, in good time for purchasers, to be found in East Texas. These gentlemen are increasing their business with astonishing rapidity, and are worthy of the immense trade they are attracting.. Now if you want the latest novelties, at a reasonable price, go there and get them. Tyler, Texas DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Murchison, Coleman & Jones, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those owing said firm are requested to call and make settlement with either Mr. J. A. Jones or ourselves. This, 1st of December, 1884. MURCHISON, & COLEMAN, J. A. JONES, Athens, Texas. SPECIAL NOTICE Persons indebted to us are respectfully and EARNESTLY requested to come and settle their accounts. We are greatly in need of money; and, as many of those owing us are personally unknown by us, it will be no little trouble to hunt them up, which we must do if they do not voluntarily come and settle. Come, Gentlemen. DRS. THOMS. M. MATTHEWS & SON. Athens, Texas, Oct. 30, 1884 BENEFIT SUPPER! Thursday Night. December 26, 1884. The Ladies of Athens will give a Supper on the night of December 26, 1884, proceeds to repairing of the GRAVE YARD. Mrs. Emma Carroll, Mrs. Kate Richardson, Mrs. Anna Collins - Committee DISSOLUTION NOTICE. We. D. G. Griffith and Ed. Parker, known under the firm name as Griffith & Parker, have this day by mutual consent dissolved the heretofore existing partnership D. G. Griffith withdrawing and Ed. Parker taking control. Ed. Parker assumes all liabilities of the late firm and collects all dues. D. G. Griffith, Ed. Parker. Athens, Texas, November 17, 1884. The livery business will be conducted at the old stand. Thanking the public for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Horses or teams furnished on application. Stock feed and cared for at reasonable rates. Ed. Parker. CHILD LOST One bay horse, 12 years old, about 15 hands high, branded on shoulder thus: W F R some of the letters may be connected. Left me about the beginning of our last district court. An information of him thankfully received. M. E. Richardson Athens, Texas, Dec. 4, 1884 OBITUARY Died- After a lingering illness of several months, THE ATHENIAN. Born Oct. 4, 1883. Died Dec. 12, 1884. Aged one year two months and fourteen days. THE ATHENIAN was weekly from the beginning, and some of the wise ones knew beforehand that its existence was only transitory, and are consequently not surprised, and we might say, not very much grieved at the death of their young friend. While there are others who have the interest of the county at heart who will learn of the death of their young but welcome guest with much sorrow, for they tell us that THE ATHENIAN was always bright, telling them of the happenings throughout the country, imparting to them just such information as they were anxious to hear. Occasionally the little weekly thing would indulge in a joke, thereby making enemies, but we don't think that their enmity went so far as to try to injure its existence further than to refuse to give it their support. Yet with others these little jokes were listened to with pleasure. The report got out that THE ATHENIAN would die about the first of October, and a great many who had seen its advent into existence with unfeigned pleasure stood aloof and would not come to its assistance, saying that as it had been given up to die it would surely terminate its career about that time. A few of them saw that it was still holding on to life with tenacity, and came to its aid and gave it a little nourishment; but the great majority stood bank and said: If THE ATHENIAN dies I will lose nothing; if it lives, then I will assist it. But now it is past assistance, unless some public-spirited party performs a miracle and restores it to life. But the days of miracles are past, and THE ATHENIAN, we are sorry to say, has passed away without the hope of a resurrection. Though it does not believe in the resurrection, may we hope that it will be resurrected in the near future to a brighter and better existence, as the poet says: "This lovely bud, so young, so fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower In Athens would bloom." A MOURNER. WILLOW SPRINGS December 6, 1884 To the Athenian: One of our enterprising farmers, Mr. John Jackson, took a flying trip to Tyler last Monday, back home the next day, and to Corsicana Wednesday. We did not learn on what business, but some of the boys say John is wanting to marry, and went to Tyler and Corsicana to see if he could hear anything of his girl. Never mind, Johnny, don't cry. Dear Editors, we are sorry to learn that you have become dissatisfied with the printing business and or going to sell out. We would like to have you remain with us and continue your paper. It is decidedly the best paper ever published in the county, and we would sadly regret to see this paper discontinued or retrogade in any way. It is a good paper, and we want to keep it so, or improve it. And citizens, how shall we do this? Lend a liberal patronage. Let it not be said of the citizens of Henderson county that they will not support a county paper, one that has worked for the good of the people and the progress of the county generally. Let it not be said that we discontinue our patronage just because we see a sistep in the editors. We should not expect any one to be perfect. The lairs of error belong to the human race. Success to THE ATHENIAN. FARMER. MILL RUN Prof. Watley and lady of Malakoff, accompanied by Miss Ima Yates, visited the family of Mr. J. M. Bazer last Sunday. Mr. Will Henry has gone to Malakoff to attend Prof. Watley's school. Prof. George McElheney, who is teaching at Macedonia, paid a visit to his many friends in this section last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lum Thomas has been very sick for several days, but is now convalescent. Mr. Amos Novell is suffering with severe cold, chills and fever. A social was given at the residence of Mr. William Holloway last Friday night, at which the young people spent several pleasant hours together. ROVER. SOME ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE ATHENIAN C. T. Scott & Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Valises, and Trunks, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery. M. D. Lammons, staple and Fancy groceries, North side of public square, Athens, Texas Murchison & Coleman, Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and Hardware. Osborne & Coleman - Hardware stoves fence wire, crockery, etc. Scott Bros. Masonic building West Side Square- General Merchandise. Wofford & Son - Dry Goods, groceries, hardware, saddlery. LEGAL CARDS: Attorney at Law John S. Jones Office up stairs on the North West corner of the Public Square. M. H. Gossett W. L Faulk J. J. Faulk - Faulk & Faulk C. L. Coyner Attorney at Law and Land Agent - Office- N. E. Room at the courthouse Manion, Adams and Watkins - G. D. Manion - Kaufman, A. B. Watkins - Athens, Z. T. Adams - Kaufman. MEDICAL CARDS: Dr. E.C. Rothrock Physician & Surgeon Science Hill, Henderson Co. Dr. A. L. Goodwin, Eclectic Physician, Ennis Texas Transcribed May 27 2002 by Bunny Freeman